Chapter 5: New friends or old ones? (Deadmau5 ft.Kaskade-I remember)

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Chapter 5: New friends or old one?

(Deadmau5 ft. Kaskade-I remember)

A full head of blonde hair blocked the view of the persons face, but I could tell it was a guy from the broad and muscular shoulders.

I was going to let this fucker have it as soon as I found a spot, which to my luck, I located one about three spaces down.

I parked my car, grabbed my bag, and stomped over to him. I tapped his shoulder, as he was getting his backpack from the rear compartment of the bike.

"Thanks for snatching my spot, jerk!" I sneered.

He turned around about to speak, but he stopped dead in his tracks when he looked at me. He just stared at me. The look he had on was one of confusion, which soon turned into realization.

"Hello!! Nothing to say?" I asked while waving my hand in his face.

"I'm s..sorry...I didn't realize it was you...Azriel" he replied.

" do you know my name". I was lost. I felt like I knew him but this is my first time meeting him. I was sure of it, I would have remembered him...he was perfect.

"I help your aunt with the heavy-duty stuff she needs done, when she's designing for someone. She told me that today was your first day." He said.

"Oh okay" I said, not totally satisfied with his answer.

"Tell you what, I'll make this up to you, let me be your guide?" He asked.

"I like the term indentured servant better" I replied with a smile spreading across my face.

"Indentured servant it is then, Angel". He wrapped his arm around mine and we walked up the brick stairs together.

He walked me to the office and even waited on me while I got my schedule. I walked over to the receptionists desk. There was a plump woman with rosy cheeks sitting there.

"Hello, I'm Azriel. I'm new" I said.

She looked up at me and with such a sweet tone she asked my grade level and full name.

"Azriel Calvary, and I'm in the eleventh grade ma'am" I answered.

She printed up a schedule and gave it to me. "Your already late so just give that to your instructor, she should excuse your tardiness since your new, have a good day" she said.

I walked out and there stood my 'servant'. He asked what I had so I handed him the piece of paper.

"Darn...I only have lunch with you" he sighed. He looked genuinely disappointed.

"Until lunch then,, what's your name?" I asked.

"It's Nathaniel or Nathan, see you later, if you just make a left down the hall, your locker is 100 and your first class is

English with Ms. Sarajevo, its on the same hall."

We parted ways, walking in separate directions. I made the left turn and found my locker. I couldn't open the sucker if my life depended on it.

"Need some help" asked a soft voice behind me.

I turned around and gave her a smile. She was a petite brunette with an adorably round face.

"If you wouldn't mind" I laughed.

She cracked it right open. What a lifesaver!

"Thanks". I put away my things and closed the locker.

"I'm Azriel, what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm can't believe your finally here. We've been waiting for so long" her eyes began to water"he's been waiting too" She said.

"Who" I asked.

"Him" she replied as she pointed her finger towards the end of the hall.

Once I saw who she pointed to, I felt this pull to him and I kind of recognized him. It scared me, and I have had enough weird for today so I did the only thing I could...I ran to class.

I yanked the door open, startling everyone. "Great, more attention" I thought to myself sarcastically.

"Yes?" Asked the instructor.

"Oh I'm new, I'm Akira, here's my schedule" I said, giving her my paper.

After looking it over, she told me to find an available seat. I took one in the back. Ms. Sarajevo had instructed us to do a little independent reading, since the period was almost over. I tried to read, I really did but I couldn't focus.

I tried thinking how I knew that guy. Midnight black hair, hot body.tanned dream! He is my sexy stranger! It can't be...

Brrring! Rang the bell for next class.

How am I going to get through this? I'm going nuts! These were the thoughts that were going through my head.

I came to the next class on my schedule, chemistry. I made it before most of the other students came in. I asked the teacher where I should sit. He told me that he goes by a seating chart of partners because there are many projects that will require having one.

"You can sit in one of the pair of desks in the back, right corner. Your partner is Gabriel Thomas, he should be here any minute now" said the instructor.

Three minutes later the tardy bell rang. Most of the class came over and introduced themselves to me, when they got a spare moment, but I hardly gave any of them a chance.

My plate was full of 'friends' already apparently.

The desk next to me was empty, so where was this partner of mine?

I began to work on the assigned chapter in my textbook, and decided to concentrate on school work.

But once there was a knock on the door half way through class, that decision went right out the window.....

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