Chapter 11: In his web (Hypnotized-Paul Oakenfold feat. Tiff Lacey

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Chapter 11: In His Web

(Hypnotized-Paul Oakenfold feat. Tiff Lacey

It was like walking in a dark tunnel but what was awaiting at the end of it was more darkness. I tried to have courage and tell myself that I did the right thing. I saved my father but in return, I signed away my fate to these....beings. I didn't even know what they were, but I knew it couldn't be good, evil oozed from their presence. They walked next to me but not protectively, more like possessively.

I took the last step out of the portal and was greeted by a winter chill. It was night, where ever we were. I have never seen a place that I could compare this one to. We were surrounded by a lush forest and we stood on a cobblestone path. I looked to the sky for some familiarity but wasn't given any. It wasn't the same sky I was used to. It was pitch black. Hardly any stars.

I heard hooves approaching where we stood. It was a black, horse pulled carriage with lanterns on each side. The driver wore a dark cloak that shielded their face. For a second, I thought I was in some medieval movie. The carriage, their clothes, our surroundings....they all seemed so feudal.

As the carriage stopped in front of us, Salazar instructed me to enter the carriage first. I turned the knob to the entrance and took a seat on the embroidered cushion. Salazar and his female companion entered after me and sat on the opposite side, facing me. The guards that traveled with us, sat with the carriage driver.

I tried not to stare at them because their eyes were frightening. I've never seen red eyes before, not to mention that I'm pretty new to the idea of the supernatural. I looked out of the small window, trying to find something to catch my attention but there was nothing but darkness. I placed my gaze on my hands that sat folded in my lap and endured the bumpy ride to where ever we were headed.

"What is she thinking, dear?" Salazar asked, breaking the silence.

The woman closed her eyes for a second then reopened them. She gave me a slight smile then turned to him.

"She wonders what this place is, who we are, what we are, and if our son is handsome." She replied.

I looked at her in amazement. She knew my thoughts entirely. Though I was in awe, it also scared me. I wouldn't be able to hide anything, I would have no mental privacy.

"Azriel, as I said, I am Salazar. This is my soul mate, Camilla. We are the rulers of the underworld. I am a demon, she is a witch. We have been searching for you, waiting for your reincarnation. Your light will balance our son's darkness. We won't hurt you, but when we arrive you are his. He is in a very dark place right now, even too dark for us and that is where you come in." He explained.

Camilla added to his explanation. " You were made for each other in a way. We've heard of your leniency with your original soul mate's indiscretion. Only a true angel could move past that, cheating among angels is unheard of. You carry a light so bright...and he carries a darkness so black."

"I don't understand what I can do for him, I barely know how to be an angel." I said to them.

"Love...that's all you need." Camilla proposed.

"So this is the Underworld?" I asked peering out at the darkness outside.

"Very perceptive, yes it is. Here in the Underworld, we combine old traditions with the new, hence our clothing and the carriage. Not everything will seem so ancient, we do have most of the modern conveniences." Salazar answered.

I kept my eyes down and nodded to his explanations. I could feel their eyes upon me, observing me. I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact with them, I was barely keeping it together at the moment.

The carriage came to a halt a couple minutes later. Salazar and Camilla exited first. I took a deep breath and followed them out.

Our destination was a castle that I'd only ever seen in movies and books. It was colossal in size. There were guards lined up at the entranceThis was beginning to seem more and more real.

"Come." Salazar instructed.

We walked through the huge front door and I followed them down a corridor. The only light came from a couple of scones that hung on the walls. We were walking towards the last door in this hallway. I could hear my heart beating in my ear, my mouth was dry, and my hands shook at my sides.

"Any last questions, before you meet your new soul mate?" Camilla asked.

I could only think of one...."What's his name?" I asked.

"Christian." They answered at the same time.

Salazar knocked twice then opened the door...

I forgot to breath as I stepped into the room to meet him. I felt like I could faint at any moment now, my legs felt like jello.

We looked around the room but it was empty. I did find the room strangely attractive. All the furniture was black, the walls were burgundy, and I could see that his unmade bed contained silk burgundy sheets. There was no light switch but there was a chandelier with lit candles. There was also a lit fireplace in the far corner that warmed the room to a comfortable tempature.

"Where is he?" Salazar asked his wife.

"Out here." A voice said, coming from the terrace. It sent shivers down my spine.

Camilla held my hand and brought me to the terrace, she could feel my tension and anxiety. She was my only comfort this minute and I didn't fight it.

I saw him. At least, the back of him. He was facing the opposite way, looking at the meager amount of stars.

After I stepped out onto the terrace, Salazar and Camilla disapperared, leaving me with him. I held my hands behind my back to hide their jittery movements. He slowly turned around.

He was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. His jet black hair was chopped around his face. Although his eyes were red, they didn't scare me, they only added to his allure. There was stud right below his lip, all I wanted to do was go and play with it.....with my tongue. His build was average but slightly muscular. He was perfect to me and he just might be the one to satisfy my insatiable appetite..

xoThanks for reading!xo

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