Chapter 15

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~Emma's POV~

I wake up to a faceful of fluffy curly hair. I laugh silently. Harry is adorable. We are both laying in the van on the seat facing each other. I am pressed against his chest with his arm around me. Suddenly I see his eyes flutter open and he smiles from ear to ear.

"God I love waking up next to you." He says, making me smile.

Soon everyone is up, fed, and we head off for our second day at SDC.


We walk around in our groups again. The sky is somewhat cloudy, but its not raining at the moment. Today, I notice there are a lot of tour groups from places like Brazil and Europe and places like that. Its 10x more crowded than it was yesterday. And obviously, that made a difference.

As we walked around, goofing off, having fun, I had the feeling that people were always looking at us. I looked around and people were always pointing and taking pictures. I turned to Harry after a while to ask about it, but I found my answer. He was waving and smiling at all the people around us. Right. Harry Styles. I keep forgetting. I try to shake off the annoying attention.

We go to some more rides, have fun, and I continue to dislocate Harrys arm on every ride we ride. Harry and I walk hand in hand out of the loading dock of the ride, and our whole JL group is swarmed.

"Harry! Harry! Harry! Who are these people? What are you doing here? Are you dating this girl? Harry!" I hear. I am shoved away from Harry and my hand is suddenly empty. I try to get away from the chaos. I push my way through the angry paps that found Harry and I can breathe again. I walk over to a railing and lean on it, crossing my arms across my chest. I just stand and watch everything happen.

In the crowd, I hear questions spat at Harry. He tries to answer most of them. He doesnt seem to mind the attention. He actually seems to like the attention........ I look and it seems as if he doesnt even realize Im gone away from his side.I start to get a little jealous.

The railing I was leaning agaisnt was on a corner. A man walked around the corner and yelled, "Move girl. Get out of my way. He pushes through me and I fall to the ground. The man keeps on walking and joins the group of crazy men with cameras. Im somewhat close to the swarm, where Harry could have easily seen me fall, but he doesnt do anything. He doesnt help me up or say anything to the man. He just flaunts in the spotlight.

"Here let me help you." I hear. I turn around and look up and see a boy about my age holding his hand out to me. I grab it, and he pulls me up. "Are you ok?" He asks with concern.

"Yeah, Im fine, just a little shaken up." I say, and I glance over at Harry and the swarm.

"Is that your boyfriend?"

"Yeah...." I say.

"Well he sure does like the attention."

"No kidding." I say with a small laugh.

"Well Im Garrison. Its nice to meet you."

"Im Emma. And you too. Thanks for helping me." He smiles and nods like it was no big deal.

"Would you like to walk around with me?" He asks after a small hesitation. I look over to Delali and the rest of the group that finally made it out of the swarm, and Delali and I make eye contact. I raise my eyebrows and gesture towards Garrison. Delali smiles and nods, understanding. I smile and nod at Garrison. His face lights up. We turn away from the chaos and start walking. We talk. I learn that he plays soccer like me. We have a lot in common. He is attractive too! Wait... What am I saying..... Im dating Harry...... I think, but I am pretty mad at Harry right now, so I dont care of what my thoughts were.

We go to a ride, and I feel bad when I suffocate his arm. I barely just met the guy...... But it doesnt seem like he minds. We walk around the whole amusement park and ride a couple rides. We sit down on a park bench for a quick break, and he is just staring at me.

"W.. What?" I ask.

"Your just, beautiful." He tells me with a smile.

Im completely swept off my feet by Garrison.

Oh shit.

Ohhh little twist there(: Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for reading my story, it really means a lot(: Im dedicating this chapter to my best friend/Sister Amber(: I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY SO I UPDATED FOR YOU! :D Love you Amber and thanks for being there for me(: Anywho....... Keep reading and voting! COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK I WANNA KNOW WHAT I CAN DO TO MAKE MY STORY BETTER! (and dont worry I found out how to read comments (: )

Twitter: @SoccerStarr18



Bye lovelies(: Ill try to update soon(: xx

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