Fuyuhiko x reader [Grief]

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Major spoilers and cursing bc of our little foul mouth.


You were broken, it was only a day after the second trail, and you were broken. You best friend, since as long as you could remember, was dead, and your other was in the hospital. You and Peko were both reserved, but around each other or Fuyuhiko, you were both more lively. You don't remember how you met Peko, nor do you remember much of your first meeting with Fuyuhiko. Although you do remember that it was Peko that introduced you two. You were all so young and happy, none of you ever dreamed of getting stuck in a mess like this.

You didn't have anyone at the moment, especially since you couldn't see Fuyuhiko. You were the one who cried the most during her execution, you watched in horror, somehow seeing through your blurry vision caused by your tears, as she was killed. What made it worse was Fuyuhiko was with her, you couldn't stand the thought of losing them both, yet that's what it looked like.

Currently you were in your room, curled up on your bed, hugging your pillow mourning Peko's death while remembering everything that you could of your time together before this killing game. Someone came by earlier, you don't know who, you don't remember what time they cam by either. It didn't matter to you really, either way, at that moment you were paralysed. Your voice wouldn't come out, now it's fine, but you're pretty sure if someone came by again, the same would happen.


Hajime was running to your cottage, it was important. They found Fuyuhiko and you needed to know. Although Hajime was only there for a minute, Fuyuhiko wouldn't say anything, he just kept looking out the window. Everyone knew how close the three of you were, so if anything, you should be there. Everyone saw how heartbroken you were, and when you found out Fuyuhiko was alive, you blacked out, it really was to much for you, and everyone knew that.

"Y/n!" Hajime shouted as he pounded on your door, "we found Fuyuhiko! He's on the second island's hospital! You need to go and see him!"

You felt your heart sink, he was in the hospital, but that was obvious from his wounds. You ran, you ran out of your cottage and unfortunately ran into Hajime. You fell face first, you scrapped a bit of your check and most of your hands from when you caught yourself. It stung greatly, but that didn't matter. You jumped up and tried to say sorry, but nothing came out. You didn't stop to try again, you just ran as fast as you could. Leaving a frozen Hajime at the foot of your door shocked from your sudden urgency.


When you got there, you were covered in bruises and scrapes from all the times you fell. You ran in, and Monokuma yelled something at you, but you didn't exactly pay attention. You stopped running when you reached the room he was in. Honestly you were nervous, and moved your hand slowly to grip the door handle. You stood there for a moment, just staring at the handle in your hand, not daring to move, until you unknowingly opened the door. Everyone turned to look at you, your eyes were widened and it didn't seem like you got much sleep. Sonia came up to you, gently grabbed your hand and guided you next to Fuyuhiko. His eyes were widened as well, he wasn't expecting you to look so ...broken ...he thought you would have been more composed than him. You sat on his bed and just stared into his eyes, your eyes seemed so kind for someone so broken. He turned to everyone else, as if asking them to leave, which they did.

While they were leaving he gently caressed your check, and lightly said, "you dumbass."

You let out a forced chuckle before grabbing his hand that was on your check. You then chocked out a sob, and slowly buried your face into his shoulder. You sat on his lap, with you legs folded on either side of his own. You silently sobbed in his shoulders, gripping his clothing tightly. He couldn't help but let the hot tears run down his face as he rubbed your back in comfort. He buried his face in your hair as he continued his comforting actions.

After a few minutes, you both stopped crying, but neither of you moved. Everything was still, and no one moved. By now, you were half-asleep. As much as you tried, you couldn't stay awake, you were exhausted. You mumbled a goodnight, which made the yakuza give out a chuckle. The room seemed dark, but in reality, it was three in the afternoon. A minute after you said that, you moved your head upward to face the blond, he gave you a confused look, as if asking why you weren't asleep.

You pecked him lightly on his forehead, before burying you face onto the crook of his neck. Your actions made the boy's checks flare up even more, he was mad. He thought he deserved a real kiss.

"Next time kiss me properly dumbass," he whispered, before placing a kiss on your head himself.


A/n: I finally thought of something for my boi ;D Anyway, leave request!

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