Chapter 6: Accidental Kiss

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      The rest of the day flew by in a blur. Before I knew it, it was time to climb the lava wall. Nico and I were making our way down there when suddenly...

      "Campers, today you will not be forced to come to watch the competition on the climbing wall. If you don't, you can have this as free time to practice whatever you want. That is all, " Chiron's voice boomed over some speakers we had around camp.

      I grinned at Nico. "Ya wanna go practice sword fighting?" I asked him.

      Nico merely shrugged. We made our way down to the arena. As soon as I entered the arena, my hell-hound, Mrs. O'Leary, bounded on top if me and licked all over my face.

      I stay dry in water, but apparently doggy slobber wasn't included so I got a pretty good bath.

      "Down, girl. Can't... breathe!" I gasped as Mrs. O'Leary got off of me.

      Nico giggled under his breath, "Hi Mrs. O'Leary," he went over to pet the hound.

      She replied with an affectionate bark and a friendly lick.

      Nico wiped slobber off his face. He then reached into a shadow and pulled out his Stygian Iron sword from out of nowhere. I quickly took out Riptide and uncapped it, smirking. Nico gave me a smirk of his own and the fight commenced.

      Nico slashed, cut, and arched his sword in all different directions, me doing the same. We both were able to dodge each other's strikes easily. I have never someone as evenly matched as me since Luke.

      I shook my head slightly, clearing my thoughts. I glanced at Nico and saw he was out of breath and had his guard down. I smirked taking the opportunity to stab at Nico's side.

      He saw me out of the corner of his eye and gave a little yelp. His surprise made a little shadow at my feet grab me and tripped me. I dropped Riptide as I fell.... right on top of Nico.

      I heard the breath leave his body as we landed. I tried to take most of the impact with my arms, but they bent causing my lips to meet with Nico's lightly.

      He squeaked. He put his hand on my chest, I believe trying to push me away. I felt a jolt of electricity go through my body and down my spine. It didn't hurt, it felt.... good. Horrified by my thinking that, I got off of Nico and stood up, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. I offered Nico a hand and pulled him up beside me.

      "S-sorry 'bout that," I stuttered. I looked at his tomato red face before I looked down at the floor. My eyes widened at the sight of a small buldge formed in the front of my pants.

      I looked at Nico, blushing furiously. He was dusting himself off, breathing ragged. I tried to calm my own breathing as I picked up Riptide from where it fell. I stood up straight again once I was sure my body had... er calmed down. Nico was staring at me, waiting.

      "We uh should get back to our cabins. It.. it's getting late," I muttered. He nodded his head in agreement and walked side by side with me down to my cabin. The whole way there, I only had one thought

      What in Hades name is this kid doing to me?

      —*    *    *    *    *    *    *—

      AN: This ended up shorter than I intended. Oh well... stay tuned for the next chapter.

Oh. My. Gods. (Percico Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora