chapter 1 Halyn

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I gaze out of the window in my bedroom. Watching the raindrops slowly roll down. One by one. Rushing down the glass. I see my backyard past the window, past the raindrops there is a tree with a shed and a tire swing where I spent most of my childhood days. Sitting there swinging alone. None of the other kids seemed to like me and I don't know why...they always called me mean names, bullying me for being what they called different. I don't parents just say I'm unique honestly I don't know who to believe anymore..... but I do know that past my window,past the raindrops, past the terrible childhood memories there is a hill. The hill is full of beautiful flowers. Flowers of all colors, red, orange, yellow, pink, purple, white and blue. It's an absolutely gorgeous that I'm almost a teenager that's where I spend most of my days....on that hill of beautiful flowers still alone... alone on that hill of beautiful flowers which is before the terrible childhood memories, which is before those raindrops, which is before the window that I gaze out of. ... I gaze out of that window still, still looking at that hill where there are many beautiful flowers thinking of how life would be for me if I could just be normal. Out of no where there was a crash of lighting and a second afterwards a boom of thunder snapping me back to reality. To the reality where I will never be normal......
My name is Halyn. I am 12 years old soon to be 13 and all my life I've been taunted by the other children calling me names that mean different. And in my eyes....or at least in the society I live in it's not ok to be extremely rare or different so they call me Ender....I hate when they call me that ....but everyone thinks it's my name now because before I can tell a teacher my name one of the kids in my class will say
"Oh that's Ender ,she doesn't talk much " said a girl named Rachel at the beginning of this school year. So everyone calls me Ender...even my teachers....I have no way to fix it either...because I'm nothing but different. And that's all I'll ever be is different  just like I've always been. Ugh. Why can't I just be normal.
I live with my mom and dad ,Samantha and Eric. They are just as normal as everyone else and the only one who is different in this family is me. I'm the only one in the family with brown eyes. I'm the only one in the family with brown hair.  My personality, how I think , even my face is completely different then my family's. I don't know what to do with my life anymore.....
I walk down the stairs with sneakers , a tank top, and really short shorts.
"Hun, you do know that it's like 50 degrees out there right?" My mother asked.
She was a fairly tall lady with platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was in good shape. She ran everyday.
"Yes mom ik but it doesn't bother me it actually feels nice and you know I love the rain. So I'm gonna go to the hill ok?"
"Ok but I don't know if ugh fine just wear this jacket and these boots and be careful."
"I will mom. I promise"
As I leave the living room which is where my mom is I walk to the kitchen to grab a snack. I grab and apple and bottle of water.  I grab my backpack which everyone calls Halyn's adventure bag. Even though it's just a normal bag. It's just larger then most bags and can carry more stuff then most bag and makes everything light weight. I have a different bag for school though so maybe that's why it's earned that title.
The bag is black and has white dots on it that look like stars and three triangles on the center. I don't know where I got it from well no one does.  But oh well.
I grab the bag off the hook in the kitchen and stick the apple in it and the bottle of water. I also bring some chips you know just incase I stay longer then I intend. I grab a flash light and some spare batteries as well as a hat that I love to wear and it is similar to the bag except instead of triangles there are squares. But only two squares. I found it the first day we moved into this house in the attic and I loved it instantly. Along with hat I grab two pony tails and three bobby pins and stick them in the front pocket. And as I'm about to walk out the door I remember my journal and a pencil. So I run up stairs to grab them and bump into one of my older siblings, Ashely. She is 15. She's a little taller then me and has a light red hair and is always straightened and green eyes.  She's the prettiest in our family. But she's also the meanest.
" UGH watch where your going Ender!" Ashely said sassily
"Don't call me Ender!!! That's not my name!"
"Oh I'm sorry did I hurt little Enders feelings? Ha beat it kid." She pushed me out of the way.
I fell to the floor. Ugh. I hate my life. I walk to my room grab my journal and a pencil. I walk back down the stairs and through the living room through the kitchen and out the front door where once again I will be alone. Alone in the rain I make my way towards the hill of beautiful flowers to sit, weep, write, draw, and best of all explore. Alone.

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