Chapter Eleven - Holidays

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It is mid-November and the weather is cold. Alex is sitting at one of the picnic tables by the lake looking out on the water, letting the brisk air skim across her face. She liked to be alone with her thoughts especially during the holidays because it’s the time she misses her father the most. Her father was her best friend and she loved him dearly. It almost killed her when they found out he had cancer. She knew she needed to be here and spend as much time with him as humanly possible. He needed to know how much she loved him.

Pete walks up to her.

“May I join you?”

“Sure.” She says still staring out at the water.

Pete sits next to her on the bench watching her intensely.

“I just wanted to check on you. Are you alright?”

“Yea it’s just a hard time of year. The B&B is quiet and this is the time of year I really miss my daddy. He always loved the holidays.”

            “I know what you mean.” He says thinking about his grandfather and the time they used to spend together during the holidays.

So much of him wishes he could go back and change everything just to have more time with his grandfather. He misses him a lot, the talks they used to have, and the teaching he used to get about how important it is to know how to work with your hands. He used to say no matter where you are in life; there should never be something you can’t fix. Well he can’t fix this.

She turns to him looking into his face.

“I didn’t ask if you had any plans for the holidays. I know last year you just stayed and worked but I thought maybe you’d have plans this year.”

 “Not really, I’ll just stay here and work a bit if you don’t mind.”

            “Well there isn’t a lot of work that needs to be done but you are welcome to stay. As you know we have Thanksgiving Dinner here at the house with just the family and you are more than welcome to join us. Actually I won’t take no for an answer. Don’t make me use my boss voice on you.”

“Yes ma’am…, oh sorry, I mean yes Alex.” He answers laughing at her attempt to be intimidating.

“There’s also a big Holiday Festival in town around Christmas. Mama always makes pies, and…”

She suddenly stops talking causing him to look at her inquisitively. Her expression has changed drastically and the sadness in her eyes is giving him a sharp pain in his chest.

“And what?”

“Nothing. I bet you miss your family.”

“A little. I miss my granddad a lot.”

“Mike, I’ve heard you talk about your grandfather and even your mother, but what about your father, where is he?”

“I never knew my father. He left my mom while she was pregnant with me and never came back.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that.” She reaches out, touches his hand and smiles sweetly.

He shrugs his shoulders as if it is no big deal. How could he miss something he never had?

“My grandfather was the male figure in my life and he raised me to be the man I am today. I am so grateful for that.”

“He definitely did a good job. I’m sure he is looking down on you.”

            “Yea thanks. I’ve never met anyone like you, Alex.”  

He looks into her eyes putting his hand on her face rubbing her cheek with his thumb. She gazes at him so lovingly, tilting her head slightly as he continues to watch her. There is a question in her eyes and all he wants to do is answer. Unable to resist any more he leans in and kisses her softly on the lips. It wasn’t a passionate kiss but one that was sweet and pure. He can feel in her kiss just how much she cares about him and a warm sensation shoots through her entire body. 

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