Chapter Twenty-Two - Alex You're Awake

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Three days have passed and the room is filled with flowers from the town’s people. The one’s Pete has picked are sitting on the table beside the bed. Vivian and Sarah have been coming and going over the three days, but Pete has only left to change his clothes and pick fresh flowers for her. The doctor has been in and out checking on Alex’s progress, and taking her to run tests to make sure her brain is still functioning and there are no blood clots or fractures. Thankfully all of the tests have come back negative, but he still has no explanation as to why she hasn’t regained consciousness which does not sit well with Pete or Vivian.

Pete, who has also been there all night, is holding her hand while sitting in the chair beside her bed. His head is resting on her stomach and he has fallen asleep. It is still very early in the morning, somewhere around six a.m. and he’s been there all night.

Alex slowly begins to move and feels Pete. She opens her eyes and sees him lying on her and Vivian and Sarah on the cot on the other side of the room, asleep. She starts to gently run her fingers through Pete’s hair and across his face trying to wake him up.

            “Mike.” She says still a little groggy and hoarse.

He nearly jumps out of skin when he realizes that Alex is awake and moving.

“Alex you’re awake.”

“It seems so. When did you get back?”

“I came as soon as I heard.” He says stroking her hand.

“Did you get to see your mama?”

“Yep, those bridges still need a little work, but we’re able to see to the other side if you know what I mean.”

 “Of course. How did I get here? How long have I been here?” She touches his face and sees the concern in his eyes.

He gets up kisses her forehead then her hand. His demeanor is so different than it usually is and she can’t help but worry

“Your mama said something about an accident. You drove your car into a ditch three nights ago on your way to pick up Sarah.”

Sarah hears them talking and wakes up. She nudges her grandma, jumps off the cot, runs across the room and climbs onto the bed with Alex.


“Oh thank God.” Vivian says as she sits up on the cot.

“Mama what happened?” Alex asks confused.

“The Sheriff found your car in a ditch off nine mile road. He said you must have lost control somehow and hit the ditch. You hit your head pretty good, and have been in a coma for three days.”

Alex lifts her hand to her forehead feeling the bandage. She furrows her brow as she thinks back to that night, trying to recall what happened.

“I was on my way to pick up Sarah. There were these lights, truck lights that kept following close behind me. I couldn’t see anything, no plates or driver. I think he must have rammed me from behind and I lost control of the car.”

Pete is furious, his jaw clenches, his she can feel his grip tightening on her hand. He let’s go of Alex’s hand and begins pacing the floor. Alex can feel just how angry he is and knows she does not want her mother or Sarah to see him this way.

“Mama, do you think you and Sarah can go find the doctor?”

“Sure. C’mon baby girl.” Vivian and Sarah exit the room.

Pete is fuming, his eyes have darkened, his muscles are tightening under his clothes and his hands are balled into tight fists.

“Someone did this to you! Somebody deliberately ran you off the road!” He says his voice elevated.

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