Chapter 4: Nico

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Annabeth avoided me for the rest of the day. Word of our breakup already made it around camp. All the Athena campers consoled Annabeth while glaring daggers at me. The Aphrodite girls flirted with me, but I didn't flirt back. All the Ares kids patted me on the back congratulating me because I managed to break the unbreakable Wise Girl. That is, everyone in the Ares cabin but Clarisse. She has always been okay friends with Annabeth so she ALMOST pummeled me to a pulp.

Right now I was heading to my cabin, ready to call it a night. I opened my cabin door and stepped inside. Clothes were thrown everywhere, my bed was unmade, and there were at least a dozen empty water bottles on my dresser. Home sweet home.

It was pretty dark in here. The only source of light was the fountain Poseidon gave me as a gift. It's magnificent glow set eerie shadows all around my cabin. I shivered a bit. At night, this place can be really creepy. Pushing those thoughts aside, I put down Riptide, which I'd been holding earlier, onto my dresser.

Barely missing a beat, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and started to tug upwards. I pulled the shirt completely off, revealing my muscled stomach and chest. As soon as I dropped my shirt on the floor, I heard a small gasp coming from a corner in my room.

I lunged for Riptide, senses alert. Uncapping my pen/sword, I began to move warily toward the corner where the gasp had emanated from. Riptide cast a ghostly bronze light that helped me see. I was careful not to trip over anything for that could alert the intruder. Halfway across the room, Riptide's glow caught that corner and I noticed a pair of startling brownish/blackish eyes staring up at me innocently.

I recognized those eyes in a heartbeat for they had haunted my mind for the past three months. His eyes held a childlike fear in them, reminding me I still had Riptide uncapped.

Putting the cap on quickly, I tossed the sword now in pen form back on my dresser. I approached the spot where I knew the those mesmerizing eyes were, cautiously. When I was less than a foot away from the corner, I raised a tentative arm in front of me, hand softly cupping his face.

"Nico," I murmured.

"Hi Percy," Nico whispered quietly through petal-soft pale-pink lips.

Despite Nico's antisocialness, I pulled him to me, capturing him in a warm embrace.

As expected Nico tensed up for about a moment or two before melting into the hug. I cradled him to my chest, being shorter than I am he barely reached my shoulders, and rested my chin lightly on his head. His head was buried in my chest. His arms wrapped around my torso, fingers lightly grazing the small of my back, causing a slight shiver to travel down my spine.

"Nico," I began anew, "where in Hades have you been for these past three months."

Nico blushed a bit before responding, "I was in the Underworld visiting my mom and Bianca in Elysium."

As soon as he said Bianca, I felt a pang of guilt go through me. Bianca was Nico's sister. She had died on a quest after she became a Huntress of Artemis. She saved us all, and I admit it was a noble way to die, but I just wish I could've kept her alive some way.

After her death, Nico hated me for about a year or two. We found out he was a son of Hades shortly after that. We immediately scoured everywhere we could think of to find him for we knew that Kronos and his minions wanted him. I think I was the one that was most worried while looking for him.

Nico seemed to notice my change in mood because he immediately said, "I don't blame you for her death, at least, not anymore."

I wrapped my arms even tighter when he said that. "Thank you Nico. I'm so glad you don't hate me anymore."

I looked down at Nico's face just in time to notice the blush set deep within his cheeks. I had to admit, the kid looked adorable while blushing. Wait..... did I really just think that?!

Nico glanced down at his watch which I had not noticed until now. "Di immortales," he said. "I think I should go now."

He tried to free himself from my grip, but I wouldn't let him. Instead, I made sure my arms were locked, making it near to impossible for him to escape.

"Nicooo," I mumbled into his hair, "can't you just stay for tonight? If not here with me, then at your own cabin."

He seemed to ponder this for a second. Seeing the look in his eyes, I knew he was about to say no. So I put on my best puppy dog eyes and tried again. I glanced at myself in the mirror and realized I looked like a kicked puppy.

Nico groaned before burrying his face into my chest again. Taking that as a yes, I grinned before untangling myself from him. I took his hand and leaded him over to my only usable bunk.

He kicked off his shoes and I quickly followed suit, deciding to sleep in my shorts. He reached for the hem of his shirt, hesitating. Nico looked up at me, silent pleading me to look look away. I rolled my eyes before turning around. I could feel Nico's eyes boring holes in my back. I looked down and realized I was shirtless. I had completely forgotten I had taken my shirt off moments before discovering Nico.

Sighing, I turned back around. The sliver of moonlight glistening through my curtains reflected off Nico's bare torso, making his pale skin look like porcelain. Seeing him without a shirt made something inside my chest constrict sharply. The painful feeling left me utterly breathless as I stared at Nico. He had a well toned figure from the countless monster battles. He had abs, not too big, that fit him perfectly. Even with that, Nico still seemed fragile. I stared at him for about another minute, spacing out. Out of selfconsciousness Nico wrapped his arms around his chest. He leaned back against my bed, eyes fluttering closed. I made my way over to the side of the bed, pausing, before slipping next to Nico.

He tensed slightly, not daring to look at me. I took a bold step and scooted closer before spooning up next to him. I almost let a gasp slip through my mouth as I realized how Nico fit into the curve of my body perfectly. Nico sighed contentedly before turning around and returning my embrace. The way he held me tight seemed almost childish, giving me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I pulled the blanket over us before snuggling my face into my pillow.

"Goodnight Shadow Prince," I mumbled, voice muffled by the pillow.

"Goodnight Sea Prince."

And with that, I drifted off into a, thankfully, dark and quiet slumber.

-* * * * * * *-

AN: Yay Nico showed up. I was very iffy with this chapter.... I am having many doubts on whether I should continue this or not. Please review and tell me what u think. ;) (edited)

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