Chapter 8: Truth comes to light (Ellie Goulding-Lights)

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Chapter 8: Truth comes to light

(Ellie Goulding-Lights)

Mom kept asking me if I was alright when we got home. I kept reassuring her that I was, but I would be better once I found out the truth.

"I'm going to start dinner, why don't you go rest for a while honey" she persuaded. She started to get ingredients together for lasagna.I took her advice and headed upstairs. I opened my door and threw myself on my bed. I'm not sure at what point it happened, but I fell asleep.


I was walking through a field full of forget-me-nots, allowing my hand to sweep pass everyone of them. I found a spot to sit down. I picked a couple flowers and held them up to my nose to take in their scent.

"They don't smell as good as you" a voice said behind me. I scooted over to see who it was.

"Nathaniel?" I asked. What was he doing in my dream?

He sat beside me. "When you awaken, your going to start changing, Azriel" he took one of my hands.

"You will remember the past and gain your abilities back. I wanted to warn you before it just happened. I'll be there for you if you want, all you have to do is say my name" he finished.

"Why is this happening? Who are you? What am I?" I asked desperately. I didn't know what he was talking about. I was actually hoping the whole day had been a nightmare I would wake up such luck.

"Shhhh....It's starting" He said.

A jolt of pain woke me up. It was coming from my back, like something was trying to get out. It was excruciating, I thought my spine was breaking. I screamed for help.

"Mom!!! Owwww!! Mom help me!!!" I screamed. I fell to the floor trying to stand.

I heard two sets of footsteps running to my room. Mom and Sasha came bursting in.

"Oh my God! It's happening!!" My mom said, she ran to my side.

Sasha was frozen in place with her hands covering her cheeks, she had absolutely no idea what to do.

"Make it stop!! Whats happening??" I yelled. The pain was getting worse.

"What do we do? This wasn't supposed to happen!" Sasha asked my mom.

I was helpless, no one knew how to ease my pain...except maybe Nathaniel.

"Nathaniel!" I cried out.

My window flew open with a gust of wind. There stood Nathaniel with...wings? I had officially lost it.

He told my mom to back away.

"Azriel, I can help you make the pain go away but your going to have to concentrate and...bring your wings forth" he said.

"What the Hell are you talking about? Wings?"I screamed at him.

"Close your eyes! Do it!" He yelled. "You don't have much time before they rip you apart if you don't release them!"

I had to do something to make the pain go away, I closed my eyes and pictured the wings leaving my flesh. I started to levitate above the floor. My body was exhausted from all of the pain, my head slumped back and I let go of everything at that point.

Suddenly memories filled my mind. Memories that didn't look like mine even though they were familiar. I remembered being with Gabriel long ago, he betrayed me in the worst way....with Jocelyn, one of my best friends. Jocelyn, Sasha, and I had been inseperable until this happened.

We were Angels, this kind of betrayal was unheard of. I began to seek solace in Nathaniel, a fallen Angel. He was my strength through that hard time.

Jocelyn and Gabriel begged for my forgiveness and I gave it to them, I had been the Angel of forgiveness and healing, it was expected of me. The almighty became aware of my discontent and granted me an escape. I could be reincarnated at a time of my choosing and start new. Once I got my thoughts together I could return to heaven if I chose to or become one of the fallen and be with Nathaniel.

I also remembered my family's part in all this. They were just ordinary humans who couldn't concieve a baby of their own. They were offered to become my guardians once I was reincarnated, and they accepted. I was concieved naturally by them, recieving their traits and appearance, but when the time came they knew I could make the decision to stay or leave. It was my choice and they had no say.

I willed my wings out of my back and felt them tear through my flesh. I was bleeding profusely and I didn't know why.

"Is she going to be okay?" My mom asked Nathaniel.

"She needs to go to the hospital, she's bleeding too much" He responded.

"So much that supposed to happen?"Sasha asked him.

"Her wings have lain dormant for a century, the process of them emerging is foreign to this body. Let's get her out of here!" He told them.

He carried me in a blanket to the back of my mom's car. Nathaniel sat with me the whole way there.

He stroked my hair and told me he loved me.

I didn't know how to respond. I knew that in my memories I loved him, but I wasn't sure if I loved him, I just met him after all.

I felt the life draining out of me as my wings retracted back inside me. The last thing I remembered was a kiss, Nathaniel laid upon my lips as I took my last breath. What a great way to go...


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