Chapter 10: A Proposal(Brand New-The quiet things that no one ever knows)

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Chapter 10: A Proposal

(Brand New-The quiet things that no one ever knows)

I woke up early so I could get to the shower before Sasha and Nathaniel woke up. I thought the hot water could ease my mind after last night. I already missed his touch but I couldn't throw myself on the much as I wanted to. The way his hand caressed me was ripe in my mind. His rejection hurt me. If he was after my love and affection, then why wouldn't he grace my body with his?

I let the water hit me till it ran cold then I got out. I wanted some answers...and I knew exactly where to go.

 I dried off and threw my robe on. I walked down the hall to where Sasha was staying. I knocked lightly then entered. She was already awake so she sat up.

"What's going on?" She asked me.

"I want to know about Nathaniel and Gabriel." I answered. She is the only one who could give me an unbiased opinion.

"Didn't you get your memory back?" She questioned me.

I did get some memories, but when they ran through my mind, it was like watching a movie that was fast forwarding. I got bits and pieces but not the emotions.

"What do you want to know?" She asked. She was my friend and I knew she wanted to help.

"Last night, Nathaniel took me flying to the most romantic place. When I decided I wanted to take things to the next level...he wouldn't. Was he like this in the past?" I asked.

She seemed suprised by my words. "Back then you were nursing a broken heart, you met him, then turned into a whole different person. You were planning on saving yourself for Gabe, but when he betrayed you, let's just say you sort of had a sexual breakdown. Not only did you sleep with Nathan, you found other angels who would indulge in fleshy escapades with you. That's when you were granted your save you before you were wrecked beyond repair."

"So I cheated on Nathaniel?" I asked, scared of her answer.

 "No...but you broke his heart by breaking up with him. No matter what trouble you got into, he wasn't to far away to help you. He was true to matter the hell you put him through." She finished.

Tears welled up in my eyes, this was alot to take in. This explained why he didn't want to rush into things. He was scared that I would repeat history and become a sex crazed maniac.

"And as far as Gabriel goes...He was deemed your soul mate from birth. You were fated for each other. When he slept with Jocelyn, none of us knew what to do. It was unheard of to forsake your soul mate. He never gave a reason...we just assumed it was because of your vow to abstain from sex till commitment. You'll always have a connection to him..but, we couldn't stop your rampage last time he broke you and I'd rather not see him do it again. Its your choice, but thats my opinion."

I was drawn to Gabe but how could I love someone who strayed and made a fool of me? He wasfar from my mind. Right now, all I wanted to do was talk to Nathaniel and apologize for ignoring him last night. I should have heard him out.

"Thanks for the advise. I better go talk to Nathan." I said. I hugged her and went across the hall to the other guest room.

I reached out to knock on the door but he opened it before I got a chance.

"Good morning, I came to talk." I said. I hoped he would listen to what I had to say.

He stepped back, allowing me room to enter. He sat on the unmade bed and waited for me to talk.

"I'm sorry about last night. I talked to Sasha this morning, she told me what I the past. I just wanted to feel closer to you thats all!" I insisted. I knelt in front of him and held his hands in mine.

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