Chap 9 "Hitler's Ressurection"

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Amelia's POV
"Guys, another body just dropped," I replied. Dean hung up the phone call. We changed into our FBI outfits. We went to the apartment, which was the location the body was at. We walked inside. "Third victim."
"By the time we got here, he was ash and bone," the officer stated. "What does that to a human being?"
"You find anything else?" Dean asked.
"Just the body," the officer nodded. "The other victim was lucky." I looked at him. "She got away, ran to her neighbors, and called for help."
"So where's the survivor now?" Sam asked.
"Out in the police vehicle," the officer nodded.
"Thank you," I nodded. We walked outside and a girl was yelling for help from the cop car. "Oh my god."
"You see that?" Dean asked. "We gotta follow that car." We got into the Impala. "Oh, I've always wanted to say that."
We got to the parking garage and quietly got out of the Impala. I walked up to the guy and got out my gun and cocked it. "Well, family drama's a bitch, ain't it?" I smiled.
"Move," Dean walked up beside me. "Go get the girl, Amelia."
"Alright," I sighed. I walked to the cop car and got the door opened. "Hi Ellie. I'm Agent Carter. I'm here to help you." I unlocked her cuffs and got her out of the car. We got into the Impala and drove to a secure building. We walked into a room. "Okay."
"We're not cops, by the way," Sam replied.
"So if you're not cops, then what are you?" Ellie asked.
"There are things out there that shouldn't exist," Sam nodded. "Bad things. We kill them. It's kind of our job."
"But I'm a real FBI agent," I replied. "I freelance a lot, but you're safest place is with us right now."
"Uh huh," Ellie nodded. "Safe from Nazi zombies."
"Necromancers," I corrected her. "They use blood magic to make themselves almost immortal."
"Almost?" Ellie asked.
"Well, you shoot 'em in the head, set 'em on fire, that usually does the trick," Dean replied.
"This is completely insane," Ellie looked at me. "And you're okay with this?"
"I kinda grew up with having to learn about it," I nodded. "I have two kids that have yet to learn what I know."
"We have two kids," Sam replied.
"Yeah, I had kids with him," I pointed. "But you saw what they did to your friend."
"Okay, but, why would they kill Nick and kidnap me?" Ellie asked.
"Great question," Dean nodded. He looked at the guy. "What do you tools want with the watch? And what does it have to do with her?"
"You're gonna have to kill me," the guy replied.
"Alright," Dean nodded. "Sam, you wanna?"
"Yeah, let's go for a walk," Sam sighed.
"Wait, no, no," Ellie nodded. "You can't just shoot him."
"Oh, no, sure I can," Dean replied as he cocks his gun. "See, I do it all the time."
"You don't wanna watch this," I nodded. I pointed my gun at him. "You got two guns on you." Ellie and Sam stopped to look at us. "Talk."
"It belongs to my father," he sighed. "Commandant Nauhaus. Thule High Command? Ranking officer?"
"Okay," Sam nodded as he sat Ellie down. "See, that wasn't so hard now, was it? Carry on."
"You don't understand," the guy replied as I lowered my gun. "He'll kill me."
"What do you think this is, a tickle party?" Dean asked.
"It started at the end of the war," the guy sighed. "The Soviets surrounded the Fuhrerbunker. Everyone knew it was over. Everyone except my father."
"Just skip the foreplay," Dean nodded as he stopped the guy. "What did your dad do to Hitler?"
"Don't tell me that dictator is still alive," I sighed.
"My dad saved his life," the guy looked at us. "Well, he saved his soul. Like, literally. The watch, it's like a -- it's like a horcrux."
"What is that?" Dean asked.
"Seriously, Dean?" I asked. "You don't know what that is?" Dean nodded. "It's a Harry Potter thing."
"Oh, you would know that," Dean groaned.
"Anyways, so, the watch holds Hitler's soul?" Sam asked.
The guy nodded. "Right," Ellie sarcastically stated. "You -- you trapped HItler's soul in a pocket watch? Why is that? For safe keeping?"
"No," the guy responded. "To bring him back." Ellie laughed. "It sounded bonkers the first time I heard it too."
"The first time you heard it?" Sam asked. "Weren't you there?"
"What?" the guy asked. "No. Man, I was born in Buffalo in '94." I looked at him. "Listen, this whole let's bring Hitler back is more of an OG Thule plan. All they do is yap about it."
"He's joking, right? Right?" Ellie asked. "This is -- this is a joke."
"Let's go back to the part where your dad is going to resurrect Adolph Hitler," I stated.
"After the bunker, the Thule agents who were smuggling Hitler's soul out got whacked by Soviets," he sighed.
"So you lost the watch," Sam stated.
"Yeah, but I didn't lose it," he looked at us. "It ended up with some Russian family. Then the Thule tracked it to China and then to Peru. Then it wound up in that antique shop." I looked at him and crossed my arms. "So now they're all hyped to get their Fuhrer-resurrection on."
"This isn't a joke," Ellie nodded. "Oh my God."
"How do they plan on bringing him back?" Dean asked.
"The soul of Hitler can only inhabit the body of someone who possesses his blood," he responded.
"His blood," Sam nodded. "Das blut."
"So, let me get this straight," I stopped everyone. "The Thule wants to upload Hitler into the body of one of his relatives?"
"Do they even exist anymore?" Sam asked.
"I'm guessing that's why they need Ellie," I dropped my arms.
"Wait, wait," she stopped us. "You think I'm related to Hitler? That's ridiculous."
"The Thule tracked all of Hitler's descendants," he nodded. "You just happened to be in the same state as the watch."
"No," Ellie nodded. "My mom tracked our family all the way back to the Mayflower."
"You're adopted," he stopped her.
"You don't know anything about me," Ellie pointed at him.
"You're from Wheaton, Illinois," he smiled. "All-state cross-country all four years."
"Wow, way to use the Internet," she shrugged.
"You trained to become a doctor, but you dropped out at the sight of your first stiff," he added.
"I am taking a sabbatical," Ellie defended.
"You dipped town two days before your wedding," he looked at her.
"He was banging our caterer!" she exclaimed.
"It seems as though this running is a thing for you," he stated. She left, as angry as can be. "See?"
Dean looked at Sam and I. "Yeah, we got her," Sam nodded.
"We gotta move," Dean sighed.
"I know," I added. Sam and I walked to Ellie who was sitting in another room. "Hey."
"How you holding up?" Sam asked as we sat down on the desk in front of her chair.
"Well, I, uh, I texted my mom and asked if I was adopted," Ellie sighed. "She wrote, Honey, call us." Ellie's voice broke. "That guy out there just flipped my life inside out in, like, five seconds."
"Ellie, I know it probably feels like that right now, but you can handle this," Sam nodded.
"Being a little flighty, I can handle," Ellie replied. "Being related to the biggest genocidal maniac of all time? I don't think so."
"Ellie, I had twins with him and he left me the next morning," I replied. "I didn't find out I was pregnant until two weeks later and he said he didn't want anything to do with the kids. So, I went to my best childhood friend. Me and him got married, and five years later, we had a divorce and now I'm back with Sam." I looked at Ellie. "Life is what you want it to be. You control your life and make your own decisions. I chose to keep my kids because I knew that if I gave them up, they would most likely be killed in a heartbeat." Sam nodded. "I knew what kind of life he lived and I knew I had the choice to protect the kids. I wasn't ready to be a mother but I knew I had to accept the consequences of my choices. Keeping my kids, it was the best decision I've ever made." Ellie nodded. "I know it's hard to believe this right now, but it will get easier. Trust me, I've been there. We've all been there."
"Oh, yeah, right," Ellie replied, being sarcastic. "Someone wanted to use you to resurrect Adolph HItler."
"Uh, no, not exactly," Sam nodded. "But they did want me to bring back Lucifer. I was his vessel --"
"You almost, almost had me with Hitler," Ellie nodded. "But Lucifer? Really? The Devil?" I sighed. "I can't, okay? I can't do this."
Dean walked in. "Alright, meltdown's over," Dean sighed. "Listen, you need to face this now. Believe it or not, we actually have the upper hand here." I looked at Dean. "According to, uh, you know, Junior Jackass in there, the Thule want you. Now, we can use that. We can set a trap."
"Oh, now you wanna use me as bait?" Ellie asked.
"We don't want to use you as bait, Ellie, but we have the opportunity to take out the entire Thule High Command in one shot," Sam explained.
"Now, does that sound scary?" Dean asked. "Yeah, you bet. But there are times when you run and there are times where you stand and fight. Now is one of those times when you fight." I looked at Dean. "Now, we promised that we will keep you safe."
"Wait," I sighed. "Your family business motto is saving people, hunting things. Right?" Sam nodded. "Then use me."
"You're not serious, are you?" Sam asked.
"Use me," I nodded. "Keep Ellie out of harms way. I can lie and pretend I'm a relative of Hitler's."
"We'll use the two of you," Dean nodded. "Just in case they do the resurrection and we're tied down."
"I'm back up," I sighed. "As usual."
We heard a bang. "Oh my God," Ellie stated.
We looked out the window. "You've got to be kidding me," Dean stated as he closed the blinds.
"Get down," I nodded. Ellie got in the corner. Dean and Sam got out their guns. Dean opened the door and took a shot. He walked out but someone tackled him. Sam walked out and started fighting the guy who was untying the one we caught. I got out my gun but I couldn't get a clear shot. "Dammit." I hit behind the wall and looked at Ellie. "We're going to keep you safe." I peered out the door. I saw Dean get thrown into the glass window. "Shit." I took a deep breath. I left the room and took the guys down. One guy got back up and hit me with a metal chair. I fell on my back and the guys left. "Okay, that one hurt."
"Amelia?" Sam sighed. He helped me up. "You good?"
"I was basically sisters with two of my brothers friends and they play football together," I smiled. "This girl can take a hit." We walked to the room. "Ellie." She was gone. "Sam, the window."
"Dean!" Sam exclaimed. "We got a problem." Dean walked over to us. "She's gone."
"We have to go find her," I replied. We walked to the car. The boys changed into their daily wear. "Is she picking up?"
"No," Sam sighed. "Maybe she got spooked." We got into the car. "Ellie, it's Sam Winchester. Again. Listen, I know all this Hitler stuff is confusing, but I promise we can explain it. And we can keep you safe. Just call me back. Okay?" Sam hung up. "You don't think the Thule got her, do you?"
"It's a possibility," I nodded. Night fell and we went to a diner. Sam and Dean got their laptops out to do some research. "Night number two. What exactly are we looking for?"
"Alright, there's gotta be a tracking spell, right?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, maybe if we had something to track," Sam nodded.
"Well, guess we hack every traffic light in the city until we find her," Dean sighed.
"That's a lot of work," I sighed as I grabbed my phone. I made a call. "Please still be there."
"This is the oracle of all things tech, speak," she stated.
"Garcia, I need you to see if you can get into the traffic cams and find me this girl," I sighed. "I'll send you pics and a name in a few."
"You'll get results," Garcia stated and hung up.
"What was that?" Sam asked.
"Quantico's BAU tech analyst at my fingertips," I smiled. "We'll find Ellie in no time. Keep hacking the cams though."
"Anything?" Dean asked as he was on his third cup of coffee.
"No. I-I-I mean, I have no idea how we're gonna find her," Sam sighed. "Even if we look at..." The guy we caught early slipped in next to me in the booth. "Uhm."
"Hi," he looked at us. Dean cocked his gun. "If you wanna find Ellie, you have to protect me."
"Protect you?" I asked. "Why should we believe anything you say?"
"Don't look now," he nodded. "Across the street, there's a Thule agent right beside the dumpster outside." The three of us looked at each other. "Is that enough? I just killed one of my dad's guys."
"Could be a trap," Sam sighed.
"It's not," he defended. "Do you know what's it's like to have a Nazi necromancer for a father? It sucked." I looked at him. "Christmas was a joke. Career Day at school was a nightmare. All I do is try to make him proud, I'll never be good enough." I sighed. "He asked a guy named Fritz to kill me."
"Okay, well, there's that," Dean nodded.
"We'll hear you out," I nodded. "Where is Ellie?"
"I can take you to her," he nodded.
"Alright, Amelia, you get the car, I'll take care of the Kraut," Dean handed me the keys. "And watch him."
"Christoph," he nodded. "I'm Christoph."
"Alright," Sam nodded. "Go." Sam, Christoph, and I went to the car. I got into the passenger seat and started the car. Dean killed the guy and I pulled up to the diner. I scooted over and Dean got into the driver seat so I was between Sam and Dean. We drove to an abandoned airstrip. Sam quietly got Christoph out of the car as Dean opened the trunk. "Okay."
Sam handcuffed Christoph to the car. "Hey, what are you doing?" Christoph asked. "Wait, you're just gonna leave me here?"
"Yeah, pretty much," I nodded.
"What?" Christoph asked as Sam put him back into the car. "Hey."
"Shh," Sam nodded. We walked to the trunk. Dean walked over to us. "Here." Sam handed me a gun and I checked the magazine. "Good?"
"Loaded," I nodded.
"Alright, we got two outside and who knows how many inside," Dean sighed.
"Great," Sam sighed.
"Oohh," Dean smiled as he got out, what appears to be a grenade launched.
"What?" I asked. "No."
"Why?" Dean asked.
"Dean, we need to be stealth, do this quietly," I explained. Dean looked around. "Dean?" He sighed. "Dean. We'll get a chance. It's okay."
Dean put it back and grabbed his gun. "Let's go kill some Nazis," Dean nodded. Dean and Sam, and I quietly snuck-up to the airstrip. They killed the two guards from behind. "Amelia, you good?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
We walked in through the back door. Sam closed the door quietly behind us. "Should've just brought the grenade launcher," Dean sighed. "Admit it, though, you're having fun." We followed Dean to a door and he opened it. Dean had a gun pointed at him, Sam did too. "Great."
"Yeah, so much fun," Sam replied. We held our hands up and held out our weapons. We got it taken away from us and they escorted us to a different part of the strip. We saw Ellie. A guy was there standing in front of us. "You okay, Amelia?"
"I'll be fine," I nodded.
"Well, if it isn't father of the year," Dean stated.
"Address the Fuhrer with respect," one of the agents smacked Dean in the back of the head.
"Fuhrer?" Sam asked. "Hitler?"
"Hitler," Dean sighed.
"Sam and Dean Winchester, and Amelia Carter," he smiled.
"I'm Amelia English," I nodded. "Man, the internet doesn't get anything right just because I'm TC Carter's sister."
"You must be important," Hitler stated. "He feared you. Nauhaus, still up here."
"A nice new meat suit," Dean nodded. "It come with two testicles this time?"
"One of many upgrades I'm enjoying," he smiled. "Like this!" He held up Ellie's cell phone. "It's like having a tiny Goebbels in my pocket! I sold ten million copes of Mein Kampf. What do you think I can do with Twitter?"
"Wow, he's new to this age and he's already making his way through social media," I stated.
"Can you make that disappear?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, I'll make sure the Bureau gets right on it," I replied. "Wait, like we have a team crazy enough to think Hitler's back. That's why I freelance."
"Where's my plane?!" Hitler exclaimed.
I saw Ellie get the needles out of her arm. "Almost ready, Fuhrer," one of the agents replied.
"Good," Hitler nodded.
"What shall we do with them?" the agent asked.
"Take them with us," Hitler smiled. Ellie grabbed a gun and pointed it at Hitler. "I shall very much enjoy introducing them to my new dogs."
Ellie shot one of the agents instead. Dean ran to the dead agent and grabbed the gun. He shot down the other agents. "Ellie," I ran over to her. "Hey, you're going to be okay."
"No, wait," Hitler begged. "Wait. No. I can explain."
"Sam, go," I sighed as I handed him a gun. "I got her." Sam walked over to Dean as a gunshot was heard. I helped Ellie back onto the stretcher to sit down. I looked over at the guys. "Dude, you killed Hitler."
"Yeah," Dean nodded. He looked at us and smiled. "Awesome!"
I looked at Ellie. "Let's get you out of here," I nodded. I took off my jacket and put it around her. "Let's go." We walked out of the hangar as the sun rise. Dean was smiling. "Well, someone's happy."
"I killed Hitler," Dean smiled. "I killed Hitler. I think that entitles me to free drinks for the rest of my life." I nodded. "I'm gonna get t-shirts made."
"You know no one's gonna believe you, right?" Sam asked.
"But you guys believe me," Dean nodded. "You were there." We got to the car and Dean uncuffed Christoph. "Alright, let's go."
"Hold up, you're not gonna kill me?" Christoph asked.
"No, we had a deal," Dean nodded. "Besides, you got bigger problems."
"The Thule that are left are gonna hunt you as a traitor forever," Sam sighed. "Our advice?"
"Run," I replied as Sam looked at me.
"Why don't you head back to Buffalo?" Dean asked. "Nobody goes to Buffalo." Christoph left and we got into the Impala. We drove to town and drove her to her apartment. "Okay."
We got out of the car, but Dean stayed inside the car. "So how you holding up?" Sam asked.
"Uh, well, you boys just burned a pile of dead Nazi zombie bodies," Ellie replied. "One of which I killed, so maybe, like, third worst day over. I've had a rough time lately."
"Yeah, and then all this happens," I nodded.
"I think I'm going to be okay, though," Ellie looked at Sam and I. "I should probably call my mom. You can only run for so long, you know?" I nodded. "So, uh, what do you think is harder? Facing the reincarnation of Hitler or going back to med school?"
"I think I gotta say Hitler," I chuckled and so did Sam.
"Yeah, I think -- I think so," Ellie nodded. "Thank you for everything."
"Yeah, uh, take care of yourself," Sam sighed.
"Yeah," Ellie sighed.
"We promised to keep you safe," I nodded. "Even though you did get kidnapped and was almost blood dry, you saved our butts. We owe you." I handed her my card. "Anything you need, just let me know."
"Any dating advice?" Ellie asked.
"Well, anything but that," I smiled. "Although, I do seem to be doing fine with Sam." Sam smiled and put his arm around me. "The only thing I can come up with is that God will put the right person in front of you. Don't go searching for him. Also, don't open your legs to the first guy that comes along." Ellie nodded and walked inside her building. Sam and I walked back to the car and got inside. "Think I did good with that advice?"
"Yeah," Sam nodded. Dean looked at us. "Good to go."
"You know, I was thinking, we passed a bakery on the way into town," Dean looked at us. "The sign said Best pie for a thousand miles."
"So now you want pie?" Sam asked.
"I killed Hitler," Dean nodded. "I think I deserve some pie." I nodded. "Did I mention I killed Hitler?"
"We're never gonna hear the end of this, are we?" I asked.
"Probably not," Dean shrugged.
We got pie and went back home. "Kids! I'm home!" I called.
"Really?" Dean asked.
"It's been three days since I seen my kids," I nodded. Danielle and Daniel ran to me. "Gosh I've missed you guys." I hugged them. "We need to go out for ice cream. What do you say Sam? A little family time?"
"You still gotta do one thing," Sam handed me my phone. "Call Blake and see how's he doing. You did shoot him."
"Yeah," I sighed. "I guess I gotta do that." I grabbed the phone. "Go and get ready kids. We'll go out for ice cream in a bit."

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