Chapter 18

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~Liam's POV~

I get off the phone with Harry. Im so glad Im in the US... The flight to Missouri will be so much shorter. I will have more time to set up for Harry. I look down at my phone and see I have gotten text messages from the rest of the boys:

Niall: Getting on a plane right now! Be there in a couple hours! Text me back so we can meet somewhere in the airport.

Zayn: Tell me where Im meeting you in the airport please(: Going through security so gotta go bye Leeyummm x.


I put my phone away and head into the line with my plane ticket and bags. I am in California right now, just on vacation, wanted to get a surf in before going on tour. The rest of the boys are scattered in the US, so Harry is in luck that we can all get to Missouri in time to set up for his date with a girl he met at camp. Im happy for him. Im excited to meet this girl, whoever she is.....

~Harry's POV~

I go back to the van. Emma still seems a bit shaken up. She hasnt talked to me all day.

"Do you want to listen to music love? Get your mind off things?" I say, holding out my phone and some headphones. She noda and takes them gently out of my hands. She still doesnt look at me. Emma puts in the headphones and creates a new playlist with a ton of songs by Ed Sheeran and The Fray. I watch as the tention falls off of her as she gets lost in the music. Shes going to love tonight....

~Liam's POV~

I get into the airport in Missouri. The air is hot and muggy. I walk through the gate and put my things down next to a bench and sit down. I check my phone. Nobody has texted me. I wonder if the boys are here yet..... I sit for a while but get antsy so I get up to walk around and look for the rest of the boys.

I start walking around through the whole terminal, constantly checking my phone.

"LEEEYYYYYUUUMMMMMM!" I hear in a high pitched scream. I feel someone jump on my back.

"Hi Louis." I say with a smile. He gets off and starts walking with me.

"Zayns getting in from New York." Louis informs me. We go to a screen that displays where people are landing and taking off from and we find his gate. We walk there, and wait. People start rushing out of the gate, and we see Zayn along the crowd.

"Hey mate." He greets giving me a hug.

"ZAYNNNNN!" Louis screeches giving him a hug too. I chuckle to myself.

"Now just Niall." I say. We start walking yet again. I look at the people passing us. I dont see his face.

"Hey, Hes over here." Zayn tells us pointing in a direction. We go over to Niall, but Louis runs ahead giving him the first hug.

"Hey guys." He says. We all stand in a circle talking about where we are going to go. We walk outside and scrunch ourselves into a taxi. He takes us to a supermarket, where we buy all the ingredients for the food. Then we go to another shop where we get decorations and such. Finally, the driver takes us up to a cabin Harry owns (since he comes to camp every year and he likes Missouri) up on a hill. Its beautiful up there. We take all the junk out of the taxi, pay the man, and head to the cabin. I pick up the key from where Harry told me it was and open up the door. Its HUGE. Its a beautiful wooden cabin on the outside, and stone flooring with a big fireplace in the main room. Upstairs, there are a few rooms where we will sleep tonight. We get in, and go to work.

~Emma's POV~

I listen to music to get my mind off of everything that has happened today. I dont even realize it when we get back to camp, it happens so fast. Harry and I havent talked all day since it happened. I bet hes worried about me.... Hopefully hes not. Right now I feel nowhere close to happy. Im not the weak, sobby person I was a couple hours ago, but Im somewhere close to that. I climb out of the van and we all go into the palace. I dont though. I walk in the opposite direction of everything and into the woods.

~Harry's POV~

I watch as Emma walks away from the palace. What is she up to? I decide to follow her. I give her some space as I follow her. She goes into the woods and sits down on a log. She doesnt move, just sits still listening to the music on my phone. I cant read her Emotions. I walk up slowly and sit beside her. I reach for her hand trying to comfort her. She squeezes my hand, which is a good sign to me. She looks up at me for the first time all day. She pulls out her headphones.

"Thank you." Emma whispers, even though I havent done anything. I scrunch my eyebrows.

"But I havent done anything."

"Yeah you have. Your there for me. No matter how I act to you your always at my side. Thank you."

"Your welcome love."

~Emma's POV~

Just like that, Harry gets up on his feet. What is he doing. He gets down on his knee and holds my hand.

"Emma, I dont want to see you like this. So, I was wondering if you would go on a date with me tonight in the city. " I feel myself blush. Hes the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. I smile for the first time today and nod my head. His dimples pierce his face as he smiles. He stands up again, still with my hand in his, and he pulls me so Im standing with him. He takes his phone back, pulls out the headphones, and starts playing a song.

Never Say Never by The Fray, my favorite song.

He takes my hand in his again, puts his other hand on my waist, pulls me close, and he dances with me. We stay there in the woods, slow dancing to the song. Harry holds me close to him and I rest my head on his chest as we sway back and forth.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I say back.

Yayy I updated like I said I would! :D Anyway sorry this chapter is kinda fillerish..... I was going to put the actual date in this chapter, but it was long already... So I didnt(: Anyway, THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO AMBER WHO SHOWED ME THE SONG AND ALSO TO AMBER WHO SHOWED ME RED DAWN FOR THE IDEA OF THE CABIN ON THE HILL. 😘😘 Anywho, Keep reading voting and commenting! Thanks Lovelies(: xx

Twitter: @SoccerStarr18

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