Chap 5 "Family Bonding"

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Amelia's POV
"Alright," I nodded. "Come on. Let's get your coats on." Daniel and Danielle walked up to me. I got their coats on them. "It's going to get cold at the ice skating rink."
"You look ready," Sam smiled.
"Yeah, let's go," I sighed. We walked out to the Charger and I got the kids in their child seats. Sam and I got in and he started driving. "I just don't understand why he's doing this."
"Who?" Sam asked.
"My ex-husband," I replied. "He said he's going to find every way possible to take me to court and fight for child custody." Sam looked at me. "He wants a fight."
"You didn't put his name on the birth certificates, did you?" Sam asked.
"No, I put your name down as the father, Sam," I looked at him. "You are their father and I wasn't going to put anyone else down. As they get older, they will get to know you're their father." I sighed. "You've hurt me a lot when you said not to contact you if they needed anything. Now, look where we are. Me and you are under one roof and trying to raise the kids."
"Yeah, I never thought it would come to this," Sam nodded. We got to the location and got out of the car. We walked inside and got our skates on. We got onto the ice. "This is harder than I thought."
"You think?" I smiled. I held onto my kid's hands. "You guys okay?"
"Yes, Mommy," Daniel smiled. They skated perfectly fine without needing to hold my hand. "Look at me, Mommy!"
"Yeah, you're doing great Daniel," I smiled. Danielle was skating around like a ice skating princess, a pro. "Danielle, where did you learn to skate like that?"
"I learn, Mommy," Danielle stopped beside me. "I learn by watching it on TV."
"Well, you are one great learner," I smiled. "Mommy is going to go sit down for a little bit with Sam." Sam and I got off the ice and sat down. "So, what's the plan from here on out?"
"We watch the kids together," Sam sighed. "Get you to start hunting because once demons find that the kids are mine, they're going to be in danger."
"I remember that risk of dating you when we were teens," I nodded. "Are they really going to kill the kids?"
"They will when they get the chance," Sam sighed. "I know I hurt you and broke a promise when I said I'd never leave." I looked at Sam. "But I'm here now."
"Yeah, years later, I ended up broke," I sighed. "Blake told me to quit my job because he would take care of me. I was so naive."
"Amelia, I don't have money, I can tell you that right now," Sam held my hands. "But, I will tell you that I would do my best take care of you and my kids. That's all I care about." I smiled. "I don't need money or riches. As long as my family's safe. That's all I care about."
"Sam," Daniel stated as him and his sister made his way to us. "This guy told us you're our daddy. Is that true?"
"Who told you that?" Sam asked.
"Some man named Crow-Crowley? I think," Daniel shrugged. "I'm not sure. Is that his name, Danielle?"
"Yes," Danielle replied.
"Get the kids to the car," Sam nodded. "I'll explain everything when we get home." We got into the car and Sam speed home. We walked inside. "Dean!"
"What did I do now?" Dean asked. "I drove Devin to the airport, I ran to the store for supplies, and I unloaded the U-Haul. What have I done wrong?"
"Can someone tell me who the hell Crowley is?" I asked. "And how he would know who Sam is to the kids?" Dean looked at the kids then at me. "Kids, go to your rooms and play with your toys." They ran off. "You owe me an explanation."
"Crowley is the King of Hell," Sam sighed.
"Hello boys," said a voice behind us. We turned around. "And girl. I wanna speak to your kids."
"Don't you dare," I walked towards him. With the wave of a hand, Crowley had me pinned to a wall and I couldn't move. "Let me go, you bastard."
"Let her go," Sam stated.
"If you wanna get to them kids, you gotta go through us," Dean replied. "Besides, what do you want with a couple of five year olds?"
"I thought they were six," Crowley replied.
"So that's what you're here for," Sam pointed at him. "Our response is hell no." The weight was lifted off me. I landed in a crouching position. "You good, Amelia?"
"Be glad I know my landings," I nodded as I stood up. I got cuffs out of my back pocket and put them on Crowley. I made him sit down. "Okay."
"You gotta teach me that trick," Dean replied.
"I pick-pocketed you," I raised a brow. "It's not really a trick." I looked at Crowley. "What does the King of Hell want with mine and Sam's children?"
"Did she just say our children?" Sam asked.
"Isn't it obvious, sweetheart?" Crowley asked. "I'm the King of Hell."
"I don't give a damn who you are because your title doesn't mean a single thing to me," I looked at him. "The only thing that concerns me is what does a demon, like you, want with my kids?"
"Sammy, marry her," Dean pointed at me.
"You don't have authority over me," Crowley stated. He snapped his fingers. "What's going on? Why isn't it working?"
"Looks like she got the cuffs with a devil's trap carved into them," Dean smirked. "Nice going, Amelia."
"Thanks," I nodded. "Do you wanna talk?"
"You're little scare tactics won't work on me," Crowley nodded. "I've been through this merry-go round with the boys."
"Exorcise him," I backed a few feet away.
"What?" Crowley's and Dean's face fell speechless.
"I have no use for him," I shrugged.
"She's right," Sam replied. "Kill the King, his army dies." There was banging on the door. "That doesn't seem good."
"I'll check," I sighed as I got a gun from my purse. Dean and Sam were just looking at me. "What?"
"She carries a gun," Dean looked at me. He paused and then pointed at me. "Sammy, I'm serious. Marry her." I clipped my holster to my pants. "Sammy, I'm serious though. You she's already got the training. She just needs the knowledge of being a hunter."
"I'll be back," I nodded. I walked up the stairs as the pounding kept going. I looked out the peephole and saw TC. "Oh my god." I put my  gun in my holster and opened the door. TC fell into my arms. "TC, you're going to be okay." I grabbed his left arm and swung it around my neck. I used my right arm to keep TC's body upright and we walked down the stairs. "Guys, I could use some help here." I put TC on the couch in the study. "TC, everything is going to be alright. Can you tell me what happened?"
"Men with black eyes jumped me and next thing I know, I'm in front of the door banging for help," TC grunted as he laid on the couch. "Come to find out it's your doorstep."
"Yeah, you're in Kansas," I nodded
"How'd I jump from LA to Kansas?" TC asked.
"I'll explain that later but right now, just --" I was cut off as my environment changed. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me! My brother could possibly be bleeding out with my kids around and I'm stuck in some abandoned neighborhood with you, Dean, and some other dude."
"I'm Irv," the guy stated.
"I've seen this before," Dean nodded. "If we play this right, everything will go according to plan." I sighed. "Alright, we've got Jesus juice, guns loaded with devil's trap bullets. Shoot a demon, put him on lockdown. The angel blade works." Dean put all the weapons on the counter. "Alright."
"Uhm, we're getting solider company with black eyes," Sam looked out the window. "Two of them."
"Good," Dean stated.
Sam looked at me and nodded, "They've got assault rifles."
"Okay, less good," Dean nodded.
"So, what's the play?" Irv asked.
Dean places his iPhone on the counter. "Let's go," Dean nodded as he gathered the weapons. He pressed play and we exited out the back door. We ran a couple building down. "Alright. We've got to flank seal Team Douche in there, so, uh, Amelia, you and me will go right. Sam, you and Irv go left."
"Why can't I go with Sam?" I asked.
"Because you'll get killed," Dean looked at me. "Just trust me on this." We started walking and Dean handed me a gun. "Your gun won't do anything to demons so use this one." I sighed. "Abaddon is a real nasty Knight of Hell. So, you see her, you shoot." We snuck around a corner. "Okay, I think they're still inside. We wait till they come out, and we pick them off one by one."
"Okay," I nodded. We started walking. Some girl came out of nowhere and punched Dean in the face. He hit the ground. I shot her six times but nothing happened. "What the hell?"
"Nice grouping," she stated as she lifted up her shirt. "But I got Kevlar. It beats magic bullets. I love the future."
Dean threw holy water at her and got up. "Listen," Dean stated as he handed me his car keys. "My car is three blocks over. Go get more bullets, more holy water. Just get everything."
"No, no, no," I nodded. "B-but what about you?"
"Just go!" Dean exclaimed. "Go! Now!"
"Fine," I sighed as I ran off. "I have no idea where the hell I'm going." I ran a couple more blocks and I found Dean's car. I got in and started the car. I started driving. "Okay, where the hell are you?" I parked the car in front of the diner and got out. "Okay."
Sam and Dean walked out. "Hey, you okay?" Sam asked as he hugged me.
"Yeah," I nodded. "You?"
"More or less, yeah," Sam nodded.
"Good," I smiled. I handed Dean the keys. "I got everything, but guess I'm late to the party."
"Lucky you," Dean sighed. "Let's blow this toxic waste dump." Dean drove with Sam in the passenger seat. I sat in the back. "Burgers and silkwood showers on me."
"Sounds good," I smiled. We got to the bunker and I ran to the study. I saw Crowley, still chained up. "Oh, you're still here." I walked over to my brother. "Teec?" He looked at me. "How are you doing?"
"I got a broken leg and now I'm here because I got jumped," TC looked at me. "What do you think?"
"Yeah, you're not feeling too good," I sighed. I saw blood on his shirt. "Please tell me that's not fresh." I raised his shirt up and bit and saw a stab wound to his side. "Oh hell."
"I'm not going to last much longer if I stay here," TC looked at me. "I'm dying, Amelia. Either get me to a hospital or I bleed out, slowly."
"Dean, get him to a hospital, please," I looked at him. "He has his wallet with him. Go, now." Dean helped TC up and they left the bunker. I walked over to Crowley. "I could stand here all day and torture the hell out of you but that's exactly what you're looking forward to so I won't do that. I'm going to go and get my kid's food." I got into my car and drove into town. I parked my car and started walking around. "I guess this will be my new home." I bought groceries and it started raining. I got an umbrella out of my purse and opened it. I walked past a motel and there was a guy who was sitting outside in the rain. I walked into the lobby of the motel. "Yes, may I have one room?"
"Yes," the woman at the register nodded. "Just one night?"
"Yes," I smiled.
"Two hundred five," she sighed. I swiped my card. "Thank you. Have a good night."
"You do the same," I nodded. She handed me the key and I walked to the room. I put the groceries on the counter and walked back outside. He was still there. I opened my umbrella and walked over to him. "I don't usually do this, but please, come with me." He followed me into the hotel room and I closed the door. "I hope this room will help you for the night."
"Thank you," he nodded.
"We haven't officially met," I nodded. "I'm Amelia."
"Castiel," he replied. "Or Cas for short. My friend used to call me that."
"Speaking of friends, I need to call my kid's father and let him know I won't be coming home," I sighed.
"Does he have a name?" asked Cas.
"Yeah," I nodded. "His name is Sam."
"Sam?" Cas repeated. "Does his last name happen to be Winchester?"
"'Yeah," I nodded. "It is." I looked at Cas. "Do you know them?"
"Yeah," Cas nodded. "Dean and Sam are my only friends."
"Okay," I nodded. "Let me call them and see if it's safe for you to come." I looked at Cas. "You're really a handsome guy though." I called Sam. "Please pick up, Sam."
"He should pick up," Cas nodded.
"Yeah, I know," I sighed. I hung up. "Straight to voicemail."
"So, Sam is the father of your children?" Cas asked.
"Yeah, he's the father of my twins. He and I had sex and he left me. I found out I was pregnant, and he told me he didn't want anything to do with me."
"That doesn't sound like Sam."
"Well, thing's got a little twisted between the Winchesters and I. I tried to have a family with Blake. We tried to make it work but didn't."
"What happened?"
"It was never really a marriage," I sighed. "It's not a marriage until the couple had consummated." I looked at Castiel. "Blake and I never had sex to make our marriage official. I guess that's one. Two, he wanted kids of his own but he was never home." I sighed. "It was partially his fault and mine. So, he never was home and we never had sex. I couldn't give him a bloodline kid even if I wanted to."
"If he was home, you might have."
"Yeah," I nodded. "It's alright. I love family but Blake, he never seemed like the type of guy to have stayed around long." I looked at Cas. "Until Sam calls back, we're staying in this hotel room for the night because I'm not taking my eyes off of you."

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