Chapter 3: Breakup

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The sun was shining through a crack in my blinds when I awoke. Groaning, I rolled to the side to see that it was 7:00 a.m. Wait, 7:00 a.m.?! I never wake up that early. Maybe I'm just nervous with what I have to do. And what I have to do will probably break Annabeth's heart.

Sighing, I rolled out of bed.... and landed face first on the floor. My damn legs gave out from under me. I slowly made my way to my feet trying to avoid getting whiplash. I, of course, failed, but it could've been worse. I stumbled on my legs through the cabin, preparing for the day ahead.

After dressing in a light blue shirt and dark jeans, I asked around for Annabeth, silently hoping she was alone. Fifteen people later, I was told she was training, luckily, alone near the lake. I wandered down next to the lake, taking my time. When I finally reached her, she had sweat dripping off her forehead.

She saw me and her face immediately lit up. "Hi Seaweed Brain! What's up?" she said cheerily.

I gulped nervously. "Do... do you w-want to go for a walk with me?" I asked, voice shaking.

She shrugged. "Sure."

She picked up her dagger she'd been training with. I managed to see how sharp it was before she sheathed it. My palms immediately started sweating. I began to imagine how this breakup could go wrong and she could just stab me with that blade that's probably as sharp as a drakon's tooth.

We walked for a bit through the forest in a silence that seemed to stretch on forever. We arrived at Thalia's pine tree, at least if was until she came back to life thanks to the healing powers of the golden fleece. She sat down and gestured for me to sit next to her.

Sighing, I sat next to her cautiously, as if sudden movement would trigger something dangerous. As soon as I sat down, Annabeth rested her head on my shoulder, sighing as if she was drunk on love. I swallowed nervously. I carefully grabbed hold of her face and took it off my shoulder. Expecting a kiss, her eyes fluttered closed and she puckered her lips. Her eyebrows began to knit in confusion when no kiss came.

"Percy," Annabeth said softly, "is something wrong?"

I took a gulp of air. "Yes Annabeth, there is something wrong," I murmured, voice barely above a whisper.

She waited for an explanation, arms crossed and lips slightly pouting.

I inhaled deeply, then let it out as a sigh. I seemed to be sighing a lot today. "This is wrong, Annabeth. We are. I can't keep going on like this. I don't love you like I thought I did. I only love you as a friend. I'm sorry."

I glanced up at Annabeth through my eyelashes. She was teary-eyed, her bottom lip quivering slightly.
"Y-y-you're breaking u-up with m-m-me?" she exclaimed. Her voice was quivering while her body began shaking violently.

I hung my head, not daring to meet her eyes, and gave a small nod of my head.

"You st-stupid son of Poseidon!" Annabeth nearly screamed, startling me so much I pretty much jumped 10 feet in the air. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Was this just your little game? Keep pretending to love me to see how it would turn out?"

I was about to object, but she cut me off.

"Well, you know what Perseus f!ckin' Jackson? Just stay out of my freakin life and LEAVE ME ALONE!"
Annabeth took out her dagger then threw it to the ground, about 3 feet away from me. She stormed off into camp and I realized how I felt a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It seemed as if Annabeth was weighing me down this whole time.

I sighed in relief. This had turned out way better than i had imagined. Making a mental note to apologize to Annabeth later, I strolled into camp, a little more confidently than before. If I could take on Annabeth, the very famous and slightly terrifying daughter of Athena, I could take on anything.

-* * * * * *-

AN: So, how'd you like the dramatic chapter? ;) I feel I went a little too overboard with Annabeth's reaction but oh well. Should I continue this story?..... I'm not so sure that I'm good at writing this....

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