Chap 12 "Finding Danielle"

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Sam's POV
"Just because it's our son and daughter," I replied.
"You were pregnant?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah, I had twins," Amelia looked at him. "Wait, you've met my kids, like four and a half years ago."
"Wait," Morgan stopped her and handed her a walkie talkie. "They were your kids?"
"Yeah, I wasn't babysitting and they were my kids," Amelia sighed. "But they still won't let me work the case. Knowing that I'm pretty much the ones who knows my kid."
"What all happened?" Hotch asked.
"My son was shot in the park so he was rushed to the ER, by his father, in critical condition for surgery," Amelia sighed. "Our daughter was kidnapped from the hospital." Amelia looked at the team. "I need my kids and I want to know it's safe. Also, I want to bring someone in to help us. Can I do that?"
"It's your children," Hotch nodded. "It's your play."
"Sam, make the call to Dean," Amelia nodded. "JJ, Prentiss, Hotch, Morgan, and Reid, I would like you to help me find my daughter."
"We're in," JJ replied.
"What about me?" Nick asked.
"No," Amelia pointed at him. "You didn't want me to be part of the case at first so now, no. This is a federal investigation and I want the people I choose to help me." I looked at Amelia and she looked at me. "Go and make the call to Dean."
"Okay," I sighed. I walked out of the room and called Dean. "I'm waiting for him to pick up."
"Sammy, where the hell are you?" Dean asked.
"Dean, sorry, I am in New York City," I sighed. "Can you meet us?"
"Just come home," Dean replied. "You know where the bunker is."
"Dean, Danielle has been kidnapped and Daniel has been shot," I replied. "It's all done by the same person, and the person, it's a shape-shifter. Amelia wants your help and we're working along with feds." I looked at Amelia as she walked up to me and she was crying. "Don't be a fed. Just be normal, Dean. I gotta go." I hung up and looked at her. "Amelia, what's wrong?" She hugged me. I hugged her back. "Hey, what's wrong? Amelia?"
"They put Daniel in a drug induced coma," Amelia wiped her tears. "Come on. Is Dean on his way?" I nodded. "Alright." We sat down in the chairs outside the security room. "Okay, so, we know it's a shape-shifter. What does shooting Daniel and kidnapping Danielle on their list?"
"They could be trying to contact me or Dean," I suggested. "I mean, it would make sense."
"But how would they know the kids are yours?" Amelia asked. "I just don't understand. Unless the word has been floating around like some nasty virus." She sighed. "Sam, let's go and get our daughter back."
"Shifter could be anyone," I replied.
"We check the security cameras," Amelia nodded. We walked back into the security room. "The FBI will take it from here. Have Garcia comb through the security footage."
"That's going to take hours," Morgan looked at her.
"I don't care how long it takes," Amelia looked at them. "We know Garcia can get through it. Let's do it now and stop wasting daylight. I'm going to go and get the laptop and iPad from the car."
"Alright," I sighed as Amelia left.
"I never really knew you were the father of the kids," Morgan sighed. He looked at the security footage. "Sam, can I talk to you outside for a second?"
"Yeah," I responded. We walked out of the room and I closed the door. "What's up?"
"How could you skip out on Amelia when she was having your kids?" Morgan asked.
"I didn't even know she was pregnant when I left," I replied, wondering why he just snapped on me. "I am here now, aren't I?"
"Yeah," Morgan looked at me.
"Look, Derek Morgan, or Morgan, or whatever the hell you go by, I am here with Amelia now," I sternly stated. "I'm here now for my kids and I wouldn't have it any other way. I just wish I had made the choice sooner. I know that I was stupid to have left her when I did and I hurt her. I love her and I wish I didn't have to leave but it was something I had to do at the time. I didn't know she was going to get pregnant." I sighed as I sat down. "If you wanna blame someone for all the bad things happening to my family, blame me because I know a couple things. Things that you wouldn't believe existed in this world."
"Alright, I got the tablet," Amelia replied as she sat next to me. "Morgan, could you and JJ go talk to the nurses and find out if they seen which way the guy went?"
"Yeah," Morgan replied.
"Phone call would be great," Amelia smiled. JJ and Morgan left. "I'm in the security footage for the hospital. Let's see." We watched the footage as the guy and Danielle walked into a storage room. After ten minutes, a different guy and Danielle walked out of the room. "We gotta go and check that storage room."
"Let's go," I nodded. We went to the storage room. Amelia got out her gun. She opened the door and raised her gun. I peered in over her shoulder. "It's empty."
"Yeah," Amelia sighed. She let me in and turned on the light. She walked in and close the door. She picked up a stick and poked at the goo. "Wanna tell me what this is?"
"Take a guess," I sighed.
"Shifter's a different person now," Amelia put her gun back. "This is just great." We got out of the storage room. "Now we just gotta find out if the shifter changed again. If he didn't, we know what he looks like. If he did, he could be anyone." She looked at the security footage. "It looks like they went this way." We followed all security cams and it led right out the front door. "They could be gone by now."
"Let me see," I replied as she handed me the tablet. She put on her earpiece. I watched the video footage and saw that no cars left the parking lot since Danielle was kidnapped. "Amelia, shut down the parking lot. She's still here in one of the cars."
"Guys, she's still in the parking lot," Amelia used her walkie talkie. "Let's comb the lot and make sure no one gets in or out!"
"On it!" Morgan stated. They met us outside. "How do you wanna do this?"
"JJ and Hotch, you two get the south lot. Prentiss and Reid, you two get the west lot. Morgan and I will get the east lot," Amelia pointed. "Sam, you got the north lot. We gotta cover the area as quickly as possible."
"Let's go," I replied as Hotch handed us a lock breaker. I checked the cars and the trunks. I got through thirty cars and I still couldn't find Danielle. It took me thirty minutes to comb through my lot. There was one last car to check. I got the car opened but I couldn't get the trunk opened. "Come on. Dammit!"
"Sam?" Amelia called. "East, west, and south lots are empty!"
"I think I got her!" I called. They ran over to me. "I can't get the trunk opened. I broke the lock but it won't budge."
"Rip the inside seat cover," Amelia stated as she opened the back door. She was able to pull the seat up. She got Danielle out. JJ took off her jacket and put it under Danielle's head as Amelia laid her down. "She's not breathing." Amelia started doing CPR. "Come on, baby girl. Breathe. Come on, breathe for me." She kept doing the compression. "Stay with me, Danielle. Come on. Don't give up now." Danielle started coughing and Amelia was relieved as she fell backwards to sit down. "Oh, thank god."
"Mommy," Danielle stated.
"I'm right here, baby," Amelia sighed as she hugged Danielle close. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." Morgan got a blanket from an ambulance and handed it to Amelia. "Thank you." She put it around Danielle. "Come on. Let's go inside." I helped Amelia up as she carried Danielle. "Mommy's not going to let anything happen to you again." We all stayed in Daniel's room. Amelia sat in the chair next to his bed as Danielle cuddled up next to her. "Everything's going to be okay." Danielle was asleep and Amelia kissed her on the forehead. "Thank you guys for coming down and helping me."
"As long as your family is fine, that's all that matters," JJ nodded. "I'm glad she's safe and sound."
We all just stayed with Daniel. Amelia fell asleep a few minutes later. "Sam, can I talk to you again?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah," I sighed. I followed him outside. "If this is the same talk we had earlier, I don't want to hear it."
"No, it's not that," Morgan nodded. "I'm really glad I got to see you in action today. How you reacted today about Danielle, you really care about your kids."
"Thanks," I looked at him.
"I'm proud of you, man. You really took responsibilities for your kids and it takes a real man to do that," Morgan nodded. "Amelia told me how her ex-husband was on the road so he was only home a couple months out of the year. Also, that Nick guy. He had anger issues. That's why Amelia left him. He raised his hand on her once and she left." I looked at Morgan. "Oh yeah. He may seem alright but get him angry enough and he will go off. I was there for her whenever her so called husband left town for this tour. Even if I was at work, she would call me and talk to me." We looked at the kids and Amelia through the hospital window. "I saved her when Nick raised his hand on her. I can't believe he's a cop."
"Then why didn't you and her ever date each other?" I asked.
"We wanted to, don't get me wrong, but I told her she needed to find someone who's just as old as she is," Morgan nodded. "How old are you, man?"
"Twenty eight," I replied.
"Yeah, I'm thirty five," Morgan nodded. "She was what, seventeen when Nick raised his hand on her? I could've went to jail for statutory rape and we both couldn't do that to each other." I looked at him. "Her father and step-mom never really liked me. They would've said that I had sex with her and made it a big deal than what it really was."
"Why didn't you try to get with her after she turned eighteen?" I asked.
"She was with you," Morgan sighed. "I wasn't going to steal another man's girl."
"How about when she was twenty to twenty two?" I asked.
"I was busy with work and her dad," Morgan replied. "I can't deal with him."
"Her dad's deceased," I raised a brow. "Been deceased since she turned nineteen, if I'm correct."
"I'm not here for Amelia anyways," Morgan nodded. "I've come to love Amelia like my little sister, man. Just take care of her."
"I won't stop," I replied. We walked back inside and Amelia had woken up. "Hey, is everything okay?"
"Yeah," Amelia nodded. "I just wish Daniel would wake up."
"I know what you mean," I sighed as I stood behind her. I put my left hand on her left shoulder. She put her right hand over my left hand. "What I wanna know is why they put him in a drug induced coma? It doesn't say anything on his charts why and they didn't tell you." I looked at Daniel. "But he's strong, he's a Winchester. We'll get through it."

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