Chapter 13

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YAYY AN UPDATE! :D hope you guys like it(: Tell me what you think(: xx

~Harry's POV~

I take a quick shower and shake my shaggy hair to get off the excess water. I put on a pair of boxers then climb into my bunk. I lay there not really falling asleep. I keep thinking about Emma. Shes just so... perfect. Im so glad she is my girlfriend. We are so close. Whatever activity it is, She is always by my side. She is so sweet. My mind rambles on about Emma. Not one negative thought about her comes to my head. My mind runs off and as Im thinking about her I start to get thoughts about Jordan. She looked really pretty today. And what was with the hug? I wasnt so sure about that..... I know that Im supposed to hate Jordan for the hell shes put me through, but when she hugged me I realized how much I missed the feel of her in my arms. I roll over in bed trying to get the thoughts off my head. The past is the past.... and now is, well, Emma.


I wake up to the sunlight streaming in and penetrating my closed eyelids. I sit up. I get up, and stretch out my back. I slept on it funny it feels like. I grab a t shirt and some jean shorts. I put them on real quick then I put on a pair of white converse. I walk to the palace, eager to see if Emma is there. I walk in, and see a girl standing with her back to me. She has her elbows propping her up on the counter. Right away I know who it is. I smile and walk over. I lean down and wrap my arms around her waist. I look down at her face, and she is beaming. I love making a girl I care about smile like that. I smile at the thought.

"Goodmorning love." I say in a deep morning voice.

" Hi Harry." She says back.

About a half an hour later we sit down at the tables in the palace and Eat breakfast. I take my normal seat next to Emma. I keep glancing at her, but she looks uneasy.

"Is something wrong Emma?" I ask with concern in my voice.

She hesitates, puts her fork down and nods slowly. I turn to where I am facing her.

"I was showering last night... and.. um, Jordan, sh.. she came and started talking to me. Talking to me about you." She says in a low voice. Her eyes never meet mine. Instead her eyes are occupied with the wooden floors.

"What did she tell you Emma? Are you ok? Was she mean to you?" My protective side comes out. What did Jordan say to make Emma like this?

"Sh.. she told me that you um, you..." She tells me the whole thing. The whole lie. About how I broke up with Jordan, which is a complete lie. I am furious.

"Hey. Dont believe a word she says. None of it is true, ok love? She made up that whole story." I rub Emmas shoulders to sooth her. She is really uneasy about the whole thing.

" I, I believe you Harry." She says and looks up at me for the first time during our whole conversation. I smile, and she turns and hugs me. She hugs me really tight. I dont want to let her go. But I do, and when I let go, I stand up and walk straight over to Jordan.

"Hey babe whats up?" She says. I roll my eyes. She is so fake.

"We need to talk. Alone." She stands up still smiling and walks out to the porch. As we walk outside, I glance at Emma who is looking at me with wide eyes. I mouth 'Its ok' To her and she nods.

"So whatcha wanna talk to me about baby?"

"Ok first off, I am not your baby. I was once, but trust me, I never will be again." I catch her offguard with that. She just nods. "Why do you keep telling Emma a bunch of bullshit about what happened between you and me?"

"Because I still like you Harry, I told you that already."

"Oh cut the shit, Jordan. Whats the real reason."

"Alright fine. You are Harry Styles. And if I was dating you, I would be miss popular. It was a perfect plan." She tells me straight up with a huge smile on her face. Wow. I didnt know I would get it out of her that easy.

"You know, you really are a beautiful person. I dated you once, I know that, I know what kind of person you can be. You dont need my name to get others to like you. Just be you."

She looks up at me suprised. She sighs. "See thats why I loved you. Your so sweet, Styles. And I really mean that." She smiles at me genuinly, and for once in the longest time she seems like the old her again. I smile back at her. I give her a friendly hug, and into my shoulder she whispers 'Im sorry'. I nod into the top of her head. I open the door for us and we walk back inside. A smile is on my face. Jordan is the old Jordan again. And I know shes not faking... I dated the girl for 2 years for Gods sake....... I walk over to Emma and sit down. She notices my ridiculous smile and she furrows her eyebrows.

"You wont have to worry about her again, ok love?" She smiles back at me and gives out a sigh of relief. We sit and finish our breakfast, and Lauren and Delali make an announcement. Tomorrow (and the next day) we are going to Silver Dollar City(an amusement park)! We will drive there tomorrow, go there the rest of the day, go to a campsite, camp the night, then go to SDC another day the drive back. This will be so much fun! A whole weekend with my beautiful girfriend. I smile beacause of everything that has happened this morning. We finish eating and I practically sprint back to the cabin. I pack a small bag to take on the trip.

The rest of the day we stay in the palace getting ready for the trip, and occasionally dancing to the blasting music. The day is so simple, but It seems so perfect. Camp was good before.... but now its perfectly working out.

Hey guys! Sorry, Kinda a short chapter.... and Sorry it has been a long time since I last updated! Ive just been really busy..... And Im sorry this chapter sucks and is kinda fillerish. Its late here and I want sleep. Anywho... this chapter is dedicated to Amber who is practically my sister(: She finally found my account, and I bet shes not even reading this haha but I dont care(: The chapter is dedicated to her(:

Anyway..... Be patient with me because Im quite busy! But Ill try to updat as much as I can(: Keep reading and voting! Leave me comments, I wanna know what you guys think!

Twitter: @SoccerStarr18

Bye Lovelies! (: xx

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