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I should probably introduce myself. My name is Emma Brooks. I have long curly brown hair and blue eyes. Im pretty tan compared to everyone else. Im pretty short. I am 17, and my sister is 19. We live in Colorado in the US. My parents both died in a car crash when I was little. I have lived with my best friends family since then. When we got older, I lived (and live) with my sister since since she's older. We share an apartment. My sisters name is Sydney. After my parents died, we got inseperable. She is my best friend. We do everything together. We don't usually fight like most sibblings.

Im still in high school. Im not the girliest person, but Im not a complete tomboy either. I usually hand out with guys, but not that many. Less drama. I play varsity soccer. I already have a full ride scholarship for soccer to a European school that I cant remember the name of.

Im usually a happy person. But most of the time, I put on a fake smile to hide my saddness. Most guys dont like like me. Ive never had a boyfriend. Im really awkward with boys, and I cant flirt. Like, at all. I havr crushes, but in my eyes, there are far better girls. Every other girl is prettier than me. Im pretty shy, so I fade into the darkness. I don't get noticed that much. Its hard for me to talk to people in general. But, if I get comfortable with someone, Im pretty outgoing. Its just getting to know someone Im bad at.....

Hopefully that will change...

Im sorry this one is boring too. Just keep reading! I know they are boring so far, but Soon I will get past the introduction chapters and into some with some plot(: Thanks for reading lovelies!(:

Follow me on twitter: @SoccerStarr18

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