Fuyuhiko x reader [Swing]

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"Swing" as in swing music, the whole era itself actually. (I got the idea from a head-cannon I read, don't remember where I got it though.)


The school hardly threw dances, so when some of your friends heard of their upcoming event, they were ecstatic. You were happy that they were happy, so you agreed to go with them. That's when they realized they didn't know the theme, so Ibuki quickly ran out of the room. Sonia seemed the most excited, mostly since she never actually attended a school dance before. You weren't exactly paying attention at the moment, you were trying to guess the theme.

Ibuki came in yelling something inaudible, but soon shoved a paper in your face.

"Ibuki found it!" She yelled excitingly.

"Perfect! Now we will be able to plan our event's clothing accordingly, correct?" Sonia asked, her eyes gleaming.

Mahiru looked at the paper, than back at all of you. "Hey, isn't "swing" from America or something?" She asked, not quite grasping the concept.

You quickly snatched the paper out of her hand, while the other crowded behind you. The poster did in fact say "swing" and some other things explaining the theme, which Mahiru missed. Sonia read it aloud, everyone in the class was now silent, listening to her repeat what was on the paper.

Fuyuhiko's eyes lit up, he loved swing music and the whole era itself. Apparently, you did too, since you did the same. Sonia was excited, yes, but there was no doubt, that from the group of girls you were with, you were the most. Mahiru was still a bit confused, so you decided to give a brief explanation of the era and its music, clearly showing your knowledge and love for it.

The girls noticed this, and decided that who else was going to plan their outfits but you? Hiyoko, who now showed interest, decided to have some fun.

"Hey big sis (y/n), how do you dance it?" She asked innocently, but wore a smirk. She knew you weren't exactly one to dance, but she didn't expect you to play along.

"Oh it's easy!" You exclaimed. "Would you like me to show you?" You knew swing could be easy at times, but you weren't going to show her "easy." All because a few days ago she messed with a friend of yours, so showing her up would be fine right?

"Give me your hand." You requested, your hand outstretched for hers as you got up.

She gave you her hand, and let you pick her up from her seat. The others couldn't wait for you to start, Ibuki was practically jumping. At first you moved Hiyoko to a rhythm, which she got easily. You then started to move in a way she couldn't catch up with, so she just stood there dumbfounded as you circled her doing complicated moves. You finished quickly, and sat back down, then shot Hiyoko a reassuring smile. "Nice beat, huh?"

Hiyoko sat back down with a pout, but she knew she couldn't stay mad at you for long, you were like a sister to her. Thankfully, the whole class was gone before you started, so the only people who saw you performance was the ones you were sitting with.

"Ibuki says we should get ready for the party!" She exclaimed energetically.

"I agree!" Sonia shouted, filled with determination.

"(Y/n) will you help us with our outfits? Since you know a lot about it." Mahiru added.

You nodded eagerly, before leading them to your room.


You led everyone to the gym, where the dance was taking place. Ibuki was jumping from spot to spot, almost hitting a few walls every now and then. Sonia was more composed, but her eyes were gleaming. Hiyoko was hiding behind Mahiru awkwardly, she felt odd without her kimono. You felt confident, and walk proudly in front of the others.

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