Part 21

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She sat down next to him and looked at him. Just looked at him. Didn't say a word. She shook her head.
I stood next to them, discreetly.
Marcus: "I'm sorry.. I didn't want to ruin everything..." His voice was weak and raspy, and his pale face was covered in sweat.
Cara: "You know what Marcus? This happens every time. You always ruin it. Always. I can't believe it. If you loved me enough you wouldn't do this to me!"
I tried to control myself, but I couldn't help it.
Y/N: "Why are you so harsh on him?"
I looked at her, and her expression was furious.
Cara: "Excuse me? Who even are you?"
She looked me up and down.
Y/N: "Don't worry, that's not important. I'm a loser"
Cara: "Yeah I can tell..." She rolled her eyes.
Y/N: "I just feel bad for him you know.."
Cara: "Why would you?"
Y/N: "Because you're horrible.. God, having you as a girlfriend... Damn, must be tough."
Marcus tried to hold in his laugh, but a grunt escaped. Cara looked at him furiously and he instantly stopped.
Cara: "I am the best girlfriend to ever exist. So you little piece of shit, should take your ugly, dirty hoodie and leave this house. You're ruining the air around here. It's not good for Marcus to breath that dirty air..."
Y/N: "I should probably give your boyfriend his hoodie back then."
I took it off, and laid it next to Marcus.
I walked away, and as soon as I had turned around, Cara started to yell at Marcus with her annoying squeaky voice. I hope he won't go deaf.
I walked over to Martinus instead.
Martinus: "Omg.." He sounded worried.
Y/N: "What's wrong?"
Martinus: "We won't be able to press charges against the four guys, since we have no proof..."
Y/N: "Are you kidding me?! Surely we can get something through? You're the famous twins, you must be able to? And what about the phone? Where is it?"
Martinus: "It's broken. But the police said they would take the last two guys with them and interrogate them for more information, since the other two escaped. Disgusting dogs.
But they already examined Marcus, so he can chill and take a bath or something, he took a blood test as well, and we will know tomorrow whatever they drugged him with."
Y/N: "Yeah because he certainly wasn't acting normally. I'm just happy he didn't become violent or anything."
Martinus: "What did he do? When you two were alone?"
Y/N: "He was just really bubbly. And then he walked towards me, and hugged me, and told me, he appreciated me. It was weird."
Martinus: "Sounds like it. But didn't Marcus promise you a shower?"
Y/N: "Yeah he did, but I can wait."
Martinus: "No no, we have everything under control, take a shower!"
Y/N: "Alright.. Thank you."
I walked upstairs and in the bath was...

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