Chapter 17

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~Emma's POV~

I sit on the concrete floor and I dont care who is looking at me. I cry silently into my arms.

"Emma..." I hear Harry say. I feel him sit down next to me. I still dont look up.

"Come on its ok... Shh.... Its ok. Your fine. Im here for you." He tells me as he rubs my back. I lean into him and he wraps his arms around me. We sit like that forever it feels like and we are in complete silence except for the sound of me gasping for air in between sobs.

~Harry's POV~

I feel so bad. Emma is broken. I dont know what to do. I hate seeing her like this.... She deserves to be happy. I look up at Garrison (he told me thats what his name was) who is standing there awkwardly. He pulls out his phone and calls the police about the guys. The rest of JL slowly wanders towards us as they see everything, but they keep their distance. Everyone is silent. Garrison hangs up and says that the police are coming.

The police arrive and drag away the two men. Garrison and Delali talk with the police and Garrison tells what happened. Then, Just like that, they are gone. Still nobody says anything to each other. Delali comes over to me and asks

"Is she ok?" I shake my head and she nods, understanding. "Why dont we call it a day and cut the trip short. We dont want anything else to happen." Delali says to me. I nod at her. Delali turns and walks away and the rest of JL follows.

"Emma, sweetheart, we are leaving now ok?" She doesnt budge. I stand up, and hug Garrison. "Thanks for everything." I whisper. He nods at me. i turn back to Emma and pick her up. She wraps her arms around my kneck. We follow the rest of JL back to the vans.

~Emma's POV~

Harry carries me back to the vans. Apparently we are leaving SDC now. Im glad. I dont want to be here anymore. He climbs into the van still with me, and we sit in the back seat like usual. I am sat on his lap. It feels like about an hour goes by and we stop on the side of the road at a gas station. People get out to go to the bathroom.

"Im sorry love, but I have to get out ok? Ill be right back." Harry says and he kisses me on the forehead. I stay sat in the car. Im not crying anymore, but Im still sad. I havent looked up from the floor since we got in the car.

~Harry's POV~

As I climb out of the van, I grab Sydneys arm and pull her out with me. I go find Delali with Syndey bu my side.

"Hi, Um Delali... I was wondering If I could take Emma out of camp for the night. I think she needs it. I want to cheer her up. Shes been so distant since today... And I want to try to change that." Delali looks at me, thinking for a little bit, and finally says

"Fine. But dont do anything stupid... Bring her back in the morning. I dont want you driving into camp at night... The Camp director wouldnt like it."

I smile and give Delali a hug. "THANK YOU!" I practically yell.

I turn away and bring Sydney. "Why did you bring me to ask Delali?"

"Because, I needed to ask you questions about Emma." Her face lights up and we start talking. I smile, Satisfied at the ideas we came up for me cheering Emma up. Before I walk back to the van I make 4 phone calls....

I know its sorta fillerish and short! Im sorry): Ill try to update tonight though(: So what do you think Harry is gonna do to cheer up Emma? :D Anyway keep commenting reading and Voting! Expect an update tonight(: xx

Thanks lovelies(:

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