Chapter 6: New friend...

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I looked around her room. White walls, light wooden floor, bed with white sheets and shimmery gold covers on top, white wooden dresser, and a One Direction poster plastered above her bed. Something so....childish looked weird to be in such a grown-up room. "WOW!" was all I could say. "I thought you would like it." she said. I decided that I could trust her. I might regret telling her such deep secrets but, who cares anyway? "Fine, I'll tell you." I said. She smiled and winked. "I live in a trailer house and I've lived there all my life. When I started first grade my dad died. I lived with my mother for 4 years until she walked out on me." I said biting my tongue. "A few weeks later I went into the woods looking for her. She was sitting in the woods and when she saw me her face was red with anger." I added. "I asked why she was angry and she threw a big rock at me that was sharp and it cut me really deep." I said. I reached for my pants leg and pulled it up. Under the denim fabric was a bad scar. "She yelled at me saying it was all my fault he died." I began again. "Did you?" she asked. "No, I secretly told him to stay away from her but, he wouldn't listen." I said getting teary. Talking about this is making me cry. But I keep going. "He kept denying her being abusive." I said sobbing. "One day she got so mad at him that she lost it and stabbed him out of anger." I finished. "What happened to her?" Jasmine asked. Telling this part would make me lose it but, on the other hand it felt good. Being silent and quiet about my past was tough on me. Now I have a new friend. "She was angry at me for no reason no, correction she was livid at me for no reason. She was trying to beat me up. She gave me one good punch that knocked me out then, everything was blurry. She was filled with rage and kept screaming and kicking everything. I was crawling down the hall and I reached my room. I was crying and sobbing when I picked up the phone. My hands were shaking and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I dropped the phone and tried to pick it up. I dialed 911 then I told them I needed help, that my mother was trying to hurt me." I answered crying. Yes, all of this happened. I was finally telling the truth. "The police came knocking at the door asking what happened then I heard my mom screaming "SHE'S FINE!! KAYLA, YOU BRAT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" I ran down the hall carrying my teddy bear. I saw my mom trying to fight the police officers off. "YOU ARE DEAD TO ME! I HATE YOU!" was the last thing she screamed before the door slammed shut. My entire world was shaking. I couldn't walk,talk, or move. I sat silently in the corner of my room holding my teddy bear. I think I was sitting like that for 4 weeks. I looked silent on the inside but, I was playing back what happened over and over until I couldn't take it anymore on the inside. The phone rang a lot. But I ignored it. I was just sitting there screaming and playing back memories in my head." I said. Now I lost it. I was crying, covering my face, and staring into my hands. "I'm so sorry, I'm always going to be here for you." Jasmine said kindly. Wow. Who else would stay by my side after hearing my story? This is my true friend...

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