Chap 15 "Christmas"

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Amelia's POV
We all sat in the study on Christmas. The Winchester brothers and my twins. I stood in front of the tree. "Merry Christmas to my family," I smiled. "Okay, I have something big to tell you all."
"You didn't buy a big house, did you?" Dean asked.
"No," I nodded. "But I am pregnant."
"But you're thirty six," Dean looked at me. "You can't be pregnant."
"I can still get pregnant," I replied.
"Are you kidding me?" Sam asked as he walked up to me. "I'm going to be a dad again?"
"Yeah," I nodded. He kissed me. "We're having a boy."
"The Winchester bloodline is cursed," Dean stated. "Why couldn't you have a girl?"
"It's not up to the girl," I replied. "You could ask your brother that."
"The bloodline ends with Daniel unless he and his significant other gives birth to a boy," Sam replied. "And wait till you're married, son. Don't do what happened between your mother and I."
"You mean get a girl pregnant and leave the next morning?" Daniel asked. "Dad, that was smooth."
"At least you know your parents are together," I replied. "But still, don't go out and get some girl pregnant and leave. Just get married first."
"Mom, you said you guys are having a baby boy," Danielle looked at us. "Are you really four months pregnant?"
"Four and a half," I nodded. "That's why I've been wearing baggy shirts so you guys won't notice."
"That sweater isn't doing you any good," Dean looked at me.
"Well, either way, we're happy," Sam smiled. "We can be as happy as we want."
"That's right," I nodded. "When you broke my heart, and then when Blake broke my heart, I thought to myself they're all the same."
"All guys are the same," Dean replied.
"Some change," I looked at him. "And I know Sam has changed." I looked at Sam. "And he's changed. He said he didn't care for his kids because he didn't want this burden. As soon as I came to him for help, he took us in." Sam hugged me close. "I'm glad we're together and I honestly can't say that I'd find a relationship like this. Sam, he's the best thing that's ever happened to be even though he did leave me to take care of our kids for five years." Sam looked at me. "I'm just glad we're together now and that's all that matters."

*Fast Forward*
Four months went by. Sam and Amelia were in the delivery room because she was in labor. She had given birth to a still-born baby boy. They named him Johnathan Damien Winchester. The whole family grieved for months, but Dean had his own ways of coping. He hunted day and night. Only coming home for two nights after every hunt. The kids had college to keep their mind off of things. It wasn't healthy but they had to do things their own ways. Amelia was always in the nursery Sam had set up after Johnathan's death. After five months, they're grieving was getting better. They lived their life up to build their relationship as a family again. Danielle and Daniel finished college and learned to hunt afterwards. They were a hunting family. They all lived together a long and healthy family life.

A/N: That's the end everyone. I've hoped you enjoyed this After Romeo/Supernatural crossovers. New stories coming soon. Thank you for staying. Happy Reading! Xoxo ~Alexis

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