Chapter Twenty-One - The Accident

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*This is a pretty short chapter but relevant. The song is Cryin' by Aerosmith because I thought about it and I think it's a good song. Thanks so much for reading.*





Alex is driving on her way to pick up Sarah from her sleepover. A truck has been following close behind her for several miles. The lights are bright and she cannot make out a license or a driver. The driver of the truck speeds up and rams Alex’s car, she swerves into a ditch, hits her head on the steering wheel and loses consciousness. The truck speeds away.


Pete is lying in his old room in Kentucky and suddenly feels a sharp pain in his chest he cannot explain. He immediately thinks of Alex and picks up the phone to call her but she doesn’t answer. His mind is racing and his heart is beating uncontrollably. He calls her again, no answer. Something is wrong, he can feel it; Alex always answers her phone.

‘Where the hell are you Alex? Please answer the phone I need to know you’re okay. Please, baby. Fuck! Think Pete, think. I have to find her. I have to hear her voice.’ He paces the floor running his hands roughly through his hair.

He calls the B&B and Nancy, Vivian’s cousin, answers.


            “This is Pete, can I speak to Alex she’s not answering her cell phone?”

            “Pete she’s not here. Uh…I don’t know how to say this…she’s…” Nancy answers hesitantly.

            “She’s what damn it? I don’t have time for this shit so where is she?”

            “I’m sorry Pete but she’s been in a car accident and she is at the hospital. Vivian said Alex hasn’t regained consciousness.”

            “WHAT! I’m on my way.” He says hanging up the phone abruptly.

Grabbing his things, he races out the door, jumps in his truck and speeds out of the drive almost losing control. The only thing he can think of is getting to Alex as soon as possible. He knew this is going to be the longest drive of his entire life.


What should have taken three hours only takes Pete an hour and a half to arrive to the hospital that’s holding Alex. His mind is going berserk and all he could think about the whole way is getting to her; he has to get to her no matter what. He is willing to get a speeding ticket once every mile; he just needs to get there.

Pete busts through the door of the hospital and searches for the front desk. When he gets there no one is around to help him and he is getting really frustrated. He has no idea what room she is in and he needs someone’s help to find her or he will be going to every room in that hospital and he doesn’t give two fucks who he disturbs. After walking back and forth from the hall to the lobby he finally finds a nurse.

“Excuse me. I’m looking for Alexandra Earley’s room please.” He asks running up to her almost knocking her over.

He actually has to reach out to her so she won’t fall backward.

            “She’s been moved to room 222.” The nurse answers, adjusting herself.

            “Thank you.”

He runs down the hall and locates a stairwell skipping several steps on his way to the second floor. He runs down the hall and finally comes to Alex’s room. Pete stands in the doorway, out of breath, looking at Alex lying in the bed.

He looks around the room which is colored in medicinal white and grey. There is a small window by a cot sitting on the opposite side of the room, a small table and lamp. The sound of beeping machines consumes the room drowning out all other noise. He sees Vivian sitting in a chair by Alex’s bed, and Sarah lying on the bed next to her mother. Vivian looks up and sees him still standing in the doorway

            “I’m so glad you made it. Alex said you wouldn’t be back until tomorrow.” She whispers as not to wake Sarah.

He is still panting from his marathon through the hospital and a little confused by her change in behavior so it takes him a few seconds to answer.

“I called, Nancy told me. What happened?”

            “I don’t know for sure. The sheriff said she drove into a ditch and hit her head. We’ve been waiting for her to wake up. Come in Pete.”

He knows she sees the sadness on his face because it is very evident and there is nothing he can do to hide it. His heart is breaking and it feels as though he can’t get any air.

            “What are the doctors saying?” He says walking into the room still focusing all of his attention on Alex.

            “Not much. They said there is nothing we can do but wait for her to wake up.”

            “How’s Sarah doing?”

            “As well as can be expected. She’s been sleeping for a while now. I’m going to wake her up and take her to get something to eat, so you can have a minute alone with Alex.”

Vivian pulls Sarah off her mother’s bed. Sarah sees Pete and gives him a hug. He watches Vivian grab her hand and take her out of the room. After they are gone he kneels beside Alex’s bed, holds her hand and kisses it.

“Please wake up baby. Please, I can’t go through this again. I love you too much.”

His life is just starting to make sense again and now this. He feels like history is repeating itself and his whole world is crumbling around him. Being with Alex has brought him so much joy and peace. She has taught him how to trust and love again. He’s come too far to go back to the way he used to be, jaded and guarded and doesn’t know what he will do if he loses her.


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