Chapter 10: Going To Chiron

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My heart shattered as I entered my room. There laid Nico, paler than I had ever seen him, motionless. The wound on his side was no longer bleeding, but we can not be certain how far the poison travelled. For all we know, it could have reached his heart already.
I shook at the thought. What would I do if Nico was de-
No. I can't think like that. Nico needs me now more than ever. Careful not to hurt him in any way, I scooped him up bridal style. He was completely limp against me which scared the hell out of me. Please be okay Nico.
I ran past Paul, who had Annabeth tied up, in the hall. (AN: ewwwww that rhymed >:P) Using my elbows, I somehow got the front door open and ran out to the car.
My mother was already there waiting for me. I climbed into the back seat and Sally immediately started up the car. I was going to tell her not to get frantic, that it could harm the baby, but all I could think about was Nico.
I cradled said boy close to my chest, whispering in his ear, "It's okay baby, you're okay. I won't let anything happen to you. Just hold on my strong, brave Shadow Prince."
I looked up to the heavens and prayed to every god I could think of. Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, but especially Hades. I kept muttering, 'Please Lord Hades, don't take him from me. Not yet, not now'
As I finished my prayer, my mother floored the gas pedal, making us go even faster then we were. I swear to the gods that if a cop stops us now, I will pull Riptide out and slice his head off.
Luckily, no one tried to stop us. We were making good time. About twenty minutes away from Camp Half-Blood. Just as I was feeling hopeful, a harpy came out of nowhere.
It screeched horridly before it launched itself in to passenger side. The car jolted off the road and skidded to a dangerous stop.
Sally groaned in the driver's seat. "Go Percy. Just get him to Chiron. I'll hold that thing off."
I knew I couldn't leave my mother, but I could tell Nico was fading by the second. I looked between Nico and Mom. I couldn't leave one or the other. Before I could come to a complete decision, the harpy pulled me out of the car.
I could vaguely hear my mother scream behind me, but the flapping of the harpy's wings drowned out everything else. I was enraged. This thing is making me this much farther from saving Nico. I reached into my pocket and pulled out Riptide, uncapping it. The harpy hissed as the blade scraped its wing. I swung at it's talons and the creature dropped me.
As I was falling toward the ground, golden dust began to fall around me. I ha to have been at least fifteen feet up in the air and I was approaching the ground fast. I began thinking of everything. If I don't survive, how will I get Nico to safety? What if I do survive but Nico doesn't? All these questions swirled in my head as I fell onto the ground.
There was a high-pitched ringing in my ears. The edge of my vision grew darker and darker. I had the sensation of flying as a figure picked me up and began to carry me to the car. I began to lose consciousness. The inside of the car was the last thing I saw before the world became black.
_* * * * * * * * * * * * * *_
I slowly came around and the first thing I saw was a white wall. Was I in the hospital? I tried to sit up, but a gentle yet firm hand pushed me back down.
"Not yet, brave hero. Chiron shall summon you when needed."
The figure that belonged to the feminine voice dribbled something into my mouth. It tasted like my mother's blue chocolate-chip cookies. Ambrosia. I greedily gulped down everything she gave me.
A short peal of laughter came from the figure above me. She put away the ambrosia and began to hum. I listened to the sweet melody until the door opened. The nymph taking care of me went out of the room hastily, but not before bowing to Chiron.
"Ah, Percy. How are you my boy?" he asked as he galloped toward me.
"I'm fine. Not at all dazed by the fact that I just feel from a harpy's talons to the asphalt fifteen feet below me."
Chiron's expression turned grim. "Your mother dropped Nico off here. Said he was stabbed by a poisoned blade. Is that true?"
"Yeah," I replied bitterly. "Not only that, but it was Annabeth who did it."
Chiron nodded. "Your mother also mentioned that. But what I really wanted to talk to you about was the... removal of the poison. We managed to get almost all of it out, but... some of it reached his brain." My throat close up. "We know that he won't remember many things, but we are not certain about what he will and will not remember."
My eyes burned with tears. I must stay hopeful. I must, I must see him.
As if reading my thoughts, Chiron nodded and helped me stand. Without a glance back, I marched to where Nico was being kept.
_* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *_
AN: GRRRR! These chapters are ending up shorter than I plan! I don't like it. Oh well... just a heads up, the next chapter will be in Nico's POV. I will add a reminder in the chapter, but I just wanted to let you guys know... okay bye now my loyal homo oreos ^~^


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