Komaeda X Reader [Needed Kisses]

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So um... Madeline requested this and I regret everything ^^. I am tired don't judge me. #Madeline pointed out that I sound British but I am not I am an angry American.

(There is a very important note at the bottom. Please look at it.)

  (Y/n) quickly walked out from her cottage, shaking slightly. It was after 22:00, she knew that, but she didn't know the exact time. It was cold and the wind hit her uncovered arms, giving her goosebumps. To add to her shaking, it was after the first trail, where she had to uncover the murder of one of her classmates. She needed answers on something, or to be more precise, from someone. She was headed for Nagito's cabin, because she was curious of his behaviour. Even though she knew curiosity killed the cat.

  As she reached his cabin, she lightly knocked. As soon as her petite hand came in contact with the door, she immediately regretted her decision of coming. She knew she had sleeping tablets if she needed them, but now that she thought of it, how were they suppose to help? She slightly panicked as she heard movement from behind the door, slowly coming closer. She couldn't leave, that was for sure, but she wished she could. Unexpectedly and quietly, the door opened, revealing the tall male.

"Ah! (Y/n), what could bring such a talented beacon of hope to the cabin of such trash like me?" Nagito asked with a crazed look.

"Oh, um... I wanted to talk to you about your behaviour during the class trail," the (h/c)-ette answered reluctantly.

"Of course," Nagito said softly, "why don't you come in? You seem cold."

  Nagito then stepped aside, allowing (y/n) to entre. She didn't want too, she didn't trust him at all, but she was cold, so she went in. As she stepped in, Nagito removed his sweater, and placed it onto her. He had his signature closed-eye smile as he stood there for a comfortable moment, with his hands on her shoulders over his coat (thing), before shutting the door. He motioned her to sit on his bed, which she did. He then sat next to her before motioning her to start.

"About your behaviour," she started, "...how am I suppose to put this?" She asked as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, hand holding her chin. Nagito gave out a small chuckle as he watched her concentrate on figuring out what to say. He waited for her to continue patiently without a care in the world. He thought she looked adorable, but he would never say that aloud, someone like her wouldn't want trash like him, anyway.

  A sigh escaped her as she loosened up, ready to talk. Before she could, however, an unexpected visitor knocked on the door. Although Nagito was upset by the sudden interruption, he still had a smile on, ready to greet whoever came to see him. The girl followed and stood behind him, curious in who came to see him. When Nagito opened the door, a slightly nervous, but mad Souda came into view. Behind him was Nekomaru, and Souda seemed to be hiding something behind his back.

"M-Miss (Y/N)! What are you doing here?" Souda inquired loudly, obviously confused. He then darted his gaze onto Nekomaru, as if asking what to do. (Y/n) figured they didn't expect someone else to be here, and because of this they were completely lost on what to do. Then, she caught a glimpse of a wrench in Souda's hand, and everything seemed to come into place. They were here to knock him out.

  She then backed away from the door a bit, scanning the room. She saw a vase with yellow flowers in it, and emptied it. With the vase in her hand she slowly approached Nagito. Souda and Nekomaru caught on, and gave small sighs of relief. Unfortunately, she and Souda both struck with their weapons at the same time, somehow missing. None of the objects came in contact with Nagito, instead, Souda's wrench hit the vase, destroying it. Everyone, excluding Nagito, stood there in shock, he really was lucky. Nekomaru then made his move, and was ready to hit him, when he somehow tripped, and landed in front of the jammy sod. Nagito just smiled at his turn of events, and was about to say something until he saw from the corner of his eye that (y/n) took out a pill bottle. He somewhat panicked, what was that suppose to do?

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