Chapter 10- Dead dad

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We all talked for a little bit after the tiny party. Eventually everyone left my room except for Joanne, me and her talked for a while about a lot random things. Things that didn't matter at all and things that had no value to us. We talked just to talk. We laughed, a lot. It was great. I felt like I finally had a friend who understood me. Then the laughing stopped. We got to a subject that had to be handled very gently. Our moms and dads.

"I never knew my mom" Joanne looked down at her hands. " I don't know who she is or where she is, I don't even know her name."

"That must've been terrible. Growing up without your real family." I looked down and then I looked at her. Even though I knew how she felt

She chuckled " it wasn't so bad"

"What do you mean?" I asked puzzled.

"I didnt grow up with no family at all. I grew up with my dad." She paused. "His name was Noah. He was such a good man. He was so goofy and kind. "

"I thought you lived in the other world ?" I asked.

"I did" she replied. "Until Matilda saved me and gave me to my father when I was young. I don't even remember the other world honestly. My dad and Matilda were good friends. That's what Matilda said."

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"He was killed, by Romes." I saw a few tears roll down her cheeks. "I was there. I saw Romes shoot him in the head. Then when Romes left I ran to my dad and was crying and begging him to wake up. There was blood everywhere. I remember calling for help. Matilda ran into the room and she yelled his name 'Noah!' She nealed down and scooped up his head. She began to cry. She looked at me and said 'go get Stephanie and Nathan! Now!' I ran down the hall. And I-" at this point she was bawling crying.

I leaned over and gave her a hug.

"Who is Stephanie and Nathan?" I asked while comforting her.

" oh, they were Zeke's parents. Matilda saved Zeke for them. Stephanie was Matilda's best friend. She was a nurse. So she told me to go get her to try and save my dad. I don't know why she even bothered. There was no use in trying he was already long gone." She was having trouble talking at this point.
"I got Stephanie and Nathan and they told me to stay behind. So I waited patiently. I had my fathers blood on my hands. I hugged Zeke so tightly when I saw him. Even though we were just kids. Me and Zeke never really talked. I just needed someone's shoulder to cry on. That's when we became friends. A few weeks later after losing my Dad. Romes committed another crime. He suffocated both Stephanie and Nathan. No one saw this crime be committed though. Everyone made a bigger deal of this crime though." She now silently cried.

"Whys that?" I asked again.

"Nathan was Romes brother." She said. She looked over at me.
" just I've said to much." She wiped off her tears " just pretend this never happen. You never saw me. We never talked ok?!" She said aggressively , sounding like she did all of the other times we had talked.

She stormed out of the door, leaving it open.

"What was that all about. I we had a meaningful conversation going. I thought we were becoming friends."I said to myself.

"Don't worry about her. She just doesn't like it when people see the sensitive side of her." Some one said.

"Did I say that other thing out loud?" I thought to myself

I looked at the door and standing there was Zeke.

"Oh , hey Zeke. What are you doing" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I was eaves dropping. Now I'm talking to you"

"Oh" I laughed. He shut the door behind him and sat next to me on the bed even though I wasn't sure if he should even been in my room.
I scooted away from him.
"Is there anything going on between you and Joanne?" I asked.

He smiled "yes actually. I love her. We are together. Even though Matilda , with her rules tries to keep us from being together."

"Why did she make that rule in the first place?" I asked.

"Me and Joanne made a mistake. That's all that I should probably say right now."

"Why can't you tell me? I barely know anything about anyone in this place. I have so many questions. You guys keep to many secrets. So please. I'm begging you to tell me what the mistake was. I won't say anything." I ranted.

I realized he wasn't going to try anything, like kiss me so I was more comfortable and I scooted closer.

"Look, we all have so many secrets to protect you. However the mistake that me and Joanne made I'm not telling you to protect her. And - just never mind. Forget I said anything." He looked at me seriously.

"Ok. I get it." I said looking down. " I'm just tired of everything being such a mystery to me all the time."

" Me and Joanne still don't know everything yet. There are plenty of secrets that we don't know yet."

"Ok, whatever just I think you should leave. I don't want you here I don't want to see you for the rest of the day. I don't want to see anyone for the rest of the day. I want to be alone. So I'll see you tomorrow Zeke." I stood up and walked towards the door and opened it.

"Ok then , sorry I tried to have a conversation with you" he said as he walked out the door.

"Don't start that with me. Not today. Not right now."  I closed the door and slid down with my back against the door.  "Finally. I'm alone at last. This has been a long day. This is definitely not what I thought I would be doing on my birthday last year." I said out loud with a sigh.

There was a knock on my door " who is it?" I said while rolling my eyes.

"It's Matilda"

I stood up and opened the door.

"Are you ready?"she asked with a smile.

"Ready for what?" I questioned.

"For training" she continued to smile.

"For?" I asked still confused.

" To save the world of course. Come on follow me " she walked away.

"Wait-" I said as I ran after her.

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