Chapter 25

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~Emma's POV~

I wake up to the sound of rain pouring on the cabin roof. Grim faces fill my eyes as the dark clouds cover the sun and drown out any light in the day. Thunder and lightning fill my ears. I get out of my bunk for the last time. I stand, and put on high waisted shorts, a band t shirt, and put on my hightop converse. Then, like everyone else, I pack.

I dont smile, I dont talk, I just pack.

~Harry's POV~

The day reflects my feelings- cold and empty. I pack my suitcase. I throw on a pair of clothes, not really caring about anything. My mind is completely out of it. I just cant stop thinking of Emma.

From what she said last night, we are going to go our separate ways. But I still love her. And I know she still loves me. I cant let her go. I will talk to Simon, and I dont care what he says. Maybe I can get her to come on the tour with me.... I dont know. All I know is that I never want Emma out of my life.

~Emma's POV~

I finally get my bag packed. I look at my bare bunk bed. The whole cabin looks abandoned. We all drag our suitcases out onto the porch. The rain pours down still. I pull a hoodie on and pull the hood up over my head and walk to the palace.

Breakfast is almost dead silence. Everyone just looks at the faces of the people they care about. The people they will have to say goodbye to.

We all get in the vans, one last time, and we drive down to the lodge. There, our bags are packed onto a bus, where we will drive to the airport. I hug Delali, than follow Mikey, Sydney, and Harry onto the bus.

I sit next to Harry. We havent talked all morning. More people pile on, and I feel Harrys fingers intertwine with mine as the bus slowly rolls away in the mud.

The long bus ride is quiet. Harry and I dont talk. Its a calm silence. Its peaceful. But its gloomy. I look over to Mikey and Sydney and see them laying on each other and are asleep. Harrys hand is still in mine, and I feel a wave of sadness wash over me. How am I going to say goodbye?

We arrive at the airport. Harry lets go of my hand. We stand up, and I walk out into the aisle, him right behind me. He puts his hand on the small of my back as we walk out into the rain. Once on the ground, he grabs my hand again. I look down at our hands, then look up at him. We make eye contact, and I can see him trying to force a smile. This is killing him.

We drag our bags behind ys as we walk into the big airport. We check our bags, go through security, then head to the terminal. All of JL sits in a big group, waiting for one of our planes to arrive.

I watch as familiar faces leave, back to where they came from. Eventually, the only people left are Sydney, Harry and I. Sydney keeps her distance from Harry and I, letting us have our silent time together. She sits, listening to music.

"All boarding flight 345 to Colorado in gate B6."

I look up, then bury my head in Harry's shoulder. He wraps his arm around me. We both stand up. He grabs my backpack for me, and carries it. We walk to my gate. I stand, not wanting to get on the plane. Harrys hand tightens in mine, and I look up, seeing a tear creep at the corner of his eye. I pull him in for a hug.

Its not a passionate, love hug. It is a hug so powerful, meaning 'I never want to let you go'.

We just stand there and hug.

"Last call for the flight to Colorado." I hear over the speakers.

I hesitate, then slowly let go. Harry leans down, and kisses me. A tear escapes my eyes. He hands me my backpack, and I start to walk towards the door.

"Emma Brooks? I love you." I hear Harry say. I turn around, and see a tear slide down his cheek.

"I love you too Harry." And I turn, and walk down the long tunnel towards the plane, tears streaming down my face.

Sydney and I sit next to each other on the plane. I sit next to the window. I put on my beats, and try to drown myself from the world. I cant take this. I miss him already. I look out the window at the cloudy sky.


The plane seems like it took forever. I eventually stopped crying, but then I was just overcome with gloom. I walk out into the Denver airport. My sister is going back to our apartment that we share, but I decide to go to my friends house. Try to cheer myself up. My sister takes our two bags into her car, and she drives back to our apartment.

I stand on the side of the road outside the airport, waiting for a cab. It is only about 8:30. I finally catch a cab, and climb into the backseat. I tell him the address, and close the glass that separates me from the driver. I check my phone, in hopes that Harry tried to reach me.

He did. He left me a voicemail.

"Uh, hey princess. Its me. Call me when you land. Love you. Harry."

I look down at my phone then diall Harry. I wait anxiously, still trembling with sadness.

"Hello?" I hear Harrys voice.

"Hi its me. Listen I-" I cant finish because Harry interupts.

"Shh. Its ok. I was on the plane today, and I couldnt stop thinking of you. You are my everything Emma. You mean the world to me.Um, Well, when I was sad about everything today, I started writing. Do you want to hear it?"

I nod, even though he isnt here, and tell him yes.

"I figured it out. I figured it out from

black and white. Seconds and hours.

Maybe they had to take some time. I

know how it goes. I know how it goes

from wrong and right. Silence and

sound, did they ever hold each other

tight, like us, did they ever fight like us.

Oh you and I,

We dont want to be like them. We can

make it till the end."

I clasp my hand over my mouth at his beautiful words, and I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"No nothing can come between you and

I. Not even the gods above. Could

separate the two of us. No nothing can

come between you and I. Oh you and I."

The tears completely stream down my face. What he is singing is downright beautiful. I cant take it any more. I cant take the pain. I just sit and let myself cry and fall apart.

I lean against the cold glass window of the taxi, that is splattered with raindrops. The tears roll down my cheeks as I listen to Harrys soft voice singing to me over the phone.

No nothing can come between you & I.


HEY GUYS SO DO YOU LIKE THE ENDING?!? I just wanted to thank all of you for all the support and everything. And STILL TELL ME IF YOU WANT A SEQUEL! xx


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