Hajime/Izuru x reader [Lovesick]

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This is why you don't leave me alone at two in the morning.


(Y/n) loved mornings like these. Waking up next to Hajime, who was hugging her like his life depended on it. From what she could tell, it was early, but she wasn't sure how early; if she was to look at the clock or her phone, she would wake Hajime. She really was in love with Hajime. (Y/n) never wanted to leave him, being around him made the world seem perfect. It was a school day for sure, but it didn't matter, she decided that she wouldn't leave his embrace until that clock rang, hopefully, it wouldn't ring for a while.

She would do anything for him, she thought it was a bit stupid, but she would do anything. When he would kiss her, it seemed like time stopped completely. When he hugged her, all she could think of was how much she loved him. Normal, simple things that he would do would seem amazing in her eyes. Yes she was lovesick, but she didn't care, she had him. So she nuzzled herself into his chest, taking in his warmth with a smile.


If you thought she was lovesick, it was nothing compared to Hajime. All he wanted was to protect her. He felt like the luckiest person in the world having her. He would feel empty when she wasn't there. If she wasn't there, what was the point? It amazed him how he got to met an Ultimate, let alone date her. He felt like he didn't deserve her,  he was only a reverse course student, why would she love him back? But to his surprise, she did, he couldn't really see why, but he was filled with euphoria. The girl he loved, loving him back, something he thought would only happen in dreams.

A reverse course student... that's all he was, so why did she love him? No matter how many times she would reassure him that being a reverse course student didn't matter, he still wouldn't believe it. He wanted to believe her, to love her, but he felt all he did was drag her down. She was an Ultimate, she belonged with other Ultimates, not him. That's why he told Headmaster Kirigiri he would do the experiment.

He would be able to make her proud. He wouldn't bring her down, he was doing it for her. He would be able to love her freely, nothing stopping him. That was what he wanted, to make sure she would be able to blossom with him by her side, not him in the background.

He... was nervous.

What if the experiment took to long? How would she deal with his disappearance? He didn't tell her, he didn't want to tell her. He knew she would tell him she loved him just as he was, that she was proud. He wanted to believe her, to believe it, but this was the only way.

He was going to be worthy of having her love.


A week.

It's been a week since (y/n) has seen Hajime. She hasn't been the same, and she hardly slept. The school covered up his disappearance, telling her he probably left out of his own free will. They mentioned how his family was running low on money, so they said that was probably it.


She knew they were lies. But what could she do? Sure she was the Ultimate (talent) but how was that suppose to help her find him? Chiaki, a friend, was worried as well. She only knew him though (y/n), but they were friends too. However, at the moment, she was more worried about the (h/c) girl, because she was falling into despair.


Over a guy.

...It seems pathetic, but that's what was happening.

She was falling into despair over Hajime Hinata, the person she loved the most. And he vanished without a trace.


The black-haired male sat up from the pod. Scientist surrounding him saying inaudible things.

How boring.

He stared at the ceiling, not caring about what the scientists were saying. He didn't have to hear it, it was probably unimportant anyway. The Ultimate Hope, that's who he was, and they named him Izuru Kamukura, he at least heard that. None of this interested him at all, but there was one thing that did. Or, one person.


He didn't remember her last name. He was amazed he remembered her at all. He wasn't suppose to have memories, so what kept her there? He remembers her touch, her laugh, every feeling he had with her. He remembered her smile, the way her (E/c) eyes would light up when she spoke of something she loved. Her voice, he loved her voice. He could picture her asleep in his arms somehow. This funny emotion was love, wasn't it?

He wasn't suppose to feel emotion either, yet this girl made his heart skip beats. How could the scientist overlook this? He didn't want to feel it, it annoyed him. However, he still felt that he never wanted to give it up. Especially not you.

He loved you, and he was going to have you.


A/n: Ayeeeee this seems stupid ^^. But this is what you get when I keep replaying the same song and it's two in the morning. Yeah~ I'm tired... I feel like blasting MSI right now h e l p .

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