Chap 6 "Castiel's Back"

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Sam's POV
Amelia had been gone for hours so I put the kids to bed. I walked to the study and Dean was reading a book. "Where the hell could, Amelia be?" I asked.
"I don't know, Sammy," Dean looked at me. "But I'm telling you, you should marry the girl."
"Dean, she came to me for help," I sighed. "Those are my kids, I weren't going to leave them out on the street."
"Yeah, but Sam, it's the girl you got pregnant, and turns out she's one hell of a fighter," Dean sighed. "You need to be with someone like here."
"Why would she want to be with someone like me? I have no money at all or anything," I replied. I grabbed my phone. "I got a missed call from Amelia."
"Your phone was vibrating," Dean shrugged. "I didn't feel like picking up your personal phone calls."
"Whatever," I stated as I called her back. I put her on speaker. "I gotta see if she's okay."
"Sam," Amelia picked up.
"Amelia, you okay?" I asked. "You've been gone for hours. I put the kids to bed since it was getting late."
"Yeah, and I thank you for doing that," Amelia replied. "I got someone here that knows who you and Dean are." I looked at Dean. "I bought him a motel room so he doesn't have to sit out in the rain and I gave him food to eat. I was going to go back home but he insists that he has to come with me to see you guys. I had to call to see if it was alright."
"Who is it?" Dean asked.
"Dean," Cas' voice came through the speaker.
"Cas?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, it's me," Cas sighed. "So can I come see you?"
"Cas, I've been praying to you, man," Dean stated. "Why have you been responding?"
"It's my grace, it's gone," Cas stated. "I'm human. I don't have my powers anymore."
"Let me talk to Amelia," Dean stated.
"He wants to speak with you," Cas responded.
"Yeah?" Amelia asked.
"Bring him to the Bunker," Dean sighed.
"Alright, I'll see you guys in a few," Amelia responded and hung up.
"She got him food and a motel room?" Dean asked.
"That's Amelia for you," I nodded. "She's got a big heart." After fifteen minutes Amelia walked in with groceries and Castiel. "You're lucky Amelia found you, Cas."
"People like her, I am thankful for," Cas smiled.
"Well, I might be struggling but you seemed like you could've used the food and sleep more than me," Amelia smiled. "I'm going to go and put these up. Then, I'll check on the kids."
"I put them to bed not too long ago," I replied.
"They won't fall asleep until Mommy sings them a bed time song," Amelia stated and walked off.
"Well, she sure held up her end of the string to keep her kids going," Dean sighed. "Anyways, I'm glad Amelia found you. At least she didn't find a demon." I looked at Dean. "And at least she wasn't an angel. You know, some people are still wanting your head on a stick."
"Anyone know where my guitar is?" Amelia stuck her head into the study room. "I can't find it."
"In my room," I replied. "Come on." Amelia followed me to my room. I grabbed the guitar from the closet. "I didn't know you could play."
"Yeah," Amelia nodded. "Of course I can. Come on." I followed Amelia to Danielle's room. "Danielle?"
"Mommy?" Danielle opened her eyes. Amelia sat on the edge of her bed. "You're home."
"Yeah," Amelia nodded. "Do you want the usual?"
"Yes," Danielle nodded.
"Alright," Amelia smiled. She started playing the song. I secretly recorded her on my phone. "Hello world, hope you're listening. Forgive me if I'm young for speaking out of turn. There's someone I've been missing. I think that they could be the better half of me." Danielle smiled. "They're in the wrong place trying to make it right, but I'm tired of justifying. So I say to you come home, come home. 'Cause I've been waiting for you for so long, for so long." I smiled. "And right now there's a war between the vanities but all I see is you and me. The fight for you is all I've ever known. So come home, oooh." Amelia looked at me and smiled. "I get lost in the beauty of everything I see. The world ain't as half as bad as they paint it to be. If all the sons, if all the daughters, stopped to take it in, well, hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin." Amelia looked at Danielle and she was drifting to sleep. "It might start now, yeah. Well, maybe I'm just dreaming out loud..."
"That's it?" I whispered as Amelia stopped playing. I stopped recording. "Amelia?"
"Yeah," Amelia whispered. "Let's go." We walked out of her room and Amelia closed the door. "It's one of Danielle's favorite songs that I wrote about someone." Amelia opened Daniel's door. "Daniel?" He didn't say anything so Amelia closed the door. "He's asleep."
"What's Daniel's song?" I asked.
"A song that Blake sang to me," Amelia sighed as we walked into our room. "I tried to get him to change but he won't."
"Who's older?"
"Daniel, by fifteen seconds," Amelia replied as she put her guitar down. "But at least you know you have to sing your kids to sleep."
"My singing voice is not something you wanna here," I nodded. "Trust me on that." Three months passed and Amelia enrolled the kids into school. She became a hunter as well. Whenever we had a case, Devin babysit the kids. Amelia and I started dating again. We dropped the kids off for their first day of school. "You think they will be alright while we go on this case?"
"Yeah," Amelia nodded. "I sent the schedule to Devin."
"Alright," I sighed. "Let's get to work."

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