Chapter Ten - Protection

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*This is going to be a slightly shorter chapter but necessary for story progression. I know I am choosing really old songs, but I like them and sometimes they just fit. The song is How Will I Know by Whitney Houston. Thank you for reading.*




Alex is at the front desk checking out guests. She can see her mother in front of the door talking to the Sheriff.

“Mrs. Earley I hate to drop by like this but we’ve gotten a complaint from one of the locals about your handyman, a one Michael Peters.”

“Oh what has he done? I knew he was trouble.”

She calls over to Alex who is still helping guest’s checkout. Alex is noticeably annoyed.

“I’ll be right there”

She hands the couple their receipt and makes her way to where her mother and the Sheriff were waiting, watching the guests exit.

“What brings you out Sheriff?”

            “I was wondering if I could have a word with you and Mr. Peters.”

“Sure, he’s outside with Sarah.” She replies realizing why he’s there.

Alex and the Sheriff walk out to the driveway. Vivian calls to Sarah to come in the house.

Sheriff and Alex stop in front of Pete. He turns around looking at the both of them confused.

“Good morning Sheriff. Alex.”

“What brings me out is some trouble that went on here last night with you and one of the locals. Do you know anything about that son?” He says tapping his pen on his notepad and glaring at Pete.

Before Pete could say anything Alex moves to his side so she can face the Sheriff and answers.

“I suppose you’re talking about Jimmy Murphy when you say one of the locals?” Sheriff nods. “What do you want to know?”

            “Alex I’m asking the young man. We ran you through the system and know you’ve got a record. We don’t want that kind of thing going on in our town.”

Alex can feel Pete’s aggravation, without even looking at him she knows his jaw has clenched and his muscles were flexing. She touches his arm and instantly calms him down. No matter who she has to deal with she is going to protect him no matter what.

“What stuff is that Sheriff? Jimmy had a little too much to drink and needed some help getting on his way. Mike just helped him out as all.”

He looks at the two of them suspiciously.

“Helped out? He looked pretty beat up.”

“He was having A LOT of trouble, and needed a LOT of help.” Alex answers sternly.

The Sheriff is confused then notices the bruises on Alex’s arm from where Jimmy had grabbed her.

“Um, I see.”

She realizes the Sheriff has noticed the bruises.

“I’m sure Jimmy didn’t tell you that. Mike did his job, that’s all. Anything else?”

He eyes Pete closely before answering.

“Well I suppose that will be all, unless you want to press charges against the Murphy boy.”

“No need, what’s done is done. Thank you Sheriff.”

They watch the Sheriff walk to his car and drive away.

“Thanks.” Pete touches Alex’s hand that is still holding onto his arm.

The look in his eyes tells her he can’t believe what just happened. She is protecting him. After everything he told her last night, she will still risk herself for him. She can see the concentration on his face and knows he is trying desperately not to wrap his arms around her and bring her in to him. The reason she knows is because she is feeling the same way. Being that close to him and not being in his arms is killing her. After he held her yesterday she knew then she wants to be wrapped up in him forever.

“No need to thank me, I told the truth.”

“I know but…”

She cuts him off and looks deep into his eyes making sure he understands.

“Mike, we’re okay.”

She knew deep down they would be just fine. He was there for her and she was there for him and no one else had to know about what he confessed to her, least of all her mother. 

After Alex goes back into the house she knows her mother was watching the two of them from the window seeing how close they are becoming and she’s not happy about it. In her mind it is just a matter of time before this relationship gets out of hand. Alex knows the conversation is coming bit she’s ready for whatever her mother throws at her.


Later that evening, Alex and Vivian are cleaning up after dinner. There has been a long silence between them that is finally broken by Vivian’s loud sigh.

“Seriously mama, what was that all about?”

“You know. I told you that man was nothing but trouble.  He has the Sheriff up here calling after him. I heard he beat the hell out of poor Jimmy Murphy. Now do you see?”

Alex is extremely annoyed at this conversation already and it just started. She needs to set her mother straight.

“I see clearly. The problem is you don’t see. You don’t see how much he has helped us, how much he’s helped me. You don’t want to admit it, but you know it’s true. He is a good man. It scares you to death that I might for once in my life find someone who understands me just like dad. Lord knows you never have.”

            “Don’t say that to me. I do understand that you are acting stupid. You fall for any good looking man singing a sad song. You did it with Sarah’s father and now you’re doing it with this loser. When is it going to end? Think of your daughter, Alexandra. And how dare you compare him to your daddy.”

 “I wish you could see yourself. This conversation is over.”

Alex throws the dish towel down onto the table and walks out the kitchen door.

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