Chap 3 "Telling Everyone"

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Amelia's POV
I rushed to the hospital. I walked in and straight the front desk. "TC Carter," I stated.
"Only immediate family are allowed to see him right now," she replied.
"I am his immediate family," I sighed. "I'm his youngest sister."
"Mr. Carter doesn't have any sister listed down on his immediate family," she replied. This head nurse was aggravating me. "We can do this dance all day, honey. I've been through this a lot."
"If that's how you wanna play it," I sighed. I grabbed my badge from my purse. "I'm Agent Amelia Carter." I showed her my badge. "I need to speak with Mr. Carter, he's involved in a federal investigation."
The nurse looked at the badge then at me. "Miss Carter, I'm so sorry," she was surprised. "He's in room 337."
"Thank you," I sighed. I walked to TC's room. He was awake and got out of the wreck with a broke left leg. "You okay?"
"I'll be fine," TC nodded.
"I hope so," I nodded as I gave him a hug. I looked at the file. "Considering the scene, you're lucky to made it out with a busted leg."
"Yeah," TC nodded as I put the file down. "Where's Blake?"
"He didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"So, your best friend leaves your sister to tell everyone what he did."
"Did he hurt you?"
"I guess you could say that. TC, Blake wanted a divorce and he got it. He gave me two weeks to clear out with the kids."
"You were the one that got the house."
"Yeah, but Blake fought for it in the papers and he got it. TC, I don't want to live with you and your guys or you and your girlfriend for that matter. I think I'm going to take my kids and get out of LA."
"You can't be serious."
"I am. I can't stay here and expect me to do something with my life. Sure, I may be a freelancing FBI agent and get a case whenever I might suspect one but I can't do that and find love here in LA. The job is enough to get me and my kids away from here and start a new life."
"There's someone new in your life. Amelia, I can see it in your eyes. Who is it?"
"Would you believe me if I told you it was Sam Winchester?"
"Amelia, that guy got you pregnant and left you. You really can't go back to that."
"I how he has changed for the better, TC. And whether you like it or not this is my life. And I'm going to live how I choose. I'm going to give him another chance for him to own up and be a father to his kids. Be the guy I know he can be. Raise a family and take care of us."
"You're serious," TC stated.
"I am," I sighed. "I got to go, DC. I'll come and visit when I can with the kids." I left the hospital rather quickly and drove home. Outside was a U-Haul and the moving men and Devin were loading boxes into the U-Haul. "Devin." I got out of my car and walked up to him. "What's all of this?"
"Blake came home last night and saw all of your things boxed up," Devin replied. "He made a mess in the kitchen and got all Angry. He woke the kids and the kids saw how he was acting. Scared the crap out of them." I put my hand on my head. "So I'm getting you guys out of here. I don't know where we'll go yet but we'll figure something out. If you have to, I'll let you guys stay at my place."
"Devin, thank you," I sighed. I sat in the living room watching my kids run around as the men were moving the stuff into the U-Haul. Night fell and they had finished moving everything promptly at six that evening. "Alright kids. Come on." I got them into their car seat in the back of my Dodge Charger. "Devin, follow me in the U-Haul. I have some unfinished business before I can leave town." I drove to the hotel and got there at 6:50 that evening. "Mommy will be right back." I got out of the car and open the door to the hotel room. There Sam was sitting on the couch. "Sam, you're here."
"And you're here," Sam smiled. We hugged. "So were giving our relationship another chance?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "I got my best friend out there driving a U-Haul. Has all my stuff in it." I looked at him. "So, where exactly are we going?"
"Well, my brother and I live in a Men of Letters bunker in Lebanon, Kansas," Sam replied. "Is your friend ready for that drive?"
"Yes but I'm not," I smiled as I handed Sam my car keys. "You can drive."
"Welcome to the family, Amelia," Dean smiled. I turned around and look at him. "You think you could keep up with us Winchesters?"
"I've learned a thing or two freelancing around the US with the FBI agency," I nodded. "I think I can handle anything you guys throw at me. After all, I got two kids who are pretty smart." I looked at Dean as he was confused. "They're home schooled. Graduates in a decade. Easier and saves them a couple years in school."
"You want them hunting?" Dean asked.
"Not what I'm saying," I nodded. "Sooner or later they're going to find out that Blake English is not their father. They will eventually get the birth certificates when they go test for the permit to drive a car." Dean nodded as he understood. "I at least I want them to know that Sam is the real father now, than letting them know when they go and test. Who knows, maybe the start calling Sam dad as time progresses."

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