Chapter Twelve - Bridges

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It is mid-February and blustery cold outside.  Over the last month and a half it has been very busy at the B&B with guests. Also, being the beginning of the year Alex has had a lot of financial work to do, closing out the previous year and preparing for the budget for the new one. Pete has also been busy working on the truck which was now moved to the barn, and making sure there is always a stack of wood for the fire place and the drive and walkway were free from snow and ice.

Pete and Alex are sitting on the little sofa in Pete’s apartment listening to soft music and talking.  It’s the first time they’ve been alone together since the day he kissed her at the lake, and she is relishing in the time they have with each other.

He touches her hand which seems to have turned to ice.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were cold? Let me go get a blanket.”

He gets up and grabs a blanket off of his bed and wraps it around her. He takes her hands and gently rubs them in his trying to warm her. Her heart rate elevates when he puts her hands up to his mouth and blows his warm breath on them.

“Thanks.” She says nervously with a smile.

There is a short silence followed by a question Alex never saw coming.

“Alex, where is Sarah’s father?” He asks as he continues to rub her hands in his.

“Wow that came out of nowhere.” She answers once again she was surprised by his directness.

“Not really, I’ve wanted to ask for a long time now. I look at you and I can’t understand why someone who had you and that little girl in their lives would leave.”

“I wish that was the story, but it’s not.”

 “What’s the story?”

Alex is trying to figure out whether she should tell him the truth? She really has no choice. He has been honest with her about his past it is only fair for her to do the same.

“Honestly I don’t know who Sarah’s father is.”

“What do you mean?” Pete is completely confused.

Alex takes a deep breath before speaking very softly.

“I was raped. It was my senior year in college, I was on my way home from the library one night and I was attacked. I know it was stupid walking home late at night by myself, but it was only a couple of blocks from my apartment so I figured I would be fine.”

Pete is noticeably angry because she can feel his grip on her hands has tightened, his jaw clenches and his eyes have gone to a darker shade of green. She knows he wishes that he could go back in time and protect her from all this pain. 

“So they never caught the guy?” He asks firmly.

“No, a few months later I found out I was pregnant with Sarah. It was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make, but I decided to keep her.”

             “Did you tell anyone?”

“Just my dad and he took it to his grave. I never told my mama. I just told her I was pregnant by this guy I was seeing and he didn’t want to be a father so we broke up.”

“It explains a lot.” He says looking at her intensely.

She tilts her head slightly trying to figure out what he’s saying.

 “What do you mean?”

            “It explains her resentment towards you. She thinks you have wasted your life, not only by coming back here to help with the B&B but also having a child out of wedlock and now with me in the picture and everything I bring to your life, she really can’t understand and probably never will. I assume you didn’t tell her about Jimmy either?”

“I didn’t see the point.”

“It’s important for her to know. I’m no shrink but I know it will help things between the two of you.”

Alex takes a breath. She knows everything he is saying is true. If her mother knew about Sarah and what happened with Jimmy she would be a little less judgmental of Alex’s decisions. The declaration could probably also repair the relationship she has with her mother.

“I suppose you’re right. Thank you.”

“Thank you for letting me in. I think you made the right decision keeping that little girl. She’s absolutely amazing.” 

He puts his arm around her shoulders, his eyes now sparkling as he looks at her.

“The best thing I ever did. Mike, since we’re having these heart-to-hearts don’t you think it’s time you take your own advice and reach out to your own mama?”

Alex can feel Pete’s arms going tense around her and those eyes again; he really shows his emotions in his eyes. Sometimes it was downright scary, but other times it was sexy as hell making her body temperature elevate to new heights.

“I don’t know if I can. It’s been over ten years, Alex. She just left me in that cell, left me to rot. Then when I got out, not a word, letter, nothing. How can I forgive that?”

She gently touches his face hoping to calm him down.

            “I know but like you said it’s time to heal. That bridge isn’t gonna fix itself. If you want me to I will go with you.”

“You would do that wouldn’t you? What an awesome woman you are. I know you’re right. I’ve been holding on to so much of the past and I know I can never move on until I say some things and let go.” He says smiling at her his eyes now lighter and back to their sparkling color.

            “It seems like we’ve both got some work to do.” She says looking him square in the eyes.

His eyes, it’s like he sees right into her soul and it melts her.  She bites her bottom lip feeling the need to be even closer to him, and traces his lips with her thumb before sliding her hand down resting it on his chest.  Pete looks at her so lovingly and pulls her closer to him. He takes her hand and kisses it, then touches her face massaging her cheek with his thumb and pulls her face to his and kisses her much more passionately than the time at the lake.  He plays with her mouth, nibbling, sucking, licking her soft full lips until she surrenders and parts her lips allowing his tongue entry deepening the kiss. She put her hands on his waist and gently squeezed moaning against his lips. He caressed her and she fell into his arms not wanting to let go.




*The song is Last First Kiss by Tamia because I think it fits well. I know it's not technically their first kiss, but it still makes sense to me. Your support is greatly appreciated.*

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