Chapter 1: Thoughts

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      This is my first fanfiction so i hope you like it. After I read The House Of Hades, this just popped inot my head and I decided to write it.

      Disclaimer: I do not own PJO. If I did I would've made Percy and Nico hook up at the end of HOH.

      Reviews are welcome. No flames please. Flames will be used to make s'mores.

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      I was walking along the shore of Long Island, breathing in the calming, salty air. I always came here to think when I was worried, and right now even a hydra attacking the camp wouldn't compare to the worry and anxiety I currently felt.

      It's been three months since Nico disappeared from camp. The day after we started going out, Nico seemed to vanish into thin air. No way to communicate with him since no demigod carried around a cell phone. No way to find him.

      I had two theories as to why Nico ran away, A) Nico felt like he did not belong being a son of Hades, so he went to the Underworld with his father, and B) Nico had a thing for Annabeth so he was jealous of seeing us together.

      I paused my walking when I came to the edge of the wood surrounding Camp Half-Blood. Nico loved to go in there to play capture the flag. I stared intently into the shadows. In the dead of night, the shadows and darkness of the woods seemed even more unnerving. I sighed. Shadows. Nico reminded me of shadows. Especially since he learned how to shadow travel. That's probably how he managed to disappear without a trace.

      A soft hoot broke the silence of the night. I looked up and saw a small horned owl staring at me with its wide yellow eyes. It gave another hoot before flying away, giving me the perfect view of the moon.

      The moon was full tonight. It was big and round and white. I loved full moons. They always seemed to give a little more light to things no matter what the situation. I got lost in thought, not realizing that someone was coming up behind me. I heard a soft rustle, but I shrugged it off as the wind blowing through a bush. I only came out of my hypnotized state when a soft voice murmured my name.


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