Chapter 14- zeke gets it.

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"Joanne! I'm so sorry I never meant for this to happen!" Zeke said back at Joanne.

Zeke  walks up to Joanne and try's to grab her arm.
Joanne yanks her arm away.
"Don't you touch me! Here I thought we were different! I thought you cared about me! You only care about making out and stuff like that! I want more than that! Just leave me alone! And you!" She looks at me " I was finally starting to like you and trust you but obviously that was a mistake!"
Joanne storms out and goes to her room.

"Leave.." I say quietly.

"I'm so so so sorry I didnt mean for this to hap-"

"I SAID LEAVE!" Zeke gets up and walks out of the room.

" I'm so stupid! How did I do this to myself! I shouldn't have fallen for his stupid tricks!"

"Ugh I can't believe that the job didn't actually get done. My daughter's 'family' should be dead now!!! Oaklee's going to get it for this" Romes yelled

"Calm down sir!" Dr. Oborn replied.

"Calm down?! Calm down?! Get out of my way so I can take care of Oaklee and Halyn's 'family'!" Romes stormed off out of the door.

Romes walks down to the road kicking the dirt as he walks.
As he's walking he comes across two young men along with a dog.
The dog begins to bark loudly at Romes.
Romes bends down and lets the pup smell his hand. The dog appeared to have only 3 legs.
He looks at the collar around her neck. On the tag it says Hula.
Hula licked parts of his fingers, his hands were in ripped gloves. Romes stands and looks up at the men.
"That's a nice dog you got here" Romes says with a smile.
"Dog? Don't you mean God?" One of the men says obviously not knowing what he was talking about.
The other man rolls his eyes
"This is Neptune," he points to the man " and you can call me purple."

"Nice to meet you, you can call me Romes, Nickolas Romes"

"Wanna walk with us seems like we are all going in the same direction?"

"I guess I wouldn't mind to" Romes replied.

The three men and Hula all walked down the road. They decided to take a short cut.
When they did they came across a bunch of wreckage. They all looked around for a moment. They came across a body. It was another man.

"Oh no. So that's where Sir Trent's body went off too," purple looked up at Neptune " don't say anything to Eve about this. Ok?" Neptune shook his head yes in agreement.

"Who's 'Sir Trent'?" Romes questioned.

Purple and Neptune looked at each other. They just stared. They both looked back at the same time saying in unison, " it's a long story"

Romes shrugged. " oh okay"

The trio continued to walk awhile not talking much at all to one another. Purple leaned over and picked Hula up , so the dog didn't have to struggle.

I ran to my room still holding the bag with care. I ran while being blinded by tears. I bumped into my bedroom door as I was trying to open it up and I went and sat down on the bed. I grabbed my old pillow off of my bed and screamed into it. Mumbling to myself. Over and over " how could this happen to me?!" I chocked back my tears. I knew if I let it all out that my crying would be so loud that the sound of my sorrow would soon fill the whole building.

I wiped my face and reached into the duffle bag. The baby woke up and smiled at me as I just look down at my sweet perfect angel. I put his head on my shoulder. Holding him up while gently stroking my baby's head.

I went to the bin that I had in my closet. I grabbed a pillow and a spare blanket and tucked it into the bin neatly, " this is the only thing I can use as a crib " I sighed.


"who is it?" I said as I carefully set zain down into the bin.

Zeke opened the door.

"I didn't invite you in! " I yelled at him. Viciously. Almost like I was going to slap him. I really wanted to.

"Look! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! I didn't know what I was doing!"

I turned away from him with my arms crossed.
All of the sudden I felt hands around my waist. I didn't fight it. It felt calming. I felt as though all my fears worries and hurt had all melted away into his hands that were interlocked and at rest on my stomach.

"I.." I tried to speak and no words came out of my mouth.

He whispered in my ear, " Shhhh" he sent shivers down my spine.
" it's all alright now" he moved his hand gently up my body and moved my hair out of my face and to one side. He put his hand back with the other one. He tilted my head to the side using his head and then he started to kiss my neck.

I realized what he was doing and I jumped away, " NO! Get away from me you jerk! The only reason you were ever with me in the first place was because you knew that you could take advantage of me and that is exactly what you did! That's what you do! You do it all the time! Over and over and over again I let you manipulate me! Not this time Zeke. Not now. Not ever again. Me and you Zeke, we are officially through. You can go crying to Halyn or even Oaklee or anyone else at the other bases and you know what?! You will get what you want because you have that little game that you play. You have your perfect reputation because any girl that you've ever been with has had to fall in love with you. They've had to because you are so seemingly perfect that us girls can't stand it. Any girl who is in love with you, which is every girl that you've been with hasn't told anyone else because they still love you and they want you back so they don't wanna make you mad. Well guess what. This little game you are trying to play with me is not gonna work. Not this time. Do not come crawling back to me. EVER! GET OUT OF MY ROOM NOW!" I got all in his face. He turned away trying not to look at me.

He then turned and just left without another word.

I'm not gonna tell him about zain. He doesn't deserve to know.

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