Chapter2 The hill of beautiful flowers

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I finally get to the hill and I stand alone in the empty field , in the rain surrounded by many flowers. I always come to the hill but I never explore I mostly come here to cry. Or just to think. But today I'm just going to explore. Being carful not to step on any of the flowers on the hill even though the hill is covered in them. My feet feel like I've been walking for 24 hours straight even though I've only been walking for two hours maybe. It is only 2 o'clock in the afternoon and the rain have stopped. "I'm starting to get hungry...I'll stop and eat" I thought to myself. On the hill there was one tree. Alone just like me. It was a weeping willow. I climbed into the tree and surprisingly it is dry. I lay there and get out my apple and water and eat looking over the field with one of my feet hanging over the side. Swinging it back and forth.
Suddenly out of no where there were 2 people standing in the middle of the field running towards me as quick as lighting. I threw my things in my bag and jumped out of the tree with my bag in my hand. One of the straps got caught on one of the branches. I got it of the branch and started to run back towards the house. Then I was yanked back by the people pulling me back on to the ground. The people were dressed in all black. And had masks on with hoodies making them look like ninjas. They dragged me by the arms
"Let me go!!" I screamed
They both laughed at how pathetic I was squirming trying to get free. They dragged me down the hill some ways and then one held both of my arms and the other took off their hoodie and mask and reached in their bag. She had white hair and purple eyes.
She pulled out a blind fold and put it over my eyes. Everything was black for about twenty minutes and everything was silent. I was plotting my escape. Then they stopped waking and I heard a voice of a women
"Very good girls. This is exactly who we've been waiting for" said the woman."tie her to the chair and then un-blindfold her."
I squirmed not knowing what was in store still screaming for help. They tied me to a chair both my arms and legs and took my backpack and hat. And then they un-blindfolded me. 
"Hey! Give those back those are mine!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the woman and her helpers.
"Alright girls take those things to my room and leave me and this one alone. She sat down at her desk. The room was dim. And I couldn't see as clearly as I would like to but it seemed to be just like a normal office. I also could not see what the lady looked like. She was dressed in the same thing as the other people it just looked fancier. Well at least from what I could tell.
"Do you have any idea of why I asked you here?" The woman asked.
"ASKED ME?!!! YOU DRAGGED ME HERE!!!"I screamed.
"Tomato potato same difference. "She said while chuckling a little
"But it's my phrase. I said it. Therefore it is correct. "She responded
"Ugh but this doesn't make any sense who are you?!"
"My name is Matilda. And you are Halyn."
"Why did you bring me here?!"
"Because you see Halyn. You are different. You are of us. We need you. Just as we need our other people. You are important to our world Halyn."
"But I'm different I'm not Important. I'm not needed! Just what do you mean you need me?!" I yelled wondering how anyone could say that I'm needed.
"You'll find out soon enough Halyn"
"Welcome h-"

Then a crash of lighting and a boom of thunder. It started to rain hard again. The thunder scared me and awoke me from my slumber causing me to fall out of the tree. I was out of breathe from being so scared from the dream. I climbed back up the tree to grab my bag and saw something glistening it was a charm shaped like a crescent. I grabbed it stuffed it in my bag and bolted home.
"I'll inspect it later" I whispered out loud to my self. Running in the rain. When I ran inside I ran straight to my room and sat at my desk to inspect the object it was very shiny and was a silver color. After about twenty minutes of thinking of what it could be for my mother called my name
"HALYN!!!" She screamed. I'm sure you could hear her miles and miles away from our home.
I quickly stuffed the object in the front pocket of my bag and creeped down the stairs. She stared at me angrily.
"LOOK WHAT YOU DID" she screamed.
I looked around and the floor was covered in mud. And the ground was also wet. I looked down and realized that in all the rush I forgot to take off my muddy shoes and my wet clothes leaving nothing but mess from the door to my room.
"Clean this up right now"
She handed me a mop and a bucket.
I took it from her and got to work.

"Excellent she took the jewel. The plan is falling into play" someone said far far away.

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