Chapter 9: To the sky... (Grimes-Dream Fortress)

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Chapter 9: To the sky

(Grimes-Dream Fortress)

A week later....

Nathaniel POV

She was holding on...but barely. We got to the hospital just in time. Her pulse was so weak from the blood loss, she had to have a transfusion. The doctor said she had a strong will to live...anyone else would have given in by now.

Azriel has been my everything since I met her. I knew that Gabriel had a connection with her, but he had a history of infidelity. I was hoping that she would choose me in this life...first she has to wake up.

I've been by her side along with her mother, father, and Sasha. We took shifts being with her, not wanting her to wake up alone. No matter what the doctor's did, she just wasn't responding how we thought she would by now. She looked as if she were in a deep sleep, my only wish was that she would awaken soon.

Today was my day to stay with her. I was sitting next to her and holding her hand, when I heard a ruckus down the hall.

"Azriel Calvary! that's who I'm look for!"

Damn..Gabriel. I knew he would find out sooner or later.

"Ok sir, this room here is her's but she is in a fragile state. Please be aware and take that into consideration." The nurse instructed.

The doorknob turned and he walked in. We shared an icy glance, then he sat on the opposite side of her.

"You should have called me! She is mine! He demanded. I could see his frustration but I could care less about him.

"She doesn't belong to anyone, that's the whole point of the reincarnation. If you would have loved her instead of betraying her, she would never have came to me!" I replied. I got up and stepped outside, I didn't want to argue with that idiot, I just wanted Azriel...

Gabe's POV

I hated myself...I was the reason she decided to reincarnate herself. If I wouldn't have slept with Jocelyn, then she would never have met Nathaniel. I didn't want her to pick him, but it is her choice. I'll make her love me again...

I stood up and placed a kiss on her lips, I had forgotten the way our lips tingled together because of our soul mate bond. It wasn't strong but I could still feel it. I wanted to be the only man to make her tingle inside.

To my astonishment, her eyes started to flicker open once I ended the kiss. She looked weak but she was awake.

"Gabe? Where's Nathaniel?" She asked. She looked right passed me, not even caring that I was here for her. I could feel the jealousy within me.

"I'll go get your precious Nathaniel!" I snarled, storming out of her room. I couldn't deal with this right now...I wondered what Jocelyn was doing...

Azriel POV

When he left, I felt sort of bad for shrugging him off but the memories I had of him sleeping with one of my best friends was too much. I felt my former self's pain, it was unbearable. I had been saving myself for Gabriel before his betrayal and that's what made it worse. He couldn't have waited till I was ready.

I didn't really know how to act with him. My body begged for his touch but my heart was in pieces because of him.

The door opened and Nathaniel came in. "Nathan, I've missed you!" I exclaimed. His face brightened at my confession. He came over to me and embraced me so lovingly.

"Feel like its been forever since you've called me that!" He said. I felt drawn to Gabe against my will but with Nathan, I actually wanted him wholeheartedly.

The doctor's released me after a couple of hours. My mom and Sasha picked Nathaniel and I up. Mom said that Dad had to go out of town to deliver some parts, but that I could call him tomorrow if I wanted. On the drive home they filled me in on the things I wasn't too clear about. I was amazed at this situation, one month ago I was living the city life and today I'm an Angel who has to pick who she wants to spend eternity with!

After we finally reached our house Mom invited Sasha and Nathan to stay the night. We had a meal of chicken and rice, then we started getting ready for bed. Tomorrow was Saturday so we could hang out then, Mom thought I shouldn't over exhaust myself by staying awake all night mingling. Sasha and Nathan were going to sleep in the guest rooms down the hall from mine.

I started to fall asleep but the creaking noise of my door woke me up. I gathered my sheets around me covering up my white silk night gown that barely covered my chest.

"It's just me.."Nathan whispered. He walked quietly over to my bed and sat down. He had no shirt on, just a cute pair of plaid pajama pants. His presence made my heart skip a beat...

"Oh..hey" I replied, confused as to why he was in my room so late.

"I wanted to show you something." He said. He pulled the sheets from my hands and helped me out of bed. His eyes lingered on my body for a second or two till he regained his composure.

"All right, I don't want you to be scared of your I wanted you to see mine and maybe go for a fly with me?" He propositioned.

I was a bit sceptical but hell, what did I have to lose...I almost died already. I nodded my head, letting him know I was ready.

He stepped back from me and unleashed his wings with five seconds. They were beautiful and the darkest shade of black I'd ever seen...

He grabbed my hand and walked me over to the window. He opened it then stepped out into the roof. He held his hands out for me and I went.

It was a glorious night with plenty of stars strung out across the indigo sky. He looked me in the eye and held me close.

"Are you ready, Angel?" He asked.

"Yes!" I whispered with enthusiasm. It was such a romantic thought to be whisked away by a fallen Angel...

I closed my eyes as his wings began to flap, taking us off the roof. I could feel the wind's touch against my skin. I felt so refreshed as it caressed my body.

I opened my eyes to see that we were really high off the ground, then I closed them again. I held him tighter and I heard him chuckle at our closeness.

I felt something soft against my a cloud?

"We're here, open your eyes." He insisted.

" we standing on a cloud?" I laughed. This was like every kids dream when they were little...playing on a cloud.

He smiled at me. " I knew you'd love it!"

We sat down and talked for hours about old times. His words were sincere and so was his heart. I wanted to give him the only special thing I had body.

I climbed onto his lap and began kissing him with all the desire and need I possessed. He was taken aback at first but he followed my lead. I felt his chest and stomach, following the trail that led in his pants. He returned the favor by sliding his warm hands beneath my gown. He felt my wanting core and I stroked his heightened manhood. I began to moan against his lips, hoping he would take me right there...but he didn't.

"Not yet..the times not right." He said.

I felt embarrassed at my forwardness. I climbed off him, pulling my hands from his pants.

"Then take me home." I pouted. I was disappointed and I felt like a floozy who was unwanted.

"Don't be mad." He pleaded, taking my hand.

I rolled my eyes at him. " let's just go!" I exclaimed.

He flew us back to my room and I pushed him out the first chance I got. I just wanted to forget the whole thing....


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