Kazuichi Souda x reader [Absent]

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Requested by Jesus_cwist

IM SORRY THIS SUCKED BUT I KINDA RUSHED IT A BIT NOT REALLY BUT I MIGHT BE GONE FOR A FEW DAYS (I already was ( ̄-  ̄ ))  SO I WANTED TO POST SOMETHING BEFORE I LEFT. (I promise that the Gundham x reader I owe you will be better as an apology!) (Too ooc?)

(Y/n) traveled regularly, it was part of her job. As the Ultimate (talent), she would go from city to city, country to country, doing what she always does. And unfortunately, when school started, she couldn't make the first week; she wasn't going to be present for a few weeks, to be quite honest. When some heard about how much their classmate traveled, they got excited, but she didn't attend class for a while, so the excitement died down a bit.

Souda was actually a bit excited at first as well. But then he meet Miss Sonia, the perfect princess. And he completely forgot about his excitement, along with the girl he wanted to meet.


After a few weeks, the (h/c) was finally able to attend Hope's Peak. She was nervous yet excited of the outcome, what would her classmate's be like, anyway?

She was practically running down the hallway to try to not be for her first day, but at least she would be able to introduce herself to everyone at the same time, right? When she arrived, it seemed like someone was teaching, even though the bell hadn't rung. So she knocked, and waited patiently outside for someone to answer. Her heartbeat slightly sped up as she heard footsteps. The door opened to reveal a petite, young woman with orange hair in an apron, most likely her teacher.

"Ah! You're (f/n) (l/n) right? I'm Chisa Yukizome, your homeroom teacher." She cheered. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" She smiled.

(Y/n) nodded and moved to the front of the class, Chisa following her there.

"My name is (f/n) (l/n). I look forward to getting to know you all." She stated shyly as she bowed, with a small blush on her face.

"Ibuki thinks she's cute! Like a cinnamon roll!" An energetic girl with coloured hair boomed loudly.

"What the fuck does that even mean?" A blond boy from across the room spat.

"Anyway," Chisa started, " take the spare seat in the back, and I'll continue class."


Souda watched intensely as the new girl made her way to your seat. She was gorgeous. He eyed every curve on the girl's body, the way her (h/l) (h/c) bounced as she walked; he couldn't stop staring at her. Luckily nobody noticed this, but he really did love every perfect imperfection she had. Miss Sonia was perfect, but (y/n)... she was something else.

The bell rung signalling the start of class, and Souda turned back to face the board. His thoughts weren't on what was on the board, or on Miss Sonia, they were filled with questions about his new classmate. During class he would often look back and glance at her, they weren't subtle either, yet nobody caught him.

After about five minutes the (h/c)  noticed this, so she gave a small smile and waved, although she was a bit confused. The pink-haired boy visibly blushed and turned his attention to the board, quickly sinking into his chair. This only made her more confused as she questioned his actions, but decided to leave it. She was absent for a while, so getting a new student would have been interesting to her too.

Class ended earlier than (y/n) expected. However, she felt completely stiff from being stuck in that chair, she hadn't been seated like that in a while. Souda watched from afar as his new obsession stretched her arms above her head, her shirt slightly lifting up. Just one glimpse of her skin and he was drooling. This led him to think of everything that he could do to her in private, before mentally face palming. 'Be a gentleman for once!' He scolded himself.

Mahiru, who introduced herself, came up to the (h/c) girl to help. She then started naming everyone, and gave the new girl a small description of them as well. Along the way some other girls joined as well, trying their best to help. Chiaki, sat listening to everything, but soon fell asleep. They said it was normal, so (y/n) decided to leave her be while the others continued.

After giving brief introductions, they led her around to actually talk to them. Everyone was fine, some were... unique but she didn't mind, they were her classmates after all. Finally, she went to talk to the last person, who just so happens to be Souda. He mentally panicked for a second until he calmed himself down, if he could keep his cool around Miss Sonia, he could do the same with her, right?

"Hello! Souda Kazuichi, right?" She inquired.

"Y-yeah... that's me! Nice to meetcha!" He started, quickly gaining his confidence as he talked to her. She made him feel comfortable, yet she only said a few words. He was addicted to the (h/c), he knew he couldn't feel this way with Sonia, so he wasn't going to give her up for anything. He would wait as long as he needed to to get her to notice him. He hardly knew her, but that didn't matter, he was in love with her. That's something that nobody could take away from him.

A/n: I feel like the POV change fucked it up :/. I'm sorry I tested it on your request... but I wanted to try it out! If you see a "you" or "your" it's because I changed the POV halfway. Leave me request anyway, so that when I finish my next one-shot, I have something to write about afterward. (Oh! Have any of you played Mystic Messenger? I'm in love with it already, UGH they're so perfect)

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