Part 4

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(YN PoV)
Mysterious boy: "hello my name is... Marcus Gunnarsen"
YN: "well hello there Marcus! I'm YN"
Marcus: "nice name YN!"
YN: "thanks"
Marcus: "umm, see the thing is, I kinda need to go..."
YN: "oh..."
I wasn't surprised, he doesn't like me anyway, and I don't like him.
Marcus: "but I actually really enjoy talking to you, can I have your snapchat?"
Should I give him my snapchat? Or?
YN: "um, yeah, I guess.."
I gave him my snapchat, and I added him back right away.
Marcus: "I'll snap you later"
YN: "sounds nice! Bye"
Marcus: "bye"
I got a weird feeling inside, he's such a weird person. Sometimes he's nice to me, other times he's the biggest asshole ever?
I walked home as fast as possible.

(Marcus PoV)
I got home or not really home, I got to my hotel room. I took off my shoes and went into the living room, my mom and dad sat at the dining table talking, and Martinus and Emma (their little sister) were playing something together.
I could see that both mom and dad had a serious look on their faces.
Marcus: "what's up?"
Gerd Anne (Mom): "well..."
Kjell Erik (dad): "do you remember the audition you and Martinus went to in the beginning of the year?"
Marcus: "well yeah, of course! Why? what happen?"
Kjell Erik (dad): "you got the role!"
Marcus: "are you serious?!"
Kjell Erik (Dad): "yes but..."
Gerd Anne (Mom): "Martinus, didn't get the role he wanted, he's not even in the movie"
Marcus: "oh..."
Martinus: "but Marcus, this is a really big opportunity. Don't let go of it because of me, I can live with it, and it would be so cool to see my brother on the big screen"
Marcus: "are you sure Martinus?"
Martinus: "100%"
I went over and hugged him, I walked back to the table.
Marcus: "so I got the role for Jack right?"
Mom: "exactly! That's the role you wanted right?"
Marcus: "yes! But when will we start? And where is it?"
Dad: "they will start shooting the movie next week, but Marcus?"
Marcus: "yeah?"
Dad: "it's really important that you "disappear" this whole week, we can't let no media catch you off guard, we don't want any rumours."
Marcus: "but I met with some fans earlier?"
Mom: "that's fine for now, but just be careful, no one knows about the movie yet, it'll come out next year and the trailer isn't even up yet. So don't tell anyone"
Marcus: "ok, I won't. But can't I walk outside or anything?"
Mom: "of course you can. But if any paparazzi's show up, just leave where you are, or if you can't leave then just don't answer any questions, because there are rumours and someone might have heard of you starring in a big movie"
Marcus: "ok, I get it. But omg I'm starring in a movie!!"
Mom+dad+Emma+Martinus: "congratulations Marcus"
I can't believe this is real, I'm going to be starring in a movie!
I looked at my phone, I wanted to send a snap to YN.
I took a picture of the TV with Emma in front of it, and wrote: "Hello!"
I got an instant reply: "hi" and a picture of half her face showed up.
I took a photo of my face and smiled. I wrote: "do you want to meet at the beach tomorrow? I heard there's going to be really nice, warm weather:)"
She replied: "umm... Ok I guess. See you"
I laid my phone away, I checked the time - time for dinner.
Mom and dad bought two pizzas one with cheese and one with pepperoni. After the meal we watched some TV and at 22:30/10:30 PM we went to bed.

I really hope you're enjoying this, and again sorry for grammar mistakes:/

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