Chapter 15- Joanne's Death Feeling

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Zeke and Joanne nervously sat next to each other in Matilda's office. Zeke taps his foot and twiddles his thumbs looking at the ground, avoiding eye contact with Joanne at all costs. Joanne taps her fingers on the arm of the chair. At first she was acting pretty normal, Joanne was just staring, and looking around the room. All of the sudden she began to feel something she had never felt. Her chest began to feel heavy, her fingers began to tingle, as well as around her lips. She quickly shut her eyes. Joanne's breathing got heavier as she listened to Matilda walked across the room. She was pacing back and forth with her hands behind her back. Joanne felt like she was dying, she didn't know what was happening. One second she was wondering if the reason she was called to Matilda's office because Matilda found our about Zain somehow, someway, the next minute she was dying. Then Matilda stopped and said, "I have a mission for you two."

          It took Joanne a second but, finally she realized Zain was safe. Then suddenly she felt relief and everything went back to normal, she felt the same that she felt before she came to her office. She didn't understand what happened. She wasn't gonna tell anyone, she thought that it was best. If she was sick she couldn't go and she really wanted to go on a mission. It felt like forever since she has been on a mission, one that she was supposed to be on anyways. The last real mission she had gone on was the one to get Halyn, although that wasn't that long ago it felt like forever.

          "We are bringing in a new recruit," Matilda stopped and said, " since Halyn won't train with me.." she sighed, " we have to try to train her with someone else. You two are going to travel to Canada, in the other world of course, and you have to bring this person back here. They aren't aware of this situation, but I have alerted their trainer about your arrival. If their trainer did tell them about you two then you don't have to explain anything. Otherwise you will have to explain. After you explain bring them back here."
         "What if they don't come back with.."Zeke started but Matilda interrupted him.
          "They will come back with you believe me."
         "Well what time are we le.." Joanne question but just as Zeke was, she was interrupted.
        "You will be leaving at dawn. Be in my office by 5:30 in the morning so I can go into more detail." Matilda looked around and then said, "you are dismissed."
Joanne and Zeke stood up and Matilda walked over to the door and opened it, so they could walk out.
They walked down the hall and Joanne kept her head down. Before they got to her room, Zeke tried to say something to her. Joanne ignored him, she walked Into her room and slammed the door in his face.

Joanne slid down the door and put her hands in her face.
She heard the tiny murmur of her sweet baby and she looked up and walked over to him. She lifted him out of the comfy bin, and she held him in her arms and rocked him.
"hey sweet baby" she smiled to her son. She gently touched his soft hair. His hair was gray, a mix between his mom's and his dad's.
The baby smiled a toothless smile and opened his little eyes. One of his eyes was a mix between green, bright blue, gray, and purple, all through out the eye, the other one was blue and purple mixed in a way, mostly split by a diagonal line. He had an unexplainable sparkle in his little eyes. He had dimples on his cheeks that were just the cutest. Joanne walked and picked up his bottle and formula and put the milk in his bottle. He slowly drank the milk, and he began to fall asleep. Joanne was nervous about her mission tomorrow. She was worried that Zain would be found while she was away. It's not like she can bring him with her, and she has no one to look after him. She doesn't know how long she will be gone.

Joanne set her sweet child down after she fell asleep. Joanne laid in her bed and shut her eyes. She watched the colors swirl on the back of her eyelids as she drifted to sleep.

Rome's finally gets to the other base after him and the two men (and dog) got lost in the shortcut that they took

"It was nice to meet you" the man named purple said as he stuck out his hand.

"You too" Rome's said as he shook purples hands. They waved bye as they parted ways.
Rome's walked up to the base door and knocked loudly.
A voice came through an intercom "come on through Mr. Romes" it was followed by a buzz sound and the sound of the door unlocking.

Romes raced through the base until he found Oaklee's room.
"Oaklee! Let me in now!" She opened the door and Rome's grabbed her by the shoulders and lifted her up. "Why didn't you do your job!" He yelled.
"What do you mean?" She questioned with sincerity.
"What do you mean ' what do I mean'" he mimicked her in a girl like voice , he yelled at her. "you didn't kill Halyn's family! They are still alive and breathing right now!"
"Joanne came to me and she told me that you gave her the job instead of me." Oaklee said with a serious face.
"What?! I did nothing of that sort!" Romes replied back to her puzzled. "Joanne lied, but why? I'm going to get to the bottom of this" he said while dropping Oaklee, she fell to the ground.
"I'm going to keep a close eye on her," he shook his head in agreement with himself. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this for sure." Rome's said with an evil menacing look on his face, so evil it would make the devil himself cower.

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