The Majin God Appearence! The Warning of Death!

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I have returned after almost a year. Sorry i took a break cause i wasn't really inspired then but I'm back now and ill try to update at least every other 2 weeks or more. gimmie at least a month to write a chapter. anywho lets GO!

I held my mother in my arms. I decided to set her down gently on the grass. "King Kai, that wasn't super saiyan." He seems to snap out of wherever he was in his head. "Her hair isn't supposed to turn green and yellow." He seemed at a loss for words. "King Kai. What's wrong?" He turned and his face said it all. "T-That power. It's so similar t-to his." I grabbed his shoulders and forced him to look at me in the eye. "King Kai, take a deep breath. And calm the hell down." He did as I said and he explained everyone faced a super saiyan of the legends. "He almost killed Goku and Vegeta. The saiyan's name was ..." He was interrupted by a loud cackle. I quickly lifted Bulla up and I saw that the skies went dark. "What the-" I sensed an extremely large power level coming towards me. Goku had arrived via Instant Transmission and was in a fighting stance. There was a flash of light and Bulla was gone from my shoulders. "Wha?" I looked around and I saw Beerus. Well, someone who looked like Beerus but his aura seemed sinister. "Who are you! And where is my mother." He smirked. "Hello, Jonathan. My name is Cheerus. I know, sounds cheery, but trust me I'm not." I sensed Goku tense behind me. "Jonathan, I am here to introduce myself to you but it seems you're busy with the reunion." He snapped his fingers and my mother was back on my shoulder. " I also healed her because well I maybe evil but I am not that evil." I saw sadness flash across his face. But it vanished just as quick as it came. "Anyway, I'm feeling nice today and that's rare. So you'll have at least 7 earth months to train and prepare for my little trial of power. You will only bring 4 more warriors excluding yourself. Please bring the strongest with you." He turned to leave. "Oh the girl I took, she is okay. No, she isn't in a cell. She has a decent room." With that. He vanished in a flash of light. I was left standing there with my mother on my shoulders. I heard my mother start snoring loudly. Goku was talking with King Kai about that person, Cheerus. I decided to instant transmission us back home.

When I arrived, it was dark, and the party was over. All the tables were gone, the stage dark and the trash all picked up. I carried my mother back to the building. When I walked in, no one was there except for Bulma who was sleeping on the lobby couch. She must have stayed up all night waiting for me. I gently set Bulla down on another couch and searched the place for blankets. I finally found a few in the supply closet. I placed the first blanket on my mom. She stirred, but she didn't wake up. I put the last one on Bulna and she didn't move a muscle. I chuckled. I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about where Ellie was. Was she hurt? Is she scared? Is she... I shook my head. I wasn't getting anywhere thinking like that. I decided to go to the lookout. I saw Piccolo and Dende talking quietly. I walked to the edge of the lookout and sat down. I sensed someone behind me. I turned my head. It was Jocelyn. "Hey, Robert." I smiled and waved. "Hey, how is training going?" She sighed. "Piccolo could learn a few MANNERS!" She said that last one out loud. I heard a groan and a door shut. I chuckled. "I guess it was good." She nodded. "I made a new move. I called it Special Beam Blast. Wanna see." I was going to turn down her offer but thought, maybe a fight is what I need. So I led her to an empty patch of land. "I want you to go all out." she yelled. I nodded and powered up to super saiyan rage 2. "Ready." I yelled. I flew at her with incredible speed. "Whoa! You weren't this fast before." She said as she dodged a punch narrowly. I said nothing as I turned and received a kick to the face. I recovered quickly and countered with a sharp jab. "Oof. Can you at least go down to 1." I did and we resumed. After a while, I had seen that she had improved a lot. I knew letting her train with Piccolo was a good idea. I lunged at her for a punch when she did a huge back flip while holding two fingers to her head. She released the blast and I received the blast directly to my chest. "Oooof!" I was on the ground and she had rushed over to me. "Gotcha!" I chuckled. She reached her hand out to pull me up. I grabbed it and pulled her down. "Now I got ya." she screamed and slapped my chest. "You're such a jerk!" I laughed. Soon she was laughing too. We continued laughing until they turned into giggles. "I miss Ellie." she said. I nodded. She knew that Ellie had gotten taken by Cheerus. "I miss her too." I felt tears well up in my eyes. I started to blink them away. We sat there until the sun started to rise. "Ellie, saved me actually. When we met, I was returning home from school when this creep decides to try to feel me up. She walked up to him and slapped his face. He flew straight across the street. Yeah so I owe my life to her." I smiled. Then we sensed a power level rising. Bulla. "Jocelyn. Stay here." I ITed back home and my mom was awake trying to calm Bulla down. "Hey, miss please, calm down." She tried. Bulla was shouting "Where is My Son!" I quickly rushed up to Bulla who caught me off guard with an elbow to the gut. "Oooof" She turned and both mom's went into immediate doctor mode. "OMG. Are you okay?" I saw they both were worried about me. I started to giggle. "Wow the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." They looked at each other. Vegeta chose that perfect time to walk in. Shirtless. "Woman, Calm Down, I'M TRYING TO SL-!" His eyes locked with Bulla's. "Bulla." "Vegeta." I saw Bulla's eyes stare at his muscles. Bulma too. Why does she keep calling Master Roshi a perv when she is no better than him. I was getting annoyed with the suspension. "Oh, Just hug already!" They flew in an embrace. Bulla was crying getting Vegeta's shoulder wet. "Shhh. I'm here now." he kept repeating over again. "Robert, who is she?" I explained to Bulma that Bulla was my biological mother. "Whoa, someone liked Vegeta?" I laughed at her comment. "Yes, she did." I smiled at the scene. Then I noticed something strange. "Bulla. Where's your halo?" She stopped crying and everyone looked at the space where her halo was supposed to be. "You're not dead anymore." I watched as she raised her hands above her head and grabbed at the space. "Its gone." She smiled slowly. "The man who took you must've revived you somehow." She was too busy laughing in joy to listen. "I'm ALIVE!!" She was dancing around the room. I smiled but then frowned. There was an energy nearby, familiar. I Ited to the source of the energy. It was Trunks. "Oh, I forgot you could do that." He was wearing a brown coat and he had a sword that looked like Future Trunk's sword. Wait. This isn't him. I assumed a fighting stance. "You're not Trunks." His eyes widen in surprise. "Wait, I can explain!" I didn't give him a chance to speak. I rushed at him and threw a punch to his face. He flew backward and i followed him with a kick to his back. He yelled and transformed into super saiyan. "You're a saiyan." He was panting. "Yes. I. Am. Trunks." He shook his head. "I'm Trunks from a different future!" My fist hovered inches away from his face. "Oh, why didn't you say so?" He grumbled something i couldn't hear. "Anyway, I need your help. Someone has been altering history drastically." I held my hands up "Whoa. slow down." He struggled to find the words. "Here it's easier if I just show you. Take my hand." I took it and we were transported to the room with the scrolls. "Jonathan! Doctor!"(No. These are my CaC for Xenoverse 1 and 2. Sorry Whovians) I saw two guys instant transmission in front of me. "What is it, Trun- Who's he?" The guy who spoke was about Trunk's height and solid build. He wore a goldenrod and brown 4 star logo on his clothes. "Hey guys, this is-" "Me." A voice rang out behind me. I whirled and threw a punch only to have it blocked by- me?? "This is me from the past. This is Robert." I retracted my arm from his hand and looked at him. He had long dark hair, more built and was wearing Goku's gi. But the thing that caught me off guard was the scar across his arm. "Who are you and why do you look like me?" The stranger went to where Trunks was standing. "I am you after your fight with Cheerus. I no longer call self that simple name anymore. I am Jonathan." He smiled sadly. "I called myself Robert before Cheerus took everything away from me. Even her." My blood ran cold. "Wait, what did he do?" Future me turned and frowned. "In seven months, you will fight him and he will lose." I didn't relax. "But he takes everything from you. Your friends and Her." I tensed and was getting pissed off. "What do you mean her?" He turned his head to face me. Doctor and Trunks looked at the ground. "He kills her Robert." His voice broke. "He kills Ellie." I tighten my fists. "Then I won't let that happen!" With that the whole place started to shake and scrolls fell out of their niches. "Jonathan! Now!" a man with long dark hair ran in and grabbed Future me by the hand. They both grabbed me and we were back at Capsule Corp. "Jonathan! You need this." The dark haired man gave me a ring. "You will need this. When someone beats you in a sparring match. Give them this ring." With that they disappeared. I stood there with a stone ring with a ruby gem on top. I was confused about what happened. So in 7 months, Cheerus will kill everyone and Ellie. I shut my eyes tightly. I wouldn't let that happen ever. I flew off to train with Vegeta. We need to train harder than we ever have if I want to protect everyone else.

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