Chapter 5

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~Harry's POV~

I lay down on the floor in the middle of the bus. I feel Emma smiling at me. I feel my eyes constantly drifting from the movie to Emma's face. She looks happy. Im glad she came to camp. I continue watching the movie smiling to myself.

The bus starts to get extremely bumpy. I sit up because I know that this is a good sign. I stand and look out the window. I see the familiar sight of the dirt road leading to camp. I look down and see that Emma has fallen asleep. I lean down and whisper into her ear

"Wake up love. Were here." I smile as I see her eyes. She sits up and looks out the window and smiles.

We pull into camp property. All of the people stand up and walk off the bus. Outside, at the main lodge (where everyone except JL eats. JL eats there only a couple of times) we are met by councelors that take us to our cabins. All of the JL kids meet in a group. Mikey, Emma's sister, Emma and I stand in the group with our councelors. The girl councelors names are Lauren and Delali and the guys councelors names are Parker and Larry. A few other people are standing there too, but they dont introduce themselves. We grab our things and we climb on a van that will take us up to JL which is just up on the hill behind the lodge. Its quite squished with everyone in there, and Emma's body is smushed against mine. I dont mind. The other side of me is being crushed into the side of the van.

~Emma's POV~

I feel my awkward self again when I am crunched against Harry's body. Im not used to being this close to boys. I am more than eager to get out of the van. We all climb out and Delali and Lauren take us to a cabin called the treehouse and I watch as Parker and Larry lead the boys to a cabin called the dome. The treehouse is already filled with a bunch of girls who stare at me as I walk in. I feel really uncomfortable now. Are my shorts too short? Is my hair ok? I suddenly get selfconcious. Ugh, why cant I be confident for once. I see an open bunk and set my stuff on it. We are introduced to everybody, but I stick close to my sister. I dont plan on making any girl friends.

Soon Delali tells us that it is time to eat dinner. Since we dont have any supplies to make our own food (thats apparantly what JL does) we get in the vans to eat down at the lodge with the rest of camp. I climb in the van, and am yet again scrunched against Harry with my sister on my other side. I have got to be more careful on who I sit next to next time. Oh well. Harry and I are sorta friends atleast. I get out of the van along with everyone else. We go into the lodge, and we are allowed to sit where ever we want. I follow my sister and sit next to her at a table. There is an empty seat next to me. Not for long though. I see a happy, curly headed boy take the seat next to me. I smile at the thought that maybe he wants to sit next to me.......

"The food here is amazing." He chirps as he puts a heaping spoonful of who knows what on his plate. He grabs a fork and starts stuffing his face. I giggle a little. He smiles as best he can with his mout full.

"I can see that you like it." I say back as I dish up my own plate. During dinner, we really get to know each other. Suprisingly, I barely talk to my sister. Harry tells me a lot about him. He has a sister named Gemma. He is 18. He likes to golf (suprisingly) He lives in Holmes Chapel in Cheshire. His parents are split. I also learn that he is popular. Really popular.

So basically I found a guy that is somewhat attractive that will go back to his own life where he can basically have any girl he wants.

Great. Just great.

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