Chapter 7: An.... Interesting New Years

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      AN: Hey guys. I'm planning on making another fanfiction but I'm stumped on what I should base it on. I will do it on books, tv shows, movies etc. If you have any suggestions, that would be very helpful.
            Two months later...
     —*    *    *    *    *    *    *—
    Nico and I got to know each other these past two months since our accidental kiss. We practiced together, ate together, hung out together, heck, we even slept together. Hey, not in that way. Get your mind out of the gutter!

      Anyway, today was like any other day. I was awoken by Nico slipping out of bed. He tip-toed to the bathroom and promptly closed the door. I turned my head away from where he disappeared and stuffed my face into my pillow.

      I inhaled deeply. Nico's musky scent still lingered on the pillow. I breathed in again. I've never noticed before, but Nico smells so good. He has this sort of foresty smell, completely different from people thinking he smells like death...

      My thoughts were interrupted by the unmistakable pitter patter of the shower. I smirked slightly as a thought came to me. I scrambled off the bed and got a towel from the closet. I snuck over to the bathroom and went in silently. I closed the door with a soft click and set the towel on the counter. I peeled off my clothing and pulled back the curtains abruptly.

      Nico blushed a skittle red and covered himself with part of the curtain. "WHAT IN HADES NAME ARE YOU DOING?!" he screeched at the top of his lungs.

      I shrugged. "I'm gonna take a shower so if you'd please scoot over..."

      Nico pushed me back as I tried to get in, not looking anywhere except my eyes. He pushed me again and I ended up falling on the floor.

      "Can't you wait until I'm done?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

      "No way! You always use up all the hot water!" I pushed him slightly back and dove into the shower after him.

      He gave an adorable humph that was both embarrassed and annoyed. He turned his back to me, making sure no... parts were facing me. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Nico sure was stubborn. I tentatively put a finger on his spine to see his reaction.

      Nico tensed visibly. I experimentally dragged my finger down his spinal cord stopping just above his bottom. Nico shivered slightly and pulled away from me. His shoulders were extremely tensed, slightly slouching, with a very apparent blush on his face.

      I smirked. I pulled Nico back to me and pressed his back against my chest. He squeaked and his face flared a brighter red. He squirmed and struggled in my arms, making it harder for me to reach at the object I needed. Finally, I grasped it and dropped a good amount on Nico's head.

      He immediately froze up. I massaged my fingerd through his hair, creating shampoo bubbles in it. He slowly began to relax the more I massaged his head and, eventually, leaned into my touch. I chuckled. When Nico wasn't all hyper or angsty, he was adorable.

      All too soon, I finished washing his hair. As soon as I released my hold on him, he washed his body as quickly as possible, rinsed, and scrambled out of the shower and into the safety of the cabin.

      I chuckled to myself. I looked down at my dry body. I had subconsciously willed myself not to get wet that entire time. I shook my head and stood under the spray of water. I began thinking. (Dangerous pastime, I know.) About my mom and Paul, about how long it would be 'till I saw them, even though it was about a week since I last saw them for Christmas. I woner what today is...

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