Part 25

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Marcus: "Go to sleep then."
I answered with a question.
Y/N: "Are you a virgin Marcus?"
Marcus: "Why are you acting so weird!" He sat up next to me. "What did you even dream about?"
Y/N: "Do you really want to know?"
Marcus: "Yes!!"
Y/N: "I dreamt about you, kissing my neck etc"
Marcus: "Really?"
Y/N: "Do you think I'm lying?? Yes really!"
He laid down again.
Marcus: "Let me change the subject. I'm going to break up with Cara." He whispered.
Y/N: "Good idea, it's probably the best thing to do"
Marcus: "I just want you to know, that.. Yeah. You're not as bad as I thought and I'm not hinting at us dating or anything.. Uhm- Because I know you don't like me like that."

I was trying to understand his words properly. So I thought about what he said for a couple seconds, before I answered.
Y/N: "Do YOU like me that way?"
He started to panic a little.
Marcus: "I didn't say that... No?"
Y/N: "Okay, cool. But we should probably sleep again, 'cause you know, I have to go home tomorrow."
Marcus: "But you live nearby right?"
He sat up again, looking out into the garden.
Y/N: "I live like 15 minutes from here. But you remember our little agreement right? I think it's for the better if we stick to it."
Marcus: "So you don't want to see me again?" He looked away from the windows and into my eyes.
Y/N: "Do you want to see me?"
Marcus: "yeah.."
I raised my eyebrows.
Y/N: "Really?! Why?"
Marcus: "Because I enjoy your company. And you're nice, most of the time."
He laid down for the second time.
Y/N: "You're strange Marcus."
Marcus: "you too."
I laid down in the bed next to him. I was looking up at the roof. Marcus turned over and looked at me.
Y/N: "You have a staring problem..."
He laughed.
Marcus: "I only stare at people who are beautiful."
Y/N: "What about Cara?"
Marcus: "That's a whole other story.."
I sat up. I know I'm going to regret this. But I couldn't help it. I wanted to do this.
He sat up next to me. I looked at him. I wonder what he'll say.
I turned my head, and quickly I...

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