Chapter 7-Zeke

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"How should I go about investing?" I thought to myself. I need to figure out who was 'right for the job' , why I was in the other world, why didn't she get me sooner, what does this pin mean, why was Joanne crying, what is up with that Zeke guy, and what the heck is in that chest.

"Looks like I better get busy. " I say to myself while nodding my head in agreement.

I grab my lantern that is beside my bed and I walk into the hallway.
"First I think I'm going to try to explore"
I walk down the hall a little ways and I find a door. I didn't know that the room existed, so I figured that I should check it out.

First I lightly knocked on the door to make sure no one was in there. There was no answer. So slowly, I cracked open the door. The door was very creaky and was a little loud. I stuck the lantern and my head threw the door way.

"Hello?" I whisper-yelled "is anybody in here?" There was no reply.

I opened the door a little more, I gave myself just enough room to slip through the doorway. I gently closed the creeky door behind me. The lantern gave me just enough light so that I could see the room.

It seemed to be a library. There were thousands, millions of books, the shelfs made the room look like a maze.

Each shelf had the name of an area, each level on a self had a specific place, each book on that shelf had the name of a street. I opened one of the books. Each chapter of the book seemed to have to name , and date of birth of each person on the street.

"Woah" I looked around in amazement. It seemed to be a room full of documentations, documentation of all the people in the other world.

I looked around a while until finally I found my street, I flipped through the pages and found my name, and all of my family's names.

I continued to look around for a little while.

While I was walking, one of my shoelaces came untied and I tripped and fell over it.
"UGH" I yelped. My lantern fell out of my hand and rolled toward one of the walls. But when it hit the wall it made a weird noise , almost like the sound of a door being closed. I walked over to the lantern and saw that my lantern had bumped into a door, there were some boxes right next to the door. I looked around to make sure no one was secretly watching. I opened the door , and there was a slide, like a slide that you go down at the park, it was directly connected to the door.

"I'm definitely gonna find out where this goes." I sat down holding the lantern in my hand and said" here goes nothing" right before I began to slide down.

The slide went down in a spiral. When I got to the bottom there was another door way. I opened the door but this door was quiet . The first thing I saw when I opened the door was a dark hallway. I walk down the hallway, it lead to a room. In the room were some chairs, a screen, and a big table in the middle, almost like a meeting room. I looked around the room to see any details, I noticed the vent on the ceiling.

"This must of been the room where those people were arguing in!" I said out loud.

I looked around some more and notice a file sitting on the table. It showed a list of names. It was a documentation of what happened at the last meeting and what was said, and by who, I looked and saw the names Matilda, Zeke, Joanne, and I saw a name of the person who sentenced my family to death.

"Wait it was- it can't be - Im so confused, IT WAS-" someone opened the door quickly and stormed in before I was able to see who is supposed to do the job. Joanne almost broke down the door.

"YOU ! You aren't supposed to be in here! How did you find this place!" Joanne yelled.

"Joanne I-"I stuttered.

"NO! You can't be in here! Get out! Get out now!"she yelled.

Someone in a black clothes came walking through the door.

"ZEKE! I though you put back the boxes!" Joanne yelled at Zeke.

"I though you did!" Zeke yelled back with a deep voice. I still was clueless as to what he looked like, he had his mask on.

"Just, take her back to her room. Don't you ever come back here again! Or else you're gonna get it!" Joanne said talking to Zeke and then talking to me.

Zeke pointed towards the door and I walked over to him.

"Follow me" he said. I did as I was told. Zeke pressed a button on the wall, almost instantly the slide converted into stairs.

We didn't talk most of the way back to my room.


"Halyn. I know. We all know who you are. I'm Zeke." He interrupted.

"Nice to meet you finally" I replied while looking at the ground.
He took off of his mask and smiled
"You too" he shook my hand.

This was is the first time I've seen Zeke, he was tall, he had black hair, as black as the night sky. His eyes were a gray blue color. He was absolutely the hottest guy I've ever seen.

I blinked and thought how I should focus on something besides how hot he was, I mean I have to much to think about right now, I definitely don't need to think about a boy.

When we finally reached my room he opened the door.
"Here you are" he said " I apologize for the way Joanne acted in there, she's just scared that she will get- well, I shouldn't say anything else, but it was really nice to meet you in person , see you around Halyn." He started to walk away. " oh yeah! And if you need anything-anything at all. I'm right across the hall" he said with a friendly , almost compelling smile.

"Um...thanks!" I said. In a fan girl way.

"No problem" he walked away, and I closed the door.

" so he's hot, and he's a gentleman , I like it." I thought to myself. " but now that I found out that extra stuff I really really need to focus on the mission at hand. I need to figure out what in the heck is going on here"

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