Chapter 5: -insert witty title for chapter here-

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      AN: Can I just say... holy HADES!!!!! 91 VIEWS!!!!! That's like 85 more than I thought I would get!!!! Thank you sooooo much for all of you guys that have read this. I love you guys!!!!

WARNING: Nico will be OOC in this story. He has changed to being freaking adorable and cute. He also has a lot of innocence. For those who like Nico the way he is, I suggest you turn back now..... (jk, keep reading)

      Disclaimer: I wouldn't be here if I owned these amazing books now would I?

      —*    *    *    *    *    *    *—     

      I woke up early, getting a goodnight's sleep for once. I felt warmer than usual so i kicked off my blanket. It was no use, I still felt warm with something squishy and soft version near me. I attempted to get up but failed as I felt something (or someone) laying down on top of me. Deciding to take a peek, I looked down to see none other than Nico di Angelo sleeping soundly on my chest, the memories of last night flooding my mind.

      Nico was curled up in a fetal position with his palms lying flat on my bare chest. His hair was ruffled sticking up everywhere. His face looked extremely peaceful. Curly eyelashes settled down over his dark-chocolate colored eyes. Nose scrunched up slightly, creating little snores with every breath he took. His mouth was set in a small almost comical 'o' shape. First thing that came to mind... Nico di Angelo looked freakin adorable while asleep.

      I stared at Nico's sleeping form a little while longer. Finally, I decided I would just go back to sleep again. I snuggled deeper into my pillow before welcoming the sweet release of unconsciousness.

      —*    *    *    *    *    *    *—

      I began to slowly awake until I came into semi-consciousness. I doubt I had the strength to wake up completely so I just let myself drift in between conscious and unconsciousness.

      I felt something in my hold try to wriggle free so I subconsciously held on tighter to it. (AN: damn that was a lot of use of the word conscious. XD) Mmm... it felt nice and warm. I thought it was a pillow so I gave it another little squeeze. It let out a little mewl, reminding me of a kitten, and I immediately snapped awake.

      I looked down and was met with dark-chocolate eyes staring into my sea-green ones. I smiled apologetically and let Nico go. He quickly stood up and put his shirt back on before turning back to me.

      I rubbed my eyes sleepily. "Good morning Prince of Shadows."

      He blushed slightly at the nickname. "Good morning Prince of the Sea," he said looking up to me with the cutest and most innocent stare ever.

      I smirked, "Just call me Prince," I retorted before standing up.

      He nodded and ran toward me, grabbing a hold of my legs. Now Nico may be 14, but since he had most of his childhood stolen from him because of the Lotus Hotel and Casino, I let him act childish. I chuckled softly. I managed to pry Nico off of one leg but he wouldn't let go of my other one. Sighing, I walked over carefully to my drawers and put on a clean Camp Half-Blood shirt on.

      Nico was still clutching my leg for dear life so, taking him by surprise, I reached down and snatched him up and off my leg. He squealed before wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist, hanging on for dear life.

      I sighed, exasperated. Nico would not let go of me. Finally deciding to put up with it, I gently put my hands slightly under Nico's bottom and marched out the door and into the mess hall.

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