Chapter 9: Totally Screwed...

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      AN: I just realized that if HOO series never happened, Percy should still be invincible... I feel stupid... O.o

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      I sat there, straddling Nico, and staring at my ex-girlfriend. Her figure was tense. Shoulders slightly hunched, in a half crouch, her hand twitching for her dagger. Nico and I shared a look that confirmed we were both thinking the same thing. We're so totally screwed.

      "Annabeth," I raised my hands making a peaceful gesture, "just calm down-"

      "SHUT THE FUCK UP JACKSON!" Annabeth yelled. Ouch, talk about overreaction.

      This time, Nico tried. "Um I erm, it's not what it loo-"

      Annabeth screeched. It's hard to believe Mom and Paul can't hear this.

      This time, I got off Nico and tried to approach Annabeth. I had my hands raised, a sign that I'm not looking for trouble. I took slow steps toward her until I was about half way there. I was about to take another step when Annabeth unsheathed her dagger.

      "Don't you dare come any closer to me," Annabeth threatened in a low growl. Deciding to ignore her warning, I took a few steps towards her. Big mistake.

      In one swift movement, Annabeth grabbed her dagger and lunged toward me. My eyes widened when I caught a glimpse of the end. It was dripping green ooze. Poison.

      I didn't have enough time to move out of the way, she was too close. I braced myself for pain, but none came. I opened one eye that I hadn't realized I had shut. Horror bubbled in the pit of my stomach and up my throat.

      There stood Nico in front of me. His face was contorted in pain as he looked at the blade sticking out of his side. Blood cascaded down in even streams, already beginning to create a pool. He pulled the dagger out of his side, looked at me, and collapsed.

      White hot fury raged through me. I pulled Riptide out of my pocket, uncapping it on my way. Letting out a battle cry, I charged Annabeth. Her face blanched as she scrabbled to find something to protect herself. Just as my sword was about to make contact, my mother burst into the room.

      "What is going on here?" Sally asked.

      She gave the room a once-over. She let out a gasp as her eyes travelled to Nico. Immediately, she grabbed the emergency ambrosia I kept in my desk drawer. Annabeth turned her head toward my mother's movement, just the opportunity I need.

      I threw down my sword and lunged at Annabeth. We were a flurry of arms and legs as we rolled into the hall. I felt us bump into something, and that something fell on top of us.

      "What the?" the voice of a confused Paul came.

      Ignoring him, Annabeth and  started up again. I was beyond pissed. No one stabbed my boyfriend and got away with it. Wait, boyfriend? Where did that came from. My thoughts traveled into uncharted territory. I could feel my face heating up. Stupid train of thought.

      I was brought back to reality when Annabeth's fist connected with my cheek. She cried out in pain while I barely felt a thing. Thank you River Styx.

      She cupped her injured hand and got off of me. She did a little pain dance that I just had to laugh at. At the sound of my laughter, Annabeth turned to me, eyes full of hatred.

      I stuck my tongue out at her like a five year old. Eyes full of rage, she lunged at me. Just before she could touch me, Paul grabbed her from behind.

      "What is going on here?" Paul asked once he had Annabeth secured.

      I glared at Annabeth. "She stabbed Nico!"

      Blofish, er Blofis, glanced back and forth between us warily. It looked like he was trying to decide what to do. He opened his mouth to say something before Sally burst into the room.

      "We have to call Chiron," she said, panicked. "Nico's not coming to"

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      AN: im gonna be updating more often. Thank you spring break!

      Sorry for the short sucky chapter, i'll try to do better on the next one


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