Chapter 16 - Don't take my Baby

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Joanne hears her alarm clock ringing. She is laying in her bed on her stomach with her arm hanging off the side. She looks over and lazily hits the off button on the top of the alarm. She flips over and stretches while yawning. Then takes a minute,  she hops out of bed and in a tired like manner gets dressed. She picks up zain and feeds him one last time before she leaves.
Joanne lays zain back down after cuddling with, and feeding him. She grabs her bag and walks into the hall closing the door behind her.
Joanne walks into Matilda's office to see Zeke and Matilda already there waiting for her.

"Ok good you're are finally here ," She says to Joanne. " now for further details, you are going to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan , Canada. Find a street called Faithfull Ave. there will be a white house at the end of the street not the one next to 51 st E, the other end of the street, next to 71 st E. Knock on the door 4 times, With two seconds in between each individual knock. Thats how they will know you are there for a specific reason. The trainers name is Ms. Farrar. She will know what to do from there. Ok?  Any questions?" Matilda doesn't pause and goes on to say, "okay great! Have a good mission!  You are dismissed"
Zeke and Joanne start to walk out, holding her duffle bag then Matilda grabs Joanne's shoulder. Matilda tells Zeke that Joanne will be out in a second that she just wanted to talk to her. Zeke leaves and shuts the door lightly.
"Now don't tell me you're seriously bringing that baby on this mission with you" Matilda whispers bluntly, while gesturing to the duffle bag.
"W-what baby?"
"Oh dont act dumb. You know what im talking about" Matilda rolled her eyes
"You knew? How come you didnt say anything before?"
"I knew you were trying to hide him from me and I didnt want to scare you... you can trust me Joanne. I promise. I will watch your baby for you while youre gone. He will be safe with me"
Joanne looked at Matilda with tears in her eyes and said "thank you so much. I was just so scared that if I told anyone else the word might get around to Romes and he might take him away from me again, I thought you might make me give him up or something...I just dont wanna lose my baby again" Joanne said as she began to choke on her tears and before she knew it she was ugly crying on Matilda's shoulder. "It was getting so hard to hide him, even though he's only been here for so little time," she choked "I didnt know what to do with him today an-"
"Hey its ok," Matilda interrupted her and looked at her with a smile. "its all going to be ok. This baby isnt going anywhere."
Joanne wiped her face and thanked Matilda. She walked back to her room and grabbed her precious baby. She walked back to Matilda's office. Joanne squeezed her baby one more time, before handing her prized possession over to Matilda.

Joanne and Zeke went through the door and from there they got on the helicopter and they were off. Joanne flew and Zeke sat next to her.
There was no conversation between the two, even if Zeke were to try to talk to her it would be no use, the helicopter was too loud and he didnt feel like trying to talk, even through the headsets they had let communicate if necessary. He obviously didnt find it necessary though.
The whole flight they flew over land and didnt fly over and huge bodies of water. Nothing more than a lake  or a river.

Finally after hours of nothing but the sounds of the helicopter, zeke finally spoke. "Looking at the map there is and empty space near 71 st E. We can land the helicopter there and then walk from there"
"Sounds like a plan" Joanne replied transparently. Almost as if a robot was the one talking and not her.

"Theres a good spot" zeke pointed.
Joanne nodded in agreement and successfully landed.
They both got out and grabbed their things. They stretched and started walking. A few minutes later zeke says "ummm"
"What," Joanne asks not too concerned.
"I need to pee.."zeke replies kind of scarcely hoping not to get yelled at.
"Youve got to be kidding me. Why didnt you do it before we started walking?!" Zeke just shrugged " do you need to go that bad?"
Joanne questioned. He shook his head yes vigorously.
She sighed "fine just go! I wont look." She stopped and turned her back to him. He went and found a little bit of coverage.

He came back while zipping his pants.
"I feel so much better" he said with a smile.
"I dont need to know the details " she face palmed.
They kept walking for a little bit until finally they got to the little white house at the end of faithfull ave. Zeke knocked as he was told. And they opened the door and let them in.
"Hello, your mrs Farrar right?" Joanne smiled and said with a slightly higher sound in her voice.
"Thats me," the lady smiled back. "Let me go get your new recruits"
"Recruits? I thought we only came for one person?" Zeke asked.
"Thats not what I thought, well if you dont need both you can just send one of them back ok? But for now take them both. Be right back"
Mrs. Farrar walked out of the room and returned with a girl and a boy.
The girl had black hair and brown eyes and a Carmel complexion. The boy was blonde with gray eyes and pale skin.
The boy said "Im Alexander, you can call me Alex." He shook hands with Joanne and Zeke.
The girl was looking down since she entered the room but then she looked up revealing her face.
"Hello Im Marie," she had a french accent, she put out her hand and looked at Joanne and screamed.
Joanne screamed too and they began hugging
"OMG I CANT BELIEVE ITS YOU" Joanne screamed with delight.
Zeke leaned over and tapped Alex on the shoulder and whispered "whats happening?"
Alex replied " I have no idea"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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