Part 9

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(YN PoV)
YN: "Marcus you fool! Where the hell are we?!"
Marcus: "calm down, I can fix this!"
YN: "yeah you better! I would like to get home in safety!!"
Marcus: "relax ok?! Nothing is going to happen, we can figure this out!"
YN: "pfttt yeah let's hope so.."
We became silent while Marcus tried reading the "unreadable" map.
He's kind of annoying, he just needs to get home, eat some expensive food, and then sleep on his gold bed, rich kid.
I wonder what he thinks of me.. Am I just as annoying in his eyes, like he is in mine?
Probably, but I don't really care. I'm never going to have anything to do with him after this is over, no one will know. Marcus will get his movie role without any worries, and then he will earn even more money than before. Great for him I guess.
It looked like we were in the middle of a "desert" or it wasn't really a desert, but it was kinda like stereotypical Texas, you know, sand, wind, hot as hell.
Marcus looked up from the map, and stared at me.
YN: "yes?"
Marcus: "let's switch seats"
YN: "yeah, good idea. Let's hope I can read the map, just an inch better than you"
Marcus: "haha, very funny... Pull over"
YN: "could you stop with the sarcasm please?"
Marcus: "why do you even care? Pull over!!"
YN: "why do I care? Hmm, probably because I'm forced to sit in a car with you, for I don't even know how long!!"
I pulled over.
Marcus: "finally" he whispered.
I just ignored him, I got out of the car and stood by a tree that was right next to us.
Marcus sat down in the drivers seat, and looked at me with a face that said:
"Get the fuck in the car, or I will literally drive without you"
Marcus: "YN?"
YN: "mhm" I gave him a really sarcastic and fake smile. I did it on purpose. I wanted to annoy him.
Marcus: "could you get in the car?"
YN: "umm, I'm sorry, what? I didn't quite get that? Can you repeat?"
Marcus: "could you PLEASE get in the car?" He looked at me with puppy eyes.
YN: "anything for you" I said with a smile, I walked behind the car, and got to the passenger seat and sat down.
I took a look at the map, and Marcus was right? This was legit unreadable?
YN: "umm... Do you have a phone with you or something?"
Marcus: "don't you think I've already tried that? There's no service out here.."
YN: "shit.." I whispered.
Marcus: "can you read it?"
YN: "the thing is that I'd love to be the hero right now, you know, read the map get us home and then "the end" but.. No I can't read this at all... I think we'll have to drive back, if we can remember the direction at least"
Marcus: "I think you're right. Let's just go back"
YN: "yeah and let's hope there's enough gas.."
Marcus: "don't worry... There will"
Marcus started driving.

Hey, umm I don't know about this story? Is it good? Do you like it? Do you even care about it? Please give me some feedback! I'd appreciate it:)

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