Chap 1 "Life Of Marriage"

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Amelia's POV
I was cleaning up the kid's toy room as I heard the doorbell ring. "You've got to be kidding me," I sighed. I set the toy basket down and walked to the front door. I opened it. "Jayk, hi." We hugged. "Blake should be down in a second. He's putting the twins to bed."
"I'm not here for Blake," Jayk raised his brow.
"Then why are you on my doorstep on a Sunday evening?" I asked. "I got a house to clean up."
"Then, don't mind me," Jayk smiled as he walked in. I closed the door and followed him into the living room. "I'm here to visit your seventy four inch." He sat on the couch and propped his foot on the coffee table as he turned on the game on the TV. "You can carry on to clean."
"Jayk," I crossed my arms and turned off the TV. "What's wrong with your fifty five inch?"
"Drew threw a football in the house," Jayk sighed. "TC didn't catch it in time and it hit the TV. We're getting it replaced tomorrow."
"Fine," I sighed. "The guest room is yours if you want it for the night."
"This couch will be fine," Jayk smiled. "Thanks."
"Mhmm," I stated as I walked back to the toy room. I cleared it up and put the bucket on the shelf. A pair of arms snaked around my waist. I leaned back into him. "Got the kids to bed?"
"Yes," Blake nodded as he rested his head on my shoulder. "One question, why is Jayk on our couch?"
"He's watching the game," I replied as I turned around to look at him. "Just for tonight. Their TV is broken because TC and Drew was throwing the football around." I looked at him. "Something wrong?"
"The kids," Blake sighed.
"Our kids," I replied.
"Right, our kids, are we going to change their last name?"
"I understand they're our kid's and you've been there for them since they were in the womb but I want them to have their father's last name." I looked at Blake. "I know it sounds crazy but maybe one day, Sam might want to see his kids. I want them to keep Sam's last name. That's the end of the story." Four years had passed and Blake had finally come home for summer break. "How was tour?"
"Same old, same old," Blake sighed. "The kids?"
"They kept asking when Daddy was coming home," I crossed my arms. He placed his bags near the front door. "You're not planning on staying long, are you?"
"Did you get what I sent you a couple months ago?"
"Yeah," I sighed. "I signed the divorce papers, Blake, but what am I supposed to tell the kids?"
"Daddy!" Danielle exclaimed. She came running in and hugged Blake. "You're home."
"I am," Blake kissed her forehead. "Go clean your toys and I'll make you something to eat." Danielle ran off. "Can I have one of the kids?"
"They're not yours," I nodded. "We never had kids together, and you can't have my children."
"Aren't you moody."
"We spent five years together and you're throwing that all away. I'm twenty seven years old, Blake, and when we got together, I was a mess. I was pregnant. I was losing my mind but you saved me. Now, you want a divorce?"
"That's why I sent you the divorce papers."
"You're just like other guys, just like their father. You leave me when things get tough."
"I tried to make things work with you, Amelia, but our marriage is a wreck and I thought I was ready to be a father. I really thought I was but I was wrong."
"In the papers you said you want the house. Where the hell am I suppose to go? Where's the kids going to sleep?"
"The kids are more than welcome to stay here with me while you find a place to stay."
"That's not happening," I pointed at him. His phone beeped and he looked at it. "Of course."
"I gotta go. My manager needs me," Blake stated as he picked up his bag. "Needs some new choreo for the new gig's."
"You were supposed to make Danielle something to eat," I stated as Blake closed the door behind him as he left. "Ugh!"
"Where did Daddy go?" Danielle walked up to me.
"He had to go to work," I sighed. "You, me, and your brother are going on a long vacation away from Daddy, okay? Come on." I walked into the kitchen with her. "Daniel, it's snack time!"
"Coming!" Daniel exclaimed as he ran into the kitchen. He took his seat next to his sister at the island. "What are we having, Mommy?"
"Well, it's Friday," I smiled at my kids. "What day do you think it is?"
"PB&J!" Danielle and Daniel exclaimed in unison.
"That's right," I nodded. I made the sandwiches for them. "Alright, I'm going to go and make a phone call. "When you guys get done, you back to your toys." I walked to the living room and called my best friend, who just happened to be one of Blake's old friends. "Come on, pick up."
"Hello," the guy picked up.
"I need your help," I replied.
"I thought Blake would be your help on almost everything," he sighed.
"That's just the thing, Devin," I replied. "Can you just get your ass here and I'll explain everything, alright?" I hung up. I grabbed boxes from the closet and started packing up my stuff from my bedroom. The doorbell rang. I raced down the stairs and opened the door. "Hey Devin."
"I came over as fast as I could," Devin replied.
"Blake filed for divorce a couple months ago and I signed the papers," I sighed. "In the papers, this is his house. He basically kicked me and my kids out on the street. Blake said the kids could stay here while I look for a place but I don't want my kids to stay here." I looked at him. "I have a whole two weeks to find a place."
"Let's not panic," Devin nodded. "You have two weeks, you start looking now."
"Help me back up my room and then by this evening, I will," I replied. We packed up my stuff from my room by five pm. We walked down to the living room with the boxes. I thought I saw Sam. "Okay, could you make the kids dinner first and then pack up my stuff here in the living room?" I saw a car drive off. "I'm going to go see if I can get some more boxes."
"Okay," Devin nodded.
"Thanks," I smiled as I grabbed my keys and purse. "Kids, Uncle Devin is going to cook you dinner. He knows what he's supposed to cook." I looked at Devin. "And no desserts."
"You got it," Devin smiled.
"Thanks again," I smiled. I got into my black dodge charger and drove around. I saw the car that drove off at a bar. I parked next to it. It was a 1967 black Chevy Impala. "I hope I'm wrong about this."

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